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So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 21


nah, just introduce a new sport of 'running away from impending global destruction' or 'Who can outrun a rapidly advancing event horizon?'

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 22


Only Bruce Willis surely smiley - tongueincheek

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 23

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

Am I the only one who is
a) sort of excited about the whole thing, but aware that realistically for the layman it's going to be something of an anti-climax.
b) incredibly fatalistic about any chances of galactic deconstruction? I mean, it's not like we'll be sitting around blaming each other for not warning us sooner if it doesn't work as expected and we implode...?

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 24


Yup, it is exciting, not that I'll understand more than a dandruff's worth but will enjoy imagining, and reading about it.

I wonder, too, if there'll be any feed through to fusion energy.

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 25

dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour.


I don't think we should blame 2legs for this.

Blame the Vogons.

smiley - dragon

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 26


but 2legs is a vogon ? smiley - erm

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 27


Isn't 2legs the lovechild of a drunken fumbling between Danny La Rue and Cynthia Payne?

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 28


I thought he was the fumbling child of a drunken lovie - or is that the same thing?

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 29

RU carbon wired?

is the lhc insured against catastrophic experimental results?

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 30

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

But, what is wrong with baked beans?

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 31


no they are only accelerating a single proton tomorrow if by any luck the LHC destroys the world unfortunately it will not be for another couple of weeks. so you have two weeks to eat as much chocolate as you can.

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 32

Mister Matty


So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 33


IMO if humanity is really so crushingly stupid that it believes the LHC will destroy the world simply because humanity doesn't understand it, then humanity deserves to be squashed to the size of an electron smiley - tongueincheek.

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 34


Apparently there is strong colaberation between cern and iter right across the board from admin to technical . Europeans do this sort of thing much better than the Americans as we are more open .

Today the phone box says 'The big tidy up'

click for pick http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3238/2823768401_153c52e261.jpg

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 35

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

The planet has been bombarded by neutrinos, quarks, muons etc for billenia. The half life is so minute that no-one will notice anything.

And if it did go so gigantically, massively wrong... At least it stops us worrying about Climate Change and Hurricane Ike, and the annexation of Georgia! smiley - biggrin

smiley - ok


smiley - musicalnote

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 36

Taff Agent of kaos

LHC wins US presidential electionsmiley - oksmiley - cheerssmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - runsmiley - magic

smiley - bat

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 37

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

it has a bigger, more complex brain than the current US prez... And better advisors smiley - winkeye

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 38

Taff Agent of kaos

and if it all gos wrong it will have a bigger impact on world banking

"switzerland vanishes into black hole"

smiley - bat

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 39

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

"nobody notices except the skiiers with holidays booked for this winter, and people with too many eggs in just the one basket... but they can afford it..."

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 40

Taff Agent of kaos

and every one with a numbered zurich account

smiley - bat

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