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The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 61


I always like Milligan's idea "See: I told you I was ill!"

But then when I go I'll probably be splattered all over the road, some hospital ward, the sky or sunk to the bottom of the sea anyway...so if you can find enough of me to bury/burn/leave to the eagles then good luck! smiley - biggrin

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 62

Kerr_Avon - hunting stray apostrophes and gutting poorly parsed sentences

"Gone, and best forgotten"

smiley - ale

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 63

Ivan the Terribly Average

'Excuse me, but you're standing on my foot' might be nice and sometimes accurate, but I think I'd prefer something disconcerting like, 'I can see right up your nose'.

Never mind me, it's been a long day.

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 64

Researcher U197087

'He had to touch it'

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 65

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

"Finally some peace and quiet"

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 66

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

not for me but how about a computer screen on yn your headstone with a link nk to h2g2

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 67

Uncle_Bob - Back In Black

Wipe Your Feet.

smiley - coolsmiley - biggrinsmiley - laughBOBsmiley - laughsmiley - biggrinsmiley - cool

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 68

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

here lies an atheist "all dressed up and no place to go"

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 69

Moving On

How about a testcard shaped headstone with the legend

"Normal Service will be resumed as soon as possible"

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 70

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

betsie error page

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 71

Zak T Duck

Don't want to be buried, do you know how much cemetary plots cost these days?

If I were a half decent deathmatch gamer I'd have to have something like "Where's the respawn point?"

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 72

Uncle_Bob - Back In Black

The windows help icon.

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 73

IMSoP - Safely transferred to the 5th (or 6th?) h2g2 login system

smiley - laugh I'd imagine if you asked this on "b3ta", somebody would suggest a "redex" (the Internet Explorer image-not-found icon)

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 74

psychocandy-moderation team leader

I'd rather be cremated than buried, but here's what I long ago came up with for my epitaph:

"Well, that sucked!"

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 75


I heed not that my earthly lot
hat little of earth in it
that years of love have been forgot
in the hatred of a minute
I mourn no that the desolate
are happier, sweet, than I
but that you sorrow for my fate
who ama passer by
- E A Poe

(the problem is I'm planning on a cremation, so the poor urn guy's gonna have a bugger of a time engraving it smiley - erm...)

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 76

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Tanzen, I think your epitaph might be a bit more risque. I'd post what I think might be aprapos but I'd get banned from the site! smiley - tongueout

smiley - laugh

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 77


Oh come on zoomer, give me a chance to at least impress the people who didn't know me in life smiley - winkeye!!

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 78

clzoomer- a bit woobly

smiley - biggrin

smiley - cheers

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 79


You can't blame a girl for wanting people to think she was clever and poetic, even if the people who knew her in life knew better, surely? smiley - laugh

The H2G2 Graveyard: What Would You Have On Your Headstone?

Post 80

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Stop calling me Shirley!

You are both poetic and clever. Nice smiley - bleep as well....smiley - smiley

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