A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Yaweh & The Foreskins
Eveneye--Eegogee--Julzes Posted Oct 18, 2009
That wasn't a response to the news of Jordan, of course. But I will say that it's mainly places where th father wouldn't be held accountable that are the bigger problem.
Yaweh & The Foreskins
Alfster Posted Oct 18, 2009
Islam might still be in the middle ages but the majority of the world isn't anymore...even though most religions try to drag humanity back into the past.
Yaweh & The Foreskins
Eveneye--Eegogee--Julzes Posted Oct 18, 2009
In my mind, Christianity and Islam are equal. I think maybe you're focused a bit too much on what's next door to you. You're concerned about a variety of things I'm sure, but let me tell you that I've known a lot of Muslims, and in the modern society of Philadelphia they seemed no worse than anyone else. There's a lot of crap going on for all sorts of people to claim the blame.
Yaweh & The Foreskins
Eveneye--Eegogee--Julzes Posted Oct 18, 2009
I'm mostly talking to Effers, btw. These extreme positions on Islam are ridiculous. Islam isn't stuck in the middle ages any more than Christianity. If you're dealing with the extremes, there is still plenty of that among Christians, and I know that's almost as true of the UK as the USA.
Yaweh & The Foreskins
Alfster Posted Oct 18, 2009
Actually, Islam and Judaism are equal: they are different sides of the same coin. The religions pretty much do the same things but just call them by different names...which is why the Middle East issue will never be truly solved.
Yaweh & The Foreskins
Effers;England. Posted Oct 18, 2009
> These extreme positions on Islam are ridiculous. <
what extreme positions?
I simple reported the way some Muslims in my street behave.Long before your arrival on this thread I spent a lot of time talking about extremist Christians. I don't know what your point is about one simple anecdote. Edward often mentions interactions he has with non Anglos.
All I'm saying is that I live in an area where other Muslims live, and I don't like what I see. At my local supermarket I see more and more women dressed as darleks. I don't like it and I don't understand why the women want to hide their faces. It looks bloody stupid to me.
Face covers
warner - a new era of cooperation Posted Oct 18, 2009
Perhaps it's because I was raised in UK 40/50 years ago, and I didn't meet ANY Muslims then, where I come from, but ... I feel 'uncomfortable' with women totally covering their faces as well.
Face covers
Effers;England. Posted Oct 18, 2009
I don't like it...because I hate the whole idea of women being made 'invisible', whether consigned to the home or only allowed out covered up. It gives the impression of women being something to be hidden away, and prevents women having a feeling of confidence and assertiveness like a Muslim male will have, who can go out when he wants and not covered up.
Face covers
Alfster Posted Oct 18, 2009
You're happy beating your kids though aren't you...sort of negates any comments about women covering their faces.
Face covers
Eveneye--Eegogee--Julzes Posted Oct 18, 2009
Well, I agree largely, but unfortunately it's going to be an internal Muslim debate unless you want the force of law on the subject. They don't care what you or I think--either the women or the men.
Face covers
Giford Posted Oct 18, 2009
Hi Effers,
>I'm getting thoroughly sick that I've still to meet the females of their household [...] I find myself becoming increasingly cross and fed up with the way Muslim men behave towards their women.
At the risk of being patronising, have you tried baking a cake, knocking on the door and asking if the ladies want to come round for coffee? Y'know, all the things you would do if you wanted to get to know new neighbours who weren't Muslim?
Perhaps it's not quite how you think. And if it is, and it makes Muslim men slightly uncomfortable to see a woman out on her own socialising - so much the better It seems to me that either way you win. Either you find out they're not as bad as you thought, or you're out there actively changing hearts and minds for the better.
Face covers
Giford Posted Oct 18, 2009
Hi Julzes,
>I'd like to see a day when nobody has to raise kids,
I'd settle for a couple of nights when I don't have to raise a kid Seriously, though... some people actually like raising kids. Or so I heard. Y'know, crazy folk.
