A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Bog Etiqutte - The Floater

Post 21

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

that's smiley - nahnah

oh and he bought me a tattoo for our wedding pressie and our 5th wedding anniversary.......he is so romantic

Bog Etiqutte - The Floater

Post 22

Ancient Brit

OK Doc you got the bloater in one post 11.
It's the one that usually leaves the skid marks. smiley - ok
By the way it must have been one hell of a night before to put in mind of this thread.

Bog Etiqutte - The Floater

Post 23

Sierra Indigo - now Cheesecakethulhu flavoured

Wait and flush. I don't care who's waiting for the loo, it's only polite not to leave a big floater there, no matter where you are.

Incidentally, Helelou, was your post with the word 'cocktail' moderated, or did you star it out yourself?

Bog Etiqutte - The Floater

Post 24

Mu Beta

Fish it out and lob it out the window. smiley - biggrin


Bog Etiqutte - The Floater

Post 25


I don't think I've ever taken a crap in a public (or school) toilet - they're just too disgusting.

Other than that I'll keep flushing, if it isn't working then I'll cover it in toilet roll and hope that whoever's next in there won't notice it and will get the blame...

Bog Etiqutte - The Floater

Post 26

Captain Kebab

Hmm, not been on h2g2 for a bit, but when I saw this thread I had to post...

We have 4 stalls in our gents at work. I have often found a floater in trap 4, often with a bit of paper. This irritates me, as I prefer trap 4 as it is the one by the open window, and I have a touch of IBS so I do use the bogs there for their intended purpose. What I want to know is who it is who keeps leaving evidence behind, and why the lazy pillock can't be bothered to flush - it works as well in trap 4 as in any of the others, and it isn't generally a superlog, just an unflushed jobi. My solution is to try one flush. If that doesn't work I just use another stall.

The home solution to the one that won't go is to drown it in bogroll, let it soak, and reflush. If that doesn't do the trick I set about it with the bogbrush - that will normally put it to the sword.

Captain Kebab, left-handed front right rolling right sided overhanger with pap baffle, reflushing, paper smothering and bogbrush bashing. Better than geek code, that - poo code.

Have a loobrush. smiley - cheerup

Bog Etiqutte - The Floater

Post 27


So no one admits walking out saying ' Oh man, someone left a present in there!' or the equivalent?

Bog Etiqutte - The Floater

Post 28

Shea the Sarcastic

Sure ... but if the rest of the stalls are even worse, sometimes ya gotta do whatcha gotta do! Some people seem to not realize the politeness of the "courtesy flush." smiley - cheerup

Bog Etiqutte - The Floater

Post 29

Ancient Brit

A bucket of water gives added impetus.

Bog Etiqutte - The Floater

Post 30

Mort - a middle aged Girl Interrupted

what a great thread to stumble across on a saturday morning!!

There has been lots of talk of battering the reluctant 'mover' with a bog brush. But then you end up with bits on the brush that go right down to the centre of the bristles. Even using centrifugal force doesn't shift them. How do you explain that away in your new girl/boyfriends house? smiley - erm

Magimix??!!! That will be the last chocolate milkshake i have smiley - ill

Bog Etiqutte - The Floater

Post 31

Trout Montague

Funny, but if the bowl already contains a jobbie, why do we find it so difficult to just off load on top of it?

Bog Etiqutte - The Floater

Post 32

Mu Beta



Bog Etiqutte - The Floater

Post 33

Shea the Sarcastic

smiley - laugh

That's the *exact* reason I give my husband for insisting that he flushes his whiskers after trimming his beard! He's got one of those trimmers that has a vacuum in it, and it collects all the whiskers into a recepticle, which he dumps in the toilet, instead of into the trash ... I understand this, I'd hate to see the cloud rise from *that* if something heavy was dropped in. But why oh why won't he flush them? He seems to think it's a waste of water, but I really don't want his whiskers sticking to my butt in case of splashback. So I flush it. *sigh*

Bog Etiqutte - The Floater

Post 34


We have one of THOSE staff toilets at work. You can tell somebody's delivered a floater when you hear the lav flush, up to three or four times, before it finally sinks. If you pass the door, you can often hear muffled swearing and pleading of the "PLEASE sink this time!" variety.

What makes it worse is that my job is in a large residential facility for the vulnerable elderly.

With all the expertise we have in looking after the problems of old age (do I need to spell it out for you?), you would think they could provide a staff toilet that flushes first time, but no, it seems to be at least twice for everyone!

The alternative is sneaking into the residents' toilets, which are necessarily heavy-duty testaments to the craft of making necessary things in porcelain, linked to plumbing that could power a small hydroelectric station. But this incurs a different set of drawbacks, particularly if you don't work on the direct care side and you don't have day-to-day familarity with assisting elderly people to the toilet. You do discover why there is a seperate staff toilet, however weak its flush!

(DISCLAIMER:- Note to my employers: Should you check employee use of the Internet,and discover the person who signs on here as "AgProv" is an employee of yours, please note I am not making this posting from work. I am making it in my own time and at my own expense here from my home computer. I am trying not to go into disrespectful detail about the nature of my employment, and I do not think anything in the above posting is slighting to or disrespectful towards the service users we deal with, nor could it bring the company into disrepute or incur a disciplinary charge. I repeat I am making this posting from my computer at home and not from Company equipment, should there be any misunderstanding. Thank you.)

Bog Etiqutte - The Floater

Post 35


Note to my employers part two: However, you could instal better staff toilets, ones that flush first time! Thank you.

Bog Etiqutte - The Floater

Post 36

Mu Beta

I'm glad everyone on site doesn't post all that every time we complain about work. smiley - biggrin


Bog Etiqutte - The Floater

Post 37


Just making sure! Internet access is a new thing for us and I'm not sure how they're going to play it - I do know that because of the miracle of Broadband,(combined with LAN and systems administration, blah blah) there could be somebody at Head Office right now who's looking at exactly the same screen I'm looking at and watching me type these words in. If they later have the brains to click on "conversations" and see where else I've been and follow it through, I have to make a distinction between something posted now, at 8:50 am (ie, on my work computer, ten minutes before I officially start work) and one posted at 8:45 last night on my home computer.

I think my employers are generally benevolent, but I don't know what they could take against. Hence the caution!

Bog Etiqutte - The Floater

Post 38

Ancient Brit

Being retired it's a long time since I used the 'reading room' at a place of employment. As I remember 'floaters' seem to be more common to company bogs that anywhere else, could it be that floaters come about because they are not disposed of quick enough ?
Ancient Brit

Bog Etiqutte - The Floater

Post 39


Perhaps because a lot of companies are distinctly cheapskate about this... if you take an average firm with fifty or so employees, maybe half to two-thirds of them will use the lav during the day. (More so if the majority are female?)

That's a LOT of flushes, which adds up to a lot more on the water meter, equals a big water bill every quarter.

I worked for a firm once where the Facilities Manager explicitly said the toilets were geared up to deliver 60% of the flushing power of your domestic khazi purely for this reason. (ie, to save water and reduce the company water bill)

So these are the conditions that breed floaters - less flushing power in the cistern? A false economy if you're standing there flushing three or four times to get rid of the thing, but there you go...

Bog Etiqutte - The Floater

Post 40

A Super Furry Animal

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