A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Useless Facts
Xanatic Posted Sep 9, 2011
I think you had it right the first time, though that might be useful.
Dolphin´s don´t whistle. Apparently what was thought to be a whistle, has turned out not to be since it doesn´t change frequency in a different medium. So instead of being a standing frequency within a volume of air, which is what whistling is, it´s instead produced by the vibration of of tissue, with those vibrations then being delivered to the surrounding medium.
Useless Facts
Baron Grim Posted Sep 9, 2011
I read that article yesterday. Something strikes me as wrong about it. They tested the dolphins by having them breath a helium oxygen mix and claim that voices, by vibrating muscles, don't change frequency but they do. Anyone who has breathed from a balloon and made squeeky voices knows that.
Useless Facts
Baron Grim Posted Sep 9, 2011
An average hurricane has the equivalent energy of 8 gigatons of TNT.
Useless Facts
Vestboy Posted Sep 9, 2011
8 Gigatons! Is that the same measure as used for rock bands' equipment as shipped by roadies?
Useless Facts
Taff at home Posted Sep 9, 2011
roadies sound check with 1-2, 2, 2, 2-1, 1-2, 1-2
because 1 is a trebble sound and 2 is a bass sound
Useless Facts
Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am... Posted Sep 9, 2011
I once sound checked by going up to the mic and shouting the roll call from Trumpton "Pugh! Pugh! Barney McGrew! Cuthbert! Dibble! Grubb!"
Useless Facts
Pink Paisley Posted Sep 10, 2011
Many (male) singers make the mistake of rolling off treble because they think that it makes them sound more masculine. This is a mistake since when the sibilance is removed (s,t sounds etc) it is difficult to hear words properly.
Bicycles and tricycles. ('B' is bassy and explosive and there are plenty of sibilant sounds).
Useless Facts
Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am... Posted Sep 10, 2011
In 1988 George Lucas made an impassioned speech about how directors should stop messing about with their films after they've been released.
Useless Facts
Taff at home Posted Sep 10, 2011
germany has very little street gang problems!
a lot of the streets only allow one gang on them and are marked "eingang straze"
Useless Facts
automatic_lee Posted Sep 10, 2011
Eating a lot of liquorice can lower your potassium levels
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Useless Facts
- 8201: kuzushi (Sep 9, 2011)
- 8202: Vestboy (Sep 9, 2011)
- 8203: Xanatic (Sep 9, 2011)
- 8204: Baron Grim (Sep 9, 2011)
- 8205: Baron Grim (Sep 9, 2011)
- 8206: Vestboy (Sep 9, 2011)
- 8207: Taff at home (Sep 9, 2011)
- 8208: Baron Grim (Sep 9, 2011)
- 8209: Taff at home (Sep 9, 2011)
- 8210: Taff at home (Sep 9, 2011)
- 8211: Baron Grim (Sep 9, 2011)
- 8212: Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am... (Sep 9, 2011)
- 8213: Taff at home (Sep 9, 2011)
- 8214: Pink Paisley (Sep 10, 2011)
- 8215: Cheerful Dragon (Sep 10, 2011)
- 8216: Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am... (Sep 10, 2011)
- 8217: Taff at home (Sep 10, 2011)
- 8218: Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!" (Sep 10, 2011)
- 8219: Taff at home (Sep 10, 2011)
- 8220: automatic_lee (Sep 10, 2011)
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