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do guys prefere curvey girls or no curves?

Post 601

Malabarista - now with added pony

Yes, that would minimize the effects of other physical aspects, as long as they're all in the same pose, too.

do guys prefere curvey girls or no curves?

Post 602

MessyJessie--defying description daily


I think, no matter what guys say they like, women will still feel insecure about it. because it's not really about what men like. Feeling good about herself is pretty dependant on a girl's private evaluation of her own body.

A friend of mine had a bf who always said she looked so sexy to him, and he meant it. But she always saw herself as fat. She wouldn't believe him.

Sometimes I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror on way out of the shower and I like what I see, even if it's a little chubby to other people. Then I feel pretty good. But when other people tell me, sometimes it just doesn't matter. It's silly I know...

do guys prefere curvey girls or no curves?

Post 603

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

<<"Curvy" is often a pseudonym for "chubby.">>

Apparently, it depends on who is using the term. This thread seems to indicate that the women use curvy as a slang for chubby, whereas the men are using it to describe a 36-24-36 Marilyn Monroe hourglass shape.

Key point about that "Vogue versus top shelf" comparison... women seek out women's fashion magazines for information on how they should look. The big problem is that the opinions in those magazines are coming from other women and homosexual men. It's no wonder that those opinions are therefore completely divorced from what heterosexual men are interested in. And it's the ultimate irony that most women consult those sources to learn how to better attract hetero men.

Men don't prefer androgynous peas-on-an-ironing-board shapes. The fashion world does. The fashion industry and straight men are not on speaking terms, which should be obvious when you observe how unmarried men typically dress.

do guys prefere curvey girls or no curves?

Post 604

Malabarista - now with added pony

I don't read those mags except for a good laugh, and I'm not too fashion-conscious, but when I do have to buy some "nice" clothes for work none of them seem to take into account that muscles on women are possible, or big rib cages as well as big chests smiley - steam. I'm not quite the hourglass Marilyin Monroe, but I do go in in the middle, so adding extra fabric there in bigger sizes won't help if I need more in the shoulders... smiley - steam So we are all slaves of fashionsmiley - winkeye

do guys prefere curvey girls or no curves?

Post 605

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

ok then! heres one for the men out there....... who buys your underwear! smiley - biggrin

P.S. Real men don't buy underwear! smiley - rofl

do guys prefere curvey girls or no curves?

Post 606

Malabarista - now with added pony

Real men had better! And they'd better wash their own, too, and not ruin mine in the process. I hate shopping enough as is, don't want more of it!

do guys prefere curvey girls or no curves?

Post 607

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

I know what you mean. My wife is way into fitness, and has a gorgeous lean and muscular body. She has issues buying jeans, because the manufacturers just assume that everyone has straight legs. If she tries the right size for her waist, she can't get them over her buff thighs, and if she tries ones big enough to fit her thighs, the waist hangs out too far.

From this experience she quite incorrectly concludes that her thighs are too big, and worries about losing weight. A man in the same position would just throw away those jeans and shop around for another manufacturer that makes pants that fit better.

The real problem isn't with the pants, it's in how she reacts to the pants.

do guys prefere curvey girls or no curves?

Post 608

Malabarista - now with added pony

Tell her to try looking at men's jeans, works for me! Or ones with plenty of stretch to them, but that's not everyone's thing... But it is very frustrating to keep on looking for jeans or blouses and not find any that fit (not merely ones you can get on - ones that fit properly) in any store, it does give you the feeling youre a bit of a freak of nature. smiley - monster

do guys prefere curvey girls or no curves?

Post 609

Dea.. - call me Mrs B!

I have the same problem, but it's not cos of my buff thighs!

I have a tiny waist compared to the rest of me and I always have to buy jeans that are far too large in the waist which I then have to take in with a huge belt! That leaves loads of material scrunched up round my waist and is very uncomfortable. Mens jeans don't fit me as I'm short as well!

I love summer as then I can get out all those drawstring waist, loose linen trousers that are so much more comfortable!

And when you are short, with big boobs, tiny waist and normal sized butt, finding a nice summer dress for parties and weddings and stuff is a nightmare!!

do guys prefere curvey girls or no curves?

Post 610

MessyJessie--defying description daily

wow. this has really taken an interesting turn.

I am personally annoyed with all the extra-low jeans out there. Some people shouldn't wear 'em. Especially people with butts. Like me. Actually, I like them, I just wish they weren't so low in the back that everyone gets a show. I like them because the entire waist is gone and I don't have to worry about the waist being too big or gapping in the back.

do guys prefere curvey girls or no curves?

Post 611

Malabarista - now with added pony

Yes, I especially hate those jeans that you can't close in front while there's already 5cm of extra material in the back, those are just plain badly cut. Actually, I need short jeans too, and I have more luck finding those in men's sizes, women's trousers, even jeans, all seem to be cut for wearing with high heelssmiley - erm

do guys prefere curvey girls or no curves?

Post 612

MessyJessie--defying description daily

I'm average. I have a problem with them shrinking up. I'm 5'8" with a high waist. I prefer wearing pants that come below my belly button, though, because they are less restrictive.

I think curvier is better. I'm just hoping the fashion industry will spend some time designing clothing for a variety of shapes instead of using a size 2 jeans model with perfect proportions. Seriously, they just use that basic template and expand it. Doesn't work after a while.

I think it's fair to say that Guys Prefer Curves. What kind of curves, how big, or the importance of curves in the overall picture depends on the guy.

do guys prefere curvey girls or no curves?

Post 613

Malabarista - now with added pony

I have a friend who's given up and learned to sew her own, but I have no time for thatsmiley - erm Surprisingly enough, riding breeches always fit very well and are easy to find, even the nontraditional jeans fabric ones. maybe because they're made for people with leg muscles?

do guys prefere curvey girls or no curves?

Post 614

MessyJessie--defying description daily

maybe. I have actually never had the pleasure of wearing riding breeches. But I'm sure you're on to something, there.

do guys prefere curvey girls or no curves?

Post 615

Malabarista - now with added pony

Well, they're not the epitome of fashion, but they're practical. And the jeans ones are basically normal jeans with a special cut so they have no inner-leg seam, that makes them comfortable for everyday wear, and they also have to put a bit of thought into the cut. Plus they're durable and washable, so they've graduated from mere sports clothing for me...

do guys prefere curvey girls or no curves?

Post 616


And the morale of this thread: Leave men alone and go nag on the homosexuals.

do guys prefere curvey girls or no curves?

Post 617

MessyJessie--defying description daily

whatever do you mean?

do guys prefere curvey girls or no curves?

Post 618

Malabarista - now with added pony

I have no idea.smiley - cross Where does this notion come from that all men who have anything to do with clothing are gay?

do guys prefere curvey girls or no curves?

Post 619

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

well if the chrise cap fits?

smiley - roflsmiley - roflsmiley - rofl

only kiddingsmiley - biggrin

do guys prefere curvey girls or no curves?

Post 620

MessyJessie--defying description daily

what's a crise cap?

now who's ignorant...but I gather it was quite funny smiley - tongueout

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