A Conversation for Ask h2g2
A jolly good plan to save the planet
Taff Agent of kaos Posted Sep 10, 2009
if you got rid of lizzie the celtic parts would automatically become independant, its the crown and related treaties that hold the union together, endland agreed the royal heir would be the POW, no monarch, no POW, england default on their side of the treaty.....
now......birmingham???...would you like to buy some water????
A jolly good plan to save the planet
Folderol2 Posted Sep 10, 2009
Hang on, Birmingham have already got plenty of water - the Grand Union Canal runs right through it. That'll do them
A jolly good plan to save the planet
Edward the Bonobo - Gone. Posted Sep 10, 2009
<<I would simply ask politely if Mrs Windsor would kindly step down from office
I wouldn't ask. . After all...I never voted for any of the sleazy s in the first place.
A jolly good plan to save the planet
Pheroneous II Posted Sep 10, 2009
Settle down Ed. No harm in being polite. At first.
Re aid to Africa - I have grown a bit cynical. Now, if Folderol were to appoint me Minister for overseas aid I would probably cease all aid programmes except for the direst of circumstances. Instead I would line up all the countries of Europe in order of their GNP and all the countries in sub-sahara Africa in reverse order and pair them off. The richest with the poorest. So, if the English Republic were, for example the sixth richest country in Europe we would ba paired with the sixth poorest country in Africa.
We would then have a giant twinning programme. School with school, business with business, council with council, farm with farm, utility with utility and so on. From the one side we would learn better how not to waste so much stuff, and the other side would be able to transfer some of their skills, knowledge and perhaps small funds and equipment. Avoiding the politicians. Avoiding sources and recipients of corruption. Involving real people on a one to one level. Learning from each other.
At the end of three years we could repeat the exercise. Hopefully we and our twin would have moved up the lists (Bit of competition, see. Got to do better than the French, or the Scots!!)
Bikes?? I ride my bike every day. Over-rated, I reckon, and hard on the knees. Give me 4 wheels, aircon and a decent stereo anyday!
A jolly good plan to save the planet
Edward the Bonobo - Gone. Posted Sep 10, 2009
>>Settle down Ed. No harm in being polite. At first.
Nah! They've had their chance.
Ah! ça ira, ça ira, ça ira/ Les aristos à la lanterne!
A jolly good plan to save the planet
Folderol2 Posted Sep 10, 2009
I was hoping that it wouldn't be just me as leader of the coup, Phero. I was hoping we could form a consortium of coupers - you, me, Pinky, Ed, Taff, Warner and a few others. I could be chairman, I suppose as, in my experience chairmen of committees do precious little, but they are good at getting everyone else to do things.
What shall we call ourselves? Suggestions please
Meanwhile, I'm a bit worried about the POW moving in on Waitrose. Does that mean he'll become a John Lewis Partner, with all the discount entitlements and good holidays, etc? Or perhaps Waitrose employees will get offered discount holidays in Cornwall.....
A jolly good plan to save the planet
Edward the Bonobo - Gone. Posted Sep 10, 2009
Ooh! So I'm not the only one who boycotts Duchy Originals?
Hmm. I'm not sure about this coup. With at least one person onboard...it could degenerate into civil war.
A jolly good plan to save the planet
Edward the Bonobo - Gone. Posted Sep 10, 2009
Yeah...that's a point. Surely Waitrose/John Lewis are workers' cooperatives?
A jolly good plan to save the planet
Folderol2 Posted Sep 10, 2009
<< Yeah...that's a point. Surely Waitrose/John Lewis are workers' cooperatives? >>
If so, is Charlie boy turning republican - or at least a bit New Labour? I think we should be told
A jolly good plan to save the planet
Edward the Bonobo - Gone. Posted Sep 10, 2009
Christ! New Labour?!! Fetch my Kalashnikov!
A jolly good plan to save the planet
Maria Posted Sep 10, 2009
I want to join to the coup d´etat. (although I don remember now against whom... No wonder with all that Mad Hare-chatter you are having here! ... Where´s the tea, btw?
Your ideas about rich countries being paired with poor ones has indeed impressed me.
However, about the water... * We* have plenty of water in the north, so we can make our own pipelines, if it´s plausible the idea eventually.