Face covers
Alfster Posted Oct 18, 2009
But they are Muslim...and based on what I've seen of Muslim people reacting to non-Muslims I wouldn't take the chance...if Islam is such an all inclusive loving religion why haven't the wives introduced themselves to Effers?
Face covers
Giford Posted Oct 18, 2009
Hi Nog,
OK, that sounds like a bit of a stretch. Are you seriously implying that the Philistines (or 'sea peoples') are the same people as the Persians?
You can flick through that article you linked to, or the Wikipedia equivalent, for a brief overview of Philistines. They were based in Palestine and were culturally similar to the Canaanites. They were fought by Ramses III (20th Dynasty) and appear frequently in 20th Dynasty writings. They are heavily referenced in the Bible (which dates them to the 11th Century and was written 6th Century latest). They spoke Philistine.
The Persians, by contrast, came from Iran. They conquered Egypt under a different Pharaoh. They have a long history connecting them to earlier and later peoples from the region. Their art, architecture, language and the extent of their empire were all different.
It hardly seems worth mentioning that again you have an 800 year gap, not a 500 year one.
Face covers
Effers;England. Posted Oct 18, 2009
You know what Gif, I'm going to try it. I've knocked there twice in the past in connection with car problems and a male always comes to the door.
So yes I'll try it. It will be interesting.
Or maybe just start by saying as a woman I'd like to introduce myself to the women. The moment they moved in bars were installed at all the windows so I'm thinking they might actually feel a bit nervous of my overtures.
But yes I'd very much like to meet the women.
Face covers
Giford Posted Oct 18, 2009
Hi Dots,
Well, I could be wrong. I know nothing of these people.
But presumably if Effers hasn't seen the wives, the wives haven't seen Effers. So if they don't know she exists, that's probably why they haven't introduced themselves. Or perhaps they're as suspicious of the Kaffir as Effers is of them?
Or perhaps they *have* seen Effers and that's why they haven't introduced themselves...
Face covers
Eveneye--Eegogee--Julzes Posted Oct 18, 2009
Giford: I'm sure I'd like it myself, but I'm thinking in terms of the overall picture wherein babies replace dead people. I'd rather have death end along with childrearing. We're going nowhere fast.
Face covers
Effers;England. Posted Oct 18, 2009
Gif, maybe they're scared of the Aussie bush hat I always wear...
Trouble is I might have to have a bit of Dutch courage to ask that mightn't go down well...
Face covers
Giford Posted Oct 18, 2009
A little late this week:
btw, if you haven't been following these, we're in the middle of a run of five or six weeks that I think are a little unusual and interesting.
But then again, I would.
Face covers
Alfster Posted Oct 18, 2009
Never...this is a picture of Effers...how could they not react to it...
Key: Complain about this post
Yaweh & The Foreskins
- 21721: Eveneye--Eegogee--Julzes (Oct 18, 2009)
- 21722: Alfster (Oct 18, 2009)
- 21723: Eveneye--Eegogee--Julzes (Oct 18, 2009)
- 21724: Eveneye--Eegogee--Julzes (Oct 18, 2009)
- 21725: Alfster (Oct 18, 2009)
- 21726: Effers;England. (Oct 18, 2009)
- 21727: warner - a new era of cooperation (Oct 18, 2009)
- 21728: Effers;England. (Oct 18, 2009)
- 21729: Alfster (Oct 18, 2009)
- 21730: Eveneye--Eegogee--Julzes (Oct 18, 2009)
- 21731: Giford (Oct 18, 2009)
- 21732: Giford (Oct 18, 2009)
- 21733: Alfster (Oct 18, 2009)
- 21734: Giford (Oct 18, 2009)
- 21735: Effers;England. (Oct 18, 2009)
- 21736: Giford (Oct 18, 2009)
- 21737: Eveneye--Eegogee--Julzes (Oct 18, 2009)
- 21738: Effers;England. (Oct 18, 2009)
- 21739: Giford (Oct 18, 2009)
- 21740: Alfster (Oct 18, 2009)
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