A Conversation for Ask h2g2

God exists?

Post 8101


Question? Is there a polite way of reminding other to engage the sensor between the brain to vocalizing ones thoughts (sorry can't find reading glasses to check dictionary)or are we just too polite to others we have been culturally conditioned to respect?

God exists?

Post 8102

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!


Personally, I'd appreciate it, though of course I'd worry if I'd gone in for something realtively trivial. However, the normal thing is to ask first, which is what I did when our receptionist's daughter was having chemo recently...

(She and her mother agreed with alacrity..)

God exists?

Post 8103

clzoomer- a bit woobly

What if the doctor (he or she) was Islamic?

God exists?

Post 8104

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Or for that matter, any other religion that is mono-theistic?

God exists?

Post 8105

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!


The point is, that his/her intentions would be good. (At my brother's funeral, his Muslim landlord spoke, with the Koran on the lectern. We took it in the way it was intended, as something good. People at the funeral were Christian - Protestant (our family), Catholic (his girlfriend's family), Muslim (the ex-landlords) and not known (his Chinese colleagues.)

No one minded...


God exists?

Post 8106


>I'd worry if I'd gone in for something realtively trivial.<

Yeah imagine you'd gone in for the removal of a particularly convoluted in growing toenail. To see him grovelling on the floor, beside your bed, facing east, would be kind of disturbing. smiley - erm

God exists?

Post 8107

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

You're telling me! (Not that an ingrowing toenail wouldn't be horrible aethe-wossname-ically!

I miss my spell check!


God exists?

Post 8108


I'd be pretty worried if I thought that a medical expert thought my best chance was prayer.

Anyway, why couldn't he wait until I'd been discharged and pray then? (tongueincheek>

Gif smiley - geek

God exists?

Post 8109

clzoomer- a bit woobly

I wonder if the good intentions you speak of would be considered useless by you unless the prayers were Christian? That is to say that you might consider Islamic prayer to be good intentioned but ultimately impotent? And if that is the case, would some Christian prayers be stronger than others, perhaps?

God exists?

Post 8110


>considered useless by you unless the prayers were Christian? <

Their prayers are useless. A few years ago I saw documentary about a proper experiment that investigated the effect on longevity of extremely ill people, on those that were prayed for by Christians, and those that were not. Absolutely no statistical difference occurred.

Mind you that's just Christians. I don't think the power of prayer of other faiths has properly been investigated.. It would be quite funny actually if it turned out that the prayers of some obscure voodoo cult in Haiti turned out to work, rather than those of good, god fearing Christian folk. smiley - ermsmiley - winkeye

Sorry have no link. The programme was quite while ago.

God exists?

Post 8111

clzoomer- a bit woobly

I got some good Google results:




... but then there are some studies that indicate the reverse (most are funded or run by the folks that want that result). As with most things, statistical significance can be in doubt. My favourite story is of the first *Pepsi Challenge* where they asked people which they preferred and stopped asking when the percentage was in their favour. Then there's the placebo effect, etc.

God exists?

Post 8112

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

<< saw documentary about a proper experiment that investigated the effect on longevity of extremely ill people, on those that were prayed for by Christians, and those that were not. Absolutely no statistical difference occurred.>>

The point's been made that the result is exactly what would be expected - because Christianity is all about relationships - God isn't a machine, where you 'drop in a quarter, and get your result' as the song says. The Christians praying weren't actually praying for anyone, just a number on a list, someone they didn't know or even actually know anything about.

God exists?

Post 8113

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

By the way, Coke any day. Pepsi's too sweet.

God exists?

Post 8114


smiley - erm Oh did they that particular BBC Science Horizon programme down in the South Pacific islands?

'Relationships'? Now there's a thing

God exists?

Post 8115



God exists?

Post 8116

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Sadly, no... It's very rare for any British programming to screen here. smiley - sadface We're little America, like it or not.

But I have read a commentary on it, a yonk ago, or was it a bleam?

(I don't know which is which, like lakhs and crores... smiley - laugh)


God exists?

Post 8117


> It's very rare for any British programming to screen here<

What's up with Kiwi TV bosses then? We make the best telly in the world.

God exists?

Post 8118

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

smiley - yikes Do we? We didn't make The Sopranos.

A related question is what we Atheists should say in place of 'I'll pray for you.' What I say is obvious enough: 'I'll think of you.' But is this the same? I absolutely don't believe that there are positive vibes emanating from my skull which are capable of making a difference. I wonder...is 'praying' more than simply 'thinking of'?

God exists?

Post 8119



Or The Wire, or The West Wing . . .


God exists?

Post 8120

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!


Yes. It's bringing that person to mind before the maker of the Universe.

For whatever reason, we're instructed to pray, even though God knows already what we want. I think it's so that we'll keep each other in mind all the time...

Nevertheless, "I'll think of you", while good, isn't quite the same.

(Unless you don't believe in God, in which case, it's exactly the same...)

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