A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Whenever I wakeup, just before I put on my make-up

Post 8161


smiley - laugh

Seems like we're on about telly again tonight. And all disagreing with each other.

No Gif I agree its fascinating, but there's something just not really there for me with him.

Whenever I wakeup, just before I put on my make-up

Post 8162

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Oh, I'll get to Attenborough on 'on demand'.

I don't find him sugary. Charlie Brooker ws very complementary about him in today's Grauniad...talking about him wading in bat guano yet being delighted to have cockroaches crawling all over his face.

Whenever I wakeup, just before I put on my make-up

Post 8163

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

You know what I like? He loves nature without being 'An Animal Lover'. He's fascinated by them without sentimentalising them.

Whenever I wakeup, just before I put on my make-up

Post 8164


More to the point, he loves all animals - not just the cute, fluffy ones.

Do you know, I'm not sure he's mentioned pandas once in the entire 'Life' epology? And for his big finale he chose - crocs!

Gif smiley - geek

Whenever I wakeup, just before I put on my make-up

Post 8165


>without sentimentalising them.<

I disagree. That's basically what he does do.

I once spent 2 months of hell in virgin rain forest in South America. Attenbrough has annoyed me ever since.

Gems of British TV

Post 8166

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!


Which doesn't mean that it can't serve a higher purpose...


Gems of British TV

Post 8167

Researcher U197087

David Attenborough is on record as hating rats with a passion.

Gems of British TV

Post 8168

clzoomer- a bit woobly

Nicky, you really are a full crock of shite. Pick and choose , pick and choose, never choose anything that you can't support with reasonable argument. I really wish you would choose the aspect of your religion that say, Johnny Cash chose, that the weak and unsupported need help, not anyone else. You really reek of superficial self-supporting *I'm OK, Jack* Christianity. Do you tithe? Do you volunteer at soup kitchens? Do you donate your clothes to the Sally Anne? Do you care if any of us do? You really are a piece of work, argumentative and so self righteous. Always ready to cast the first stone. I feel sad for you. Go ahead and pick and choose what you want to talk about, that's so YOU.

Gems of British TV

Post 8169


I've been avoiding posting to this thread, and not even lurking more than perhaps once or twice a week, however, I must voice my objection to the characterization of Sir David Attenborough as 'sugary'.

Polite, modest and very intelligent, yes. A bit lyrical and even hyperbolic at times, perhaps. But never 'sugary'

"When people talk about God and creation, they always think of beautiful things, like roses and hummingbirds.
But I also think of a little African boy sitting on a river bank in West Africa with a worm eating its way through his eyeball, which will make him blind in the next few years.
Now if you are telling me that God created the rose and the hummingbird, presumably he also created this thing in his eye.
And it didn't evolve the way that I believe that it did, but it was created by God.
Some way or another, God said, "I will make a worm that can only live by boring through peoples' eyes."
Now I don't find that compatible with the Christian idea of a God who cares for the well being of each of us."


Reading/Read 'The God Delusion' by Richard Dawkins?

Post 8170


hi my name is gabriel and l want to know what is the book that you are reading to l read too,l´m soory because my english is bad and l want to make a lot of friends around the wold and to pretice my english ok.

thanks for all

Reading/Read 'The God Delusion' by Richard Dawkins?

Post 8171

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.


It's this:

But I think most of have forgotten that this was what the thread was about. smiley - smiley

são Brasiliana?

Reading/Read 'The God Delusion' by Richard Dawkins?

Post 8172


Okay I know I'm voice in the wilderness about David Attenbrough. It's just personal thing because of my own experiences. And I accept others think differently.

But I'm massive fan of his brother, Dickie Attenbrough, for his acting and directing of films.

Can you let me off a bit as I love his brother? smiley - winkeye

Reading/Read 'The God Delusion' by Richard Dawkins?

Post 8173

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

I saw 'Ghandi' in the same cinema as Pierre Trudeau. smiley - smiley

Reading/Read 'The God Delusion' by Richard Dawkins?

Post 8174


I've not seen 'Pierre Trudeau', was it any good?

Reading/Read 'The God Delusion' by Richard Dawkins?

Post 8175

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

No no no...not 'Pierre Trudeau'...Pierre Trudeau. If you see what I mean.

The next day a gossip column reported that both he and his date had got in half price. Him as a Senior, her as a schoolgirl. smiley - smiley

Reading/Read 'The God Delusion' by Richard Dawkins?

Post 8176


oh, so both he and Ghandi were in the audience?

Reading/Read 'The God Delusion' by Richard Dawkins?

Post 8177

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Yeah. That's right. I really felt for the Mahatma, out in the snow in nothing but a loincloth.

Reading/Read 'The God Delusion' by Richard Dawkins?

Post 8178

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

(emergency bookmark, 'cause I accidentally unsubbed)

Reading/Read 'The God Delusion' by Richard Dawkins?

Post 8179

Edward the Bonobo - Gone.

Should that have been 'loincloth'?


Reading/Read 'The God Delusion' by Richard Dawkins?

Post 8180


Yes I think I probably over use quotation marks.

Note to self. 'Life' smiley - winkeye isn't 'rehearsal' smiley - winkeye

smiley - cross

Stop overusing that dammed 'smiley - winkeye'

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