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Post 841

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

I thought this thread had gone quiet...I must've accidentally unsubbed about 18 months ago smiley - silly

Played loads of games in that time.

Still playing Catherine at the mo. I was a wuss and played it first time on easy so am now doing it on normal (crivvens it's hard). There are eight different endings. The puzzle sections can be quite challenging and it has an engaging story. It also has mini version of the puzzle sections as a mini game (with 128 levels - on your first playthrough you only three attempts per night but can just carry on on subsequent playthroughs) and co-op challenge. I may be some time. I'm a completist (not a cheevo whore).

Also have Donkey Kong Country Returns for the Wii. One of the first games I played on SNES. The update works really well and can be played co-op. It may take us a while to 200% it, but LoveFilm can wait for it back.

Looking forward to The Witcher 2 and some Skyrim DLC.

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Post 842

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Ahh Skyrim DLC. Just when I tohught I was likely to actually do all my housework at weekends I am sure it will come along at just the worst time.


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Post 843

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

I feel I must take back my full throated recommendation of New Star Soccer. I fear it is dangerouslt addictive and oculd damage health, wealth and relationships.

Seriously do yourself a favour and start smoking crack instead, less addictive and easier to stop!


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Post 844


Resident Evil:Operation Racoon City smiley - monster

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Post 845

fords - number 1 all over heaven

I finally gave in and bought Minecraft over the weekend. I love it! smiley - biggrin

I'm also replaying the Assassins Creed series in preparation for AC3 (and to complete the extra bits I missed out on before). Started AC2 last night, which is my favourite game in the series so far.

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Post 846

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Free DLC for Racoon City tomorrow (Tuesday)

Stuck on the Rapunzel mini game in Catherine. I'm now using a video walkthrough for the level.

Must play AC:Revelations soon.

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Post 847


I *think* Ged was playing Catherine, Mags. I'll ask him if he's done that bit.

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Post 848

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Okay, what's the deal with Catherine?

It looks like one of those dodgy Japanese sexytiems games (which I've heard about from a friend, of course) but people openly admit to playing it so it must be something rather more... classy...

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Post 849

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

I'm still replaying Skyrim as an Orc assassin tank.

However while on a vist back home, I noticed the blockbusters in our village was closing down and they were having a 30% sale on all stock.

So consequently I picked up Fable III and LA Noire on X-box for £9 each.

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Post 850

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

It's a puzzle game mainly, with a bit of an odd storyline. Vincent, the main chap has 'cheated' on his girlfriend, there are lots young (ish) men dying and there's a rumour of a dream that all the men had had. The dreams are the puzzle bits. There's a bit of a morality questioning and eight different endings. The puzzle bits (and the mini game, Rapunzel, are block pushy/pully things.

It's great fun, you also get alcohol tivia, and there's a verses mode for the puzzles.

I rate it about 8/10 because the main story's a bit short.

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Post 851

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Sorry Clive, meant to add, LA Noire is a cracking game. Good storylines for the crimes and the driving's fun.

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Post 852

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Yeah been playing it this evening. Really good so far. Tough making some calls on quizzing witnesses though. smiley - erm

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Post 853

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Oh aye, that it is.

I've played it through twice and all the add ons once. I used a paper guide the second time, but there wasn't one for the add-ons. Not looked since I finished it.


I've just found the wiki. I'll have to go back to it. 5 star ratings here I come.

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Post 854

fords - number 1 all over heaven

We've renamed LA Noire in our house. It's known as Police Squad and every time one of us gets in the car we must sing Da NA NA da NA NA da NA NA da nah NANANA very loudly smiley - biggrin

Civ 5

Post 855

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Started playing Civ 5. What on earth was I thinking. Talk about a bloody time sink. It is amazing though.


Civ 5

Post 856

Secretly Not Here Any More

Yeah, I made that mistake at half 7 yesterday morning while waiting for the Mrs to get up. I decided it was time to stop wasting my Sunday on it at around about 5pm...

Civ 5

Post 857


A few weeks ago I discovered Star Trek Online has gone free-to-play and it's actually a remarkably decent game. I'm inordinately excited by the prospect of flying the Defiant and blowing stuff up.

The plot so far has been pretty decent too and it all works even on an old, underpowered computer like mine.

Not Civ 5

Post 858

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Silent Hill: Downpour.

Finished 2 and 3 (again) last week. Seemed appropriate. Not bad so far.

Not Civ 5

Post 859

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

Have you seen my Entry about Star Trek Online? smiley - winkeye

I'm playing Star Wars: The Old republic at the moment. It's quite nice, gameplay as such is the same old as ever but some of the stories are quite good.

If you play Star Trek do the Breen missions, and the Romulan ones, they give good rewards.

Civ 5

Post 860

fords - number 1 all over heaven

I just can't get into Civ 5 at all, which makes me feel guilty as it was a birthday present smiley - erm

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