A Conversation for Ask h2g2

So wot does ya Desktop look like

Post 61

Researcher 178815

Ah - I remember using a Mac once or twice. The Command key is the Mac equivalent of the 'Ctrl' key. And when I was being taught how to use a Mac once - albeit an older one, the keyboard had an Apple logo on its 'Command' key. smiley - smiley

So wot does ya Desktop look like

Post 62

Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag!

So it doesn't have the apple anymore!? smiley - sadface


(and sleep deprived)

So wot does ya Desktop look like

Post 63

Flying Betty- Now with added nickname tag!

It's ok, I just went and inspected the nearest Mac (which was only about 15 feet away from me) and it still has the little apple on the key so I'm happy again.

So wot does ya Desktop look like

Post 64


It also has the "ctrl" key. But I understand now. smiley - ta everyone.

So wot does ya Desktop look like

Post 65

Researcher 178815

It has Command/Apple AND CTRL? smiley - erm Now I'm confused.

So wot does ya Desktop look like

Post 66

Dark Master - The end is now (2005/03/01) Officially Left

Here's Mine

(case sensitive, that means 'JPG' not 'jpg')

So wot does ya Desktop look like

Post 67

Researcher 178815

DM, you use Mozilla then - have you considered my unofficial AskH2G2 sidebar? smiley - winkeye - smiley I think it's quite handy. Although I use Opera, not Mozilla. smiley - smiley

So wot does ya Desktop look like

Post 68

Dark Master - The end is now (2005/03/01) Officially Left

3 Questions:

1)how did you know i wasn't already doing that,
2)how did you know i might want to do that,
3)how do i add a new sidebar panel

Dark Master

So wot does ya Desktop look like

Post 69

Researcher 178815

1) Because I've not advertised it, and only one person who I forget the name of now, but I'm sure it's not you, asked to see it.
2) You have shortcuts to 'AskH2G2' amongst other h2g2 pages on your Desktop. smiley - smiley
3) I have absolutely no idea about adding sidebars in Mozilla. Or Galeon (I hear that does sidebars too). Now, Opera I can tell you aaaall about. smiley - winkeye

You could always try Googling on site:mozilla.org. smiley - smiley

So wot does ya Desktop look like

Post 70


adding side bars see A786251smiley - spacesmiley - winkeye

So wot does ya Desktop look like

Post 71


and you might want to add http://happy.freeshell.org/panels/g2search.html
(it looks a bit weird on a full page but it all comes together nice in the panel)
smiley - smiley

So wot does ya Desktop look like

Post 72


thats for Mozilla/Firefox/NS

Opera users try http://happy.freeshell.org/panels/h2search.html

So wot does ya Desktop look like

Post 73

Dark Master - The end is now (2005/03/01) Officially Left

I dont use the search very much so I dont think I will use that one, but The Mini Ask H2G2 could be very useful. Any chance of getting it in a slightly less blue form, I dont like Classic Goo much.

Thanks for the sidebars Happy Dude

Dark Master

So wot does ya Desktop look like

Post 74

Dark Master - The end is now (2005/03/01) Officially Left

Tidied it up a bit now,

Before :http://www.thegster.dsl.pipex.com/desktop1.JPG
After :http://www.thegster.dsl.pipex.com/desktop1.jpg

(Just to confuse anyone using an MS OS you might think that those are the same but check and you'll see that they are not.)smiley - erm

So wot does ya Desktop look like

Post 75


both look pretty damm kewlsmiley - cool

So wot does ya Desktop look like

Post 76

Researcher 178815

smiley - ok
"Any chance of getting it in a slightly less blue form, I dont like Classic Goo much."

I'll re-write it to accept the current skin (ie: It grabs the page, and identifies what skin is being used, and then parses out the relative top-of-the-page skin-nonsense attributed to that skin) soon - but for now, the Goo thing will have to do. smiley - smiley

Nice Desktops, DM. smiley - smiley

So wot does ya Desktop look like

Post 77


OK. So yesterday I hooked up with a friend on MSN that I haven't talked to for a while, and he directed me to his deviantart page. Consequently, I've become obsessed with the pictures he took of himself (webcammed + paintworks apparently) and have them in quick rotation on my desktop.

In no order -

smiley - tongueoutsmiley - drool

Thanks to those who helped me get the screenshots. smiley - tasmiley - oksmiley - magic

So wot does ya Desktop look like

Post 78

Dark Master - The end is now (2005/03/01) Officially Left

Thanks, a change of colour would have done (just on a separate page) but if your willing to make the changes, thats fine with me.

And erm.... Interesting desktops Saturninesmiley - ok

So wot does ya Desktop look like

Post 79


some more recent screen shots smiley - smiley

http://happy.sdf-eu.org/temp/scrshot140905.jpg (clean)
http://happy.sdf-eu.org/temp/scrshot140905-2.jpg (busy)
http://happy.sdf-eu.org/temp/26july2005.jpg (from june)

smiley - geek

So wot does ya Desktop look like

Post 80

Mu Beta



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