A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Advertising stupidity - now with added Title

Post 1361


Well you'd still have to pay all that if the excess is indeed £500.

Advertising stupidity - now with added Title

Post 1362

Researcher 815350

My excess is £300. My policy is not much more. My car is worth £40, or how much petrol I feed it.

Hmm, plus 99p, as that was what I last spent on it for a pair of 'side light' bulbs, from Morrisons, same item at Tesco 97p...

Halfords their 'own brand' £2.49, or Bosch £2.69.

"Going the extra mile" Really? Halfords, stupid adverts, stupid prices. Stupid website, stupid customers, possibly?

Advertising stupidity - now with added Title

Post 1363

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

For the same light?

I'll let oyou in ona secret though, Halfords aRE good if you work in 'the trade' as you can join their trade club and get MASSIVE discounts that actually make it worth your while. Not that they do parts that fit my car, nor are their parts guys any more use than a chocolate teapot (ooh, must mention that on the tea-making thread...) unless it's a battery or a child seat...

but yes, excellent discount = undercutting our usual suppliers! Bargain!

Advertising stupidity - now with added Title

Post 1364


ITV seem to have an ad out at the moment which seems to suggest that the ultimate manifestation of human freedom in all its forms is neatly wrapped up the ability to watch their TV programmes any time you want on the internet.

smiley - laugh

Advertising stupidity - now with added Title

Post 1365

Researcher 815350

Re: Halfords (post 1363), it's a 'generic bulb', it works now, and I didn't charge myself £4.99 to fit each one as "the extra mile" people would to fit a headlight as part of their 'service'. smiley - erm

I am now in the 'car trade' smiley - winkeye *cough*

smiley - popcorn

ITV have a 'player'? Wow they must have a really naff advert for it, as I've not noticed any mention of it until reading the above post.

Advertising stupidity - now with added Title

Post 1366


It starts off with, "who says Pink is for girls?" and then shows a hard-man boxer with a pink robe on.
It does several such examples and then goes on about how it would be nice if we were all to fly free like birds, blah de blah.

And it's just about watching there stuff on the internet. It just amuses me as it's so overblown that it's at the point of ridiculousness. smiley - smiley

Advertising stupidity - now with added Title

Post 1367

Researcher 815350

Now then, now then. </>

These lorry loads of *BRAND* fabric conditioner that have been "taken off the road" have they accounted for the number of extra lorry loads now on the road because people might just be buying the stuff; driving in their cars to get to the shop that's just 1 mile away naturally...

And I went to see "Shout" a musical review of the 1960's and naturally the classic 'bad advert' got a mention:

"You're never alone with a Strand." The advert that killed the cigarette brand, for making it identified with loners, when it was previously a popular way to "look cool and loose weight*" in the first place.

*Please note SMOKING KILLS, don't be doing it!

Advertising stupidity - now with added Title

Post 1368

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

Nice work Fluffy! Hell of a discount eh?

I've not been watching enough TV lately so I cant add to bad ads, sorry...

Advertising stupidity - now with added Title

Post 1369

Researcher 815350

Discount? The advert was on the radio, buy one ticket get one free. As it was, I was "taken for a night out."

And not unlike you, I'm not watching much TV at the moment, nothing is holding my attention. That and a bit of an ironic one, the 'soap opera' programs are just a symptom of TV so naff I find myself watching the 'Dave' channel or BBC Four, and not much else.

Though I will say some adverts of a this is the product, and this is the price worked, like Asda with the price of a CD set, and onto the next advert, which really is part of he same one, but doing it in sections means me being of the “attention defer-whotsit”
What was I saying? Oh yeah, attention deficit generation can still be sold too. Or something to do with the 14th of February, possibly.

I'm saying this, as adverts can and do work on me, but some are just such an insult to us, can't even say an insult to the 'great unwashed' since we're all apparently washing in 'natural' products from 'original sources' *ahem* my ssmiley - bleep

Advertising stupidity - now with added Title

Post 1370

Cheerful Dragon

There's an ad for Woolite detergent that bugs me. A woman has put on a pair of black jeans. When she stands next to her friend, also wearing black, she suddenly realises her jeans are grey. At this point a man appears and recommends Woolite. The jeans have faded so much she'd have to be blind not to have noticed the fading before. Anyway, fading like that takes time. If I had jeans that were so badly faded, I'd chuck them.

Advertising stupidity - now with added Title

Post 1371

novosibirsk - as normal as I can be........

The BOGOF offers get my goat. I'd rather have One at 50% off please.

Advertising stupidity - now with added Title

Post 1372


Another one for the yoghurt-weavers. Lyclear head lice treatement allegedly gets rid of lice but contains no insecticides smiley - huh

Thinking perhaps it just makes them depressed so they wander off somewhere else, I did some googling and found that it does, in fact, kill them:


They're just using a different definition of the word 'insecticide' to everyone else smiley - grr

Advertising stupidity - now with added Title

Post 1373

Researcher U197087

RIP Captain Bird's Eye http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7302554.stm

Advertising stupidity - now with added Title

Post 1374


Time to resurrect this excellent thread.

Tena Lady 'ultra-mini-plus' pads. So smiley - erm they're extremely small, but then a little bit bigger smiley - huh.

Advertising stupidity - now with added Title

Post 1375


Growmore fertiliser have an advert at the moment where they claim it is '100% chemical free'

smiley - groan

OK, so it's a void of nothingness then huh?

Advertising stupidity - now with added Title

Post 1376


Fairly liquid with cucumber? Why? Surely the point of washing up liquid is to REMOVE food residue, not add to it smiley - huh

Advertising stupidity - now with added Title

Post 1377


Fairly liquid? smiley - biggrin

Advertising stupidity - now with added Title

Post 1378


I've said it before and I'll say it again. They do *toilet roll* with added vitamin E!

If your bumhole needs a vitamin supplement then plates are surely deserving of extract of cucumber. smiley - winkeye

Advertising stupidity - now with added Title

Post 1379

Cheerful Dragon

Not so much a stupid advert as a stupid product - Bold 2-in-1 'Infusions' with Amethyst and Rose, Ruby and Jasmine or Diamond and Lotus Flower. What are the gems supposed to smell like or add to the quality of the wash, other than the illusion of luxury. And it *is* just an illusion. Yes, there will be people out there who are seduced by that illusion, but it's just a waste of money, IMO.

We have certain items of clothing that benefit from the use of fabric conditioner, but it's only a few. They certainly don't benefit enough to warrant wasting my money on that stuff.

Advertising stupidity - now with added Title

Post 1380

Sho - employed again!

The Weetabix family. There are the mum, dad and three kids. Each of them is shown eating a bowl of Weetabix - with two biscuits in. Except the dad, he has three. To which the mum says: no wonder we're getting through a box of 48 a week.

My calculations show that they eat 11 weetabix per day. That makes 77 a week... smiley - grr

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