A Conversation for Ask h2g2

What video game are you playing?

Post 561


Yeah, FO3 feels more like Battlespire than anything else.
I just hope with ES5 they don't continue on their dumbing down game play / bigging up visuals march. But since that has been happening since Daggerfall I suspect I may be disappointed. Still produce the best games out there of their type though, despite my gripping!

Oblivion just wasn't big enough and complex enough. But it was very pretty!

What video game are you playing?

Post 562

Secretly Not Here Any More

You could be right. But my issues with FO3 are all to do with writing and gameworld. Do you know what the first thing that genuinely excited me about NV?

The Farm at Goodsprings.

It showed that this is a coherent, logical gameworld - not one where people supposedly survive on tinned food 200 years after the supermarket last opened.

What video game are you playing?

Post 563


smiley - laugh true enough!

BTW, anyone else choose the Wild Wilderness perk?
Well worth the extra occasional change smiley - smiley

What video game are you playing?

Post 564

Malabarista - now with added pony

I'm only about halfway through Oblivion. What really annoys me is the awkward horse controls, because I do enjoy just riding through the forest doing nothing... smiley - ponysmiley - geek

What video game are you playing?

Post 565

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

The best Video game ever
| http://youtu.be/cozXQbUh4U8 |

Being the bad guys rocks so hard! Viva La Empire! Really it is so good, really wish they would update the graphics, leave the game play identical and release a 15th anniversary version.

So my pleas to George Lucas ....

Please stop destroying Staw Wars and actually do some good!


What video game are you playing?

Post 566

Secretly Not Here Any More

Are you kidding? Re-releasing a brilliant game when he can further neuter Darth Vader with a terrible sequel to a terrible button-masher?

Not a chance.

What video game are you playing?

Post 567

Malabarista - now with added pony

Who cares about Star Wars when we could have Monkey Island?

What video game are you playing?

Post 568

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

A straight port of Tie Fighter with slightly improved visuals. Like Perfect Dark on Xbox live. Would be awesome.

Instead we get force fed poo sandwiches...

The really annoying thing about Tie fighter and most star wars games... Is it shows what enjoyable stories are possible in the Star Wars universe providing George Lucas has nothing to do with them.


What video game are you playing?

Post 569

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Did you know that T-U-R-D is banned by the profanity filter?!?!?!?!?

I had no idea that was a profanity...


What video game are you playing?

Post 570


Those graphics aren't actually all that bad, considering. But the font! smiley - headhurts

What video game are you playing?

Post 571

Secretly Not Here Any More

You can excuse the typography for the gameplay that's on offer.

What video game are you playing?

Post 572

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

I really do mean it when I think it is the best game ever. It terms of both story narrative, and gameplay it has never been bettered for me.

And the worst thing is the whole genre, space flight combat sims, seems to have basically disappeared.



What video game are you playing?

Post 573

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book

X3: Terran Conflict. Which is also the game I'm playing at the moment. Captured two ships in a row today! Most of the time they don't let you cap them at all. Two ships are just what I needeto start trading properly.smiley - biggrin

What video game are you playing?

Post 574

Secretly Not Here Any More


I'd say I've played until it gave me a headache, but my headache started 6 games ago. I'm on a hot streak though. Can't stop now...

What video game are you playing?

Post 575

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

My gaming neanderthal of a boyfriend discovered call of duty 4 and completed it last week.

It's a miracle that he can do the first level, he never reads instructions, tips, takes in information, knows what he's doing or anything. But he just keeps going till he gets there. I refused to watch him play it in the end, it was so frustrating!

I need a game to play.

What video game are you playing?

Post 576

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

I've now been playing Dragon Age for about 19 hours and I'm about 18% of the way through. At this rate, and with this gameplay, I am well pleased. I'm just learning to finesse things a bit now, with a couple of stunning/freezing moves, and it's making quite a difference to the gameplay.
I'm also quite impressed with the scripts on it. They've got some quite witty writers.

What video game are you playing?

Post 577

Malabarista - now with added pony

I'm playing "The Dig" - can't believe those used to be state-of-the-art graphics when I first played it!

What video game are you playing?

Post 578

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

Excellent stuff form Yahtzee as he slates Force Unleashed 2 in the new Zero Punctuation. Tres amusant!



What video game are you playing?

Post 579


Plants against Zombies. Very relaxing. Each level just that bit different to keep you interested.


What video game are you playing?

Post 580

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

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