A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Google BUZZ

Post 41


where did it tell you about your follower?

Google BUZZ

Post 42


I've got one (it's Mu Beta, as it happens) - displays their real name and picture.

I don't have a Picasa account or any of the other things so thankfully I'm safe unless I choose to activate them.

smiley - fairy

Google BUZZ

Post 43


And where does it tell you this Vip?

Google BUZZ

Post 44


When I click on the Buzz icon on the left hand side menu bar. I think there may be several screens as I sometimes got the one about Picasa etc. instead. Try minimising the window that crops up (there's a cross on the top right) and see if it's underneath.

smiley - fairy

Google BUZZ

Post 45


Ah, thankyou!
No followers and no following. Buzz turned off again smiley - smiley

Google BUZZ

Post 46

A Super Furry Animal

Oddly enough, my follower was Mu Beta as well.

Is he the stalker of h2g2?

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Google BUZZ

Post 47

aka Bel - A87832164

I don't have a public profile, but Mu Beta was following me, as it happens. I removed him.

Do we have to go and check every day now, although we don't use Buzz?

Google BUZZ

Post 48


What I find a bit unnerving, is that it says, 'Share what you're thinking.'

In the past it was always said, however oppressive a regime you live under, they can never know what's going on inside your head. But now it seems they're getting people to put buzz out, about that. I mean it has my real name attached to it for email purposes, so people know who I am. Hmmmm I bet the Iranians are all over this. smiley - winkeye

Google BUZZ

Post 49

Baron Grim

"[I]t's as if the Buzz team never envisioned anyone would want to completely opt out."

Here are instructions for how to properly disable Buzz. Just clicking on the link at the bottom of the page isn't enough.


Google BUZZ

Post 50


Swatted, like an annoying insect

smiley - biggrin

Google BUZZ

Post 51

Baron Grim

Here's an article discussing Buzz and some of its features.

Google BUZZ

Post 52


Yes, do remember that the link at the bottom of the email page does not "turn off Buzz" as it claims. It just *hides* Buzz.

I am not pleased about this whole thing. My Gmail is my real name. I need a professional email address that people will automatically link with my name, but I emphatically do not want it connected to any of my other internet selves. I don't want to publicise what I'm doing in that account. I certainly don't like finding out that I have, in essence, made Google the owner of my privacy.

Google BUZZ

Post 53


The name is rather apt, tho'

It's bugging a lot of people

smiley - tongueout

Google BUZZ

Post 54

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book

Anyone got any other decent free email sites?smiley - smiley

Google BUZZ

Post 55

Baron Grim

Good news: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/02/13/AR2010021303881.html

Google BUZZ

Post 56

A Super Furry Animal

>> Anyone got any other decent free email sites? <<

I've used Yahoo! Mail for over 10 years. Always worked fine for me. Probably less of an issue now, but they were always the first of the free web-mail providers to interact easily with other email clients, phones etc. - I've been able to read my email on my phone since 2001.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

Google BUZZ

Post 57




"Google has admitted to BBC News that testing of its controversial social network Buzz was insufficient.

The firm has had to make a series of changes to the service after a ferocious backlash from users concerned about intrusions of privacy."

Google BUZZ

Post 58

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book

Cheers Rockhound!smiley - biggrin

Google BUZZ

Post 59

Baron Grim

From that article and the Washington Post one I linked the other day, it seems they've corrected most of the major problems. One that I believe is still a major oversight is the ability for someone to anonymously follow someone and that person being unable to block them if since they can't know who it is.

If they get that fixed (maybe they have already and I've just not noticed it), then I think it might be a good service. Until then I'm not rushing into it. Right now I'm on it but since I have no followers and I'm not following anyone, it's of no consequence.

Google BUZZ

Post 60

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

Can someone clarify a couple of things:

1. Buzz is not active by default unless I go through that set-up process.

2. If I don't have a google profile, I don't have an active buzz. Or is it a gmail profile?

This seems handy:


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