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The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 21


as you go through life my brother, whatever be your goal
keep your eyes apon the doughnut and not apon the hole!!
p.s don't feed the animals

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 22


I'd like to steal Spike Milligans epitaph ......"I told you I was ill"

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 23


I also like "Then Eccentric, Now Dead"

A Chris Morris-ism but strangely fitting for an old freak such as myself.

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 24

Demon Drawer

Here lies the body of Demon Drawer
No more articles churning over,
Busily in his active head.
Everyone knows he was well read,
From sport, to literature and tea,
We’ll greatly miss our dear DD.

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 25

Noggin the Nog

Don't weep for me now
Don't weep for me never
I'm going to do nothing
For ever and ever

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 26


Ctrl Alt Delete

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 27

Noggin the Nog

So what was that all about then?

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 28

The Reverend Something or Other

I rather like the Ctrl-Alt-Del It beats the "At Ease" my wife and I have on our stone. (Both ex-military). I was quite insistent that no closing date was applied to my segment, mind you.

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 29


I have liked every single one what you guys have put up, so i would like to put mine up.
Here i lie broken hearted,
I know i smell but i am departed.

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 30

Dark Side of the Goon

How about:

"Finally, a deadline I couldn't avoid."


"Here lies Gradient.
As usual."

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 31

clzoomer- a bit woobly

smiley - ok

smiley - biggrin

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 32

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Oh, dear life, you were great when we started,
but now, tis the end, so I have departed.

smiley - musicalnote

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 33

The Groob

They say for someone like Ollie Reed "He's gone to the bar in the sky" or for someone like a jockey they say "he's gone to the racetrack in the sky". How about "He's under the ground in a box"?
A fitting anti-climax for 70 years that never looked like reaching a climax anyway.

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 34

clzoomer- a bit woobly

How about:

*He's gone to a better place if you consider being buried in a box six feet deep a better place.*

Good for athiests and agnostics alike...smiley - biggrin

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 35

Shagrath (Join the Metal Appreciators' Society @ A2556489)

cl zoomer - smiley - ok

I would personally rather donate my body to science than have it buried. Such a waste.

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 36

The Groob

the burying v cremation argument cant understand where people are coming from when they say they dont want to be buried because they don't want maggots crawling through their body. Eh?

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 37

Shagrath (Join the Metal Appreciators' Society @ A2556489)

They're dead anyway. What does it matter???

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 38

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Eggs-actly. But even so *I'd rather be burned to ashes than rot.* is a very odd thing to think anywho.

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 39

Dark Master - The end is now (2005/03/01) Officially Left

If you are buried then you are inside a sealed coffin anyway, it will be a long time before you get eaten by maggots, you will probably only be boned by that time.

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 40


there better be a bar in hell!!! and do they have ice?

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