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A jolly good plan to save the planet

Post 121


smiley - laugh

see you soon m'dear

smiley - coolsmiley - bubbly

A jolly good plan to save the planet

Post 122


You will ...trust me ! ...big smiles

A jolly good plan to save the planet

Post 123

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

Why is nobody damming the river at the bottom of the grand canyon? Just think of a) the leisure and tourism opportunities... I giant outdoor swimming lake in the desert! and b) how much you could sell the water for, as a water source (with a treatment plant at the lower end, obviously) it could be invaluable, plus I suspect the water pressure would be enough to pump it all into the townships nearby smiley - smiley

THAT'S simples!

A jolly good plan to save the planet

Post 124

Pheroneous II

Sounds do-able, brother, but would that not involve too much of a diversion, a dilution of resources too many? Perhaps we could just export the revolution. Or send some pilgrims over. In a boat.

So, we have a title, we have (or will have soon) a logo. Can we have a uniform? Or a poster at least. To put up on the loo door.

It's very nice to think of POW as a 'partner' at JL/Waitrose. Perhaps he's seen the coup coming and switched sides. Don't let's weaken though. He is banned from standing as President. Are we going to have one of those? Or shall be just be a collective, a commonwealth?

A jolly good plan to save the planet

Post 125



Do you see yourself as a sort of latter day Che Guevara? Posters are a good idea, though. Shall we pass that idea over to our artist in resident?

A jolly good plan to save the planet

Post 126


She's very good on oranges....

smiley - coolsmiley - bubbly

A jolly good plan to save the planet

Post 127

Pheroneous II

You flatter me, Folderol.

No, I was thinking of a manifesto, a little red book, poster-sized. A sort of political wish-list, a desiderata for the revolution.

With oranges. Of course.

A jolly good plan to save the planet

Post 128



If the name of the group is going to be acepted, then, we should start by considering the meaning of our name smiley - zen

Before my desiderata,
I want to say that I don´t see a need for the uniform.
If You finaly go for it, please consider any nuance of green and made it out of cotton, fair trade, of course.
Green is the color of Nature! Idealists love Nature. It´s a trait.

Desiderata for “A joly plan to save the planet” :

-Redestribution of resources and wealth among all the inhabitants of this planet called Earth.

-Promotion and protection of the wellfare of all the people in terms of education and physical and mental health.
No more for now. Just to remind you that in another document we have to include our procedures: what to do, how and in which secuence.

sip smiley - tea, the logo an animal?

Nothing agaist them, but plants are more essential to the life of these planet than animals. As a biologist says “...Life could get along without animals and without fungi. But abolish the plants, and life would rapidily cease.”
smiley - mistletoe ?

Brigadist pronounced ga as /ge/ as in brigadier (officer comanding a brigade, which is pronounced as /gei/ gay)

One more thing... which are going to be our inspirational books, people, words...? I propose
Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass 'manifesto'.

Oh, thanks for the smiley - tea

A jolly good plan to save the planet

Post 129


Thanks for your thoughts, Mariella.


And, of course, Risk Assessment documentation smiley - wah and an agreement for regular fire drills.

Like the idea of a green uniform - very restful on the eyes, green. And a logo featuring a plant - which should also be green. Not, pleae, an orange, even if it is the easiest to draw.

How about an Avocado? It's green, it has a 'strong' - well, hard, at least - centre, or core, and it provides good carbohydrate and monounsaturated fat.
And I like them smiley - biggrin

A jolly good plan to save the planet

Post 130

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

an avocado might look too much like a pear to be distinctive unless you have one with a quarter cut out of it like thos pics in old text books of he cross-section's of the planet...

Would make you look very 'green'...

A jolly good plan to save the planet

Post 131


Sorry ,stop right there ! I look ill in green ,I have an olive complexion to start with (not my fault,I'm some throw back from generations ago,it's not my fault if my relatives decided to revolt against their countries of origin,Italy or Spain ,or somewhere ,I cannot be blamed) SO,green is a definite no no ,forget that ! Pink,whats wrong with pink ..it's a neutral colour ,it doesn't harm anyone ,fashionable for guys even right now (David Beckham loves pink,he only told me that last week) ..and now people are not happy about oranges ...I have to agree with Robyn,avocados look too much like pears ,that would confuse school children ( I'd be completely baffled) What about a banana ? I could paint a whole bunch,if everyone can agree .....I have to have this done by the third Wednesday ,before closing time ...I'm starting to get Resident Artist nerves now !

A jolly good plan to save the planet

Post 132


If a picture paints a thousand words why can't I paint you Phero..I was just wondering ?

A jolly good plan to save the planet

Post 133


Ok, Ok, Pinky. No avocados smiley - sadface(make note to hide the 10 kilos of them bought specially and consume them secretly over the weekend) and nothing green.
That makes it a bit difficult when we're sort of agreed on a plant of some sort, 'cos I think chlorophyll is a major constituent of plants, and it's green.

Hey ho, let's cast around for something else. No to banana - to suggestive. Nor leeks - too green for Pinky. smiley - erm

So what plant is pink?

I suppose it could be a flower? Although that doesn't seem to go with the macho, cigar chewing, knuckle crunching mercenary colonel image I was hoping to convey.
(Do women chew cigars? Susannah York did in 'The killing of Sister George' so I suppose it's OK. In fact why not try and persuade Susannah York to be our leader? I've always fancied her..........goes off into reverie of all the SY films he's drooled over..........)

Sorry! Back to pink.
I have it! A pink Florida Grapefruit! Of course! smiley - oksmiley - magicsmiley - bubbly
Perfectly formed so easy to draw. smiley - ok
Subtle tones of pink and yellow and orange without being TOO orange.smiley - ok
A bitter sweetness reflective of the impression we convey to the plebs - sorry, comradessmiley - magicsmiley - bubblysmiley - oksmiley - hugsmiley - hug

A jolly good plan to save the planet

Post 134


Fantastic !

And maybe the Florida chamber of commerce could sponser the T-shirts (oops, I guess we don't do that kind of thing anymore). Anyway the governor of Florida (bro' Bush) could maybe help us with the vote counting....

smiley - coolsmiley - bubbly

A jolly good plan to save the planet

Post 135

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Hmm. Green? I'm more of a Red myself. Can we not have a little red, too. I know! Compromise: if you mix green with a hint of red, you get just the sort of olive drab favoured by a certain Mr Guevara.

smiley - erm Just so long as we don't have to wear berets. I can't really carry off a beret.

Although...I was once compared to Benicio del Toro. I think the full quote was:
'Compared to Benicio del Toro, you're nothing special!'



A jolly good plan to save the planet

Post 136


Ed, I think you'd better hide have that 'drab olive' suggestion. See post 131 and smiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - run

Pinky, no, don't hit him with your palette..... and doing that with your paintbrush isn't much better!!!

smiley - coolsmiley - bubbly

A jolly good plan to save the planet

Post 137


.... hide AFTER THAT ....

is what i meant

A jolly good plan to save the planet

Post 138

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

>>..... and doing that with your paintbrush isn't much better!!!

Have you tried finger painting? smiley - run

A jolly good plan to save the planet

Post 139


I'm good at painting fingers! Can I help?smiley - biggrin

A jolly good plan to save the planet

Post 140


smiley - lurk

can I watch?

smiley - coolsmiley - bubbly

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