But I can offer you, the capitalist, the oportunity to invest in solar energy. In the desert of Almería , which means ‘mirror of the sea’ in arabic. Mirrors is what it´s needed, to reflect the sun. You will get profits. I asume that you will share your benefits with those of your country. I think you are an humanist capitalist.
I send you a document with the foundations for your potential enterprise.
Scroll down to see all the pictures:
A name for the group? The Green Brigadists, The Credence and the Water revival, oh! It´s already taken...
I fancy something with Brigadist, it sounds heart felt idealist...
The Idealist Capitalist Brigade?
Mariella Magerit, Brigadist.
A jolly good plan to save the planet
Folderol2 Posted Sep 11, 2009
Morning Mariella. Just one point, I know it's silly, but I DO like my titles to roll off the tongue. So, how are you pronouncing 'Brigadist'? Is it Bri-gay-dist, or brig-er-dist? You see why I'm concerned?
The Idealist Capitalist Brigade in itself is fine and does seem to sum us up. What we need then, of course is a logo.
Anyone design a logo?
A jolly good plan to save the planet
Pinky Posted Sep 11, 2009
I do a bit of art work ,when I get time ,I'm no Rembrandt ,but a logo is easy peasy lemon squeezy to me ! Something ,sort of international in flavour ,red white and blue , a few lions here and there perhaps ? The odd cornish pasty,half eaten of course ,we don't want people thinking we're greedy ! I want a title too,I'm joining no coup unless I have a title ok ?
A jolly good plan to save the planet
Folderol2 Posted Sep 11, 2009
OK Pinky - "Artist in Residence" - will that do? But your logo will have to be vetted by the Logo Approval Sub Committee. They meet evry third Wednesday unless it's early closing day.
We'll await your submissions. Like the Red white and blue - not sure about the lions, though - now Tigers! Well!......
A jolly good plan to save the planet
Not-so-bald-eagle Posted Sep 11, 2009
Lions might seem a bit regal for a republic....
what about a turtle, they might be a bit slow but they live a long time
or a fox, looks sweet but very cunning
a bat? might be a bit upside down at times but generally useful
*puts on thinking hat*
and remember, kids at school will have to be able to draw the darn thing as well
A jolly good plan to save the planet
Pinky Posted Sep 11, 2009
Grrrrrr,I love tigers ..infact *Pinky breaks into song * I'ma tiger ,I'ma Ti-ger,I'm a tiger ,I'ma Ti-ger * ermmmm Artist in Residence though Fold ..can't I just be simply ,easily ,nothing complicated 'The Boss' ? Kinda rolls off the tongue don't you think ?
The logo will be ready for inspection on the very next third Wednesday ,before early closing ,rest assured.
A jolly good plan to save the planet
Pinky Posted Sep 11, 2009
what about an orange Not-so ..even I can paint an orange !
A jolly good plan to save the planet
Pinky Posted Sep 11, 2009
WOW ,you found a title that rolls off the tongue Not-so * Pinky thinks ,thank God he never mentioned squash *
Key: Complain about this post
A jolly good plan to save the planet
- 101: Taff Agent of kaos (Sep 10, 2009)
- 102: Folderol2 (Sep 10, 2009)
- 103: Edward the Bonobo - Gone. (Sep 10, 2009)
- 104: Edward the Bonobo - Gone. (Sep 10, 2009)
- 105: Pheroneous II (Sep 10, 2009)
- 106: Edward the Bonobo - Gone. (Sep 10, 2009)
- 107: Folderol2 (Sep 10, 2009)
- 108: Edward the Bonobo - Gone. (Sep 10, 2009)
- 109: Edward the Bonobo - Gone. (Sep 10, 2009)
- 110: Folderol2 (Sep 10, 2009)
- 111: Edward the Bonobo - Gone. (Sep 10, 2009)
- 112: Maria (Sep 10, 2009)
- 113: Folderol2 (Sep 11, 2009)
- 114: Pinky (Sep 11, 2009)
- 115: Folderol2 (Sep 11, 2009)
- 116: Not-so-bald-eagle (Sep 11, 2009)
- 117: Pinky (Sep 11, 2009)
- 118: Pinky (Sep 11, 2009)
- 119: Not-so-bald-eagle (Sep 11, 2009)
- 120: Pinky (Sep 11, 2009)
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