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So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 101


Sure I heard somewhere that no particle accelerator has ever switched on first time with no probs, so the fact the LHC got beams going on first switch on is pretty good going.

p.s. 2Legs - I know the LHC exists - I've seen it on the internet!

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 102


It's claimed the LHC will be so effective at illustrating the most fundamental parts of our universe it'll banish forever all the mystery and spiritual meaning that we've drawn from the stars for millenia.

Which is just the sort of arrogance you'd expect from a torus.

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 103


smiley - laughsmiley - applause

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 104

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

smiley - rofl

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 105

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

If that doesn't become a front page quote then.... clearly the person who does the front page quotes is a capricorn smiley - ponysmiley - snorksmiley - roflsmiley - laughsmiley - snork

On the internet?: But the internet doens't exist, its just a FBI/CIA/MI5 conspiracy... zeusk....

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 106


That is officially the most expensive gag in the world!

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 107

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

smiley - oksmiley - rofl works for me!

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 108


smiley - blush Thank you. I'm here all weekend; don't forget to check out the salad bar!

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 109

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

The salad bar does not exist. The salad bar is a myth projected on to us by the powers that render our every waking throught through their televisual mind control and leaches into us the lies of the satan-worshiping people of ill-repute and who conspitorially project into us the myths and lies of such things as 'science' smiley - zen

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 110

novosibirsk - as normal as I can be........

Will you have a Higgs Boozo-on while you wait for repairs to be completed?


So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 111


Schrodingers cucumber?

Quantum coleslaw?

Higgs bacon bits?

The Event Humous?

Bread sticks (to the outside of a centrifuge)?

Thousand ion Dressing?

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 112


Lettuce spry smiley - zen

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 113


Iceberg's Uncertaintly Principle

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 114


Cold-fusion-slaw, made with quark dressing
Prawn cocktail in Marie Curie sauce
Beta-root radiation
Lobster Fermi-dor

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 115

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

You know, wat... I 've just realised what fools these scientists at the LHC are: Looking at the pic of their control room, I see the entirely obvious mistake they've made which has resulted in this catostrophy: They didn't corectly allign the bakcs of their chairs with the doors; this had led to the channeling of bad-carma through the lines of the room as according to the ancient lores ... if only they knew as much about Feng shui as they know about quantum hic-ups and bowments particles...

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 116


They should have used mirrors instead of magnets then.

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 117

Malabarista - now with added pony

You actually believe in these "magnets"? smiley - bigeyes Any child can tell you it's fairies really.

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 118

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

I don't know why this LHC thing cost so much... I've prrformed jsut about the same experiment at home using nothing more than an old Dyson duel-cyclone... and an empty washing up liquid bottle, some blutac, and double sided sticky tape smiley - doh

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 119

Icy North

So, what did the God particle do, 2legs?

So do you think the world will end on the 10 th September

Post 120

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Well, there was like this big 'booming' noise; you know, just like in the films... and then like there was this kind of funny smell, the lights went out, and then there was like all this strange stuff... Kind of like dust... but well, kinda moreso....
And once I'd gotten the lights working again, there was like this strange etherial dust covering everything in the room, and the dyson never worked again... Oh, and what looked strangely like size 11 footprints with a cuban heel on the carpet....

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