A Conversation for Ask h2g2

To be friends or not ... ?

Post 21



To be friends or not ... ?

Post 22

My side.

Just spent a while reading through the backlog and,although i dont usually butt in on the conversations,i thought i would ask something.

I was gonna comment on alot in the thread but what Seraphina said in the last post really caught my attention and i was wondering how many people had opinions on that.

"It is possible to be interested in more than one person"

But i smore than one person.I aint talking about the love for family and stuff lik that.I talking love.Surely that should be for one person only.
Or is it?

Chris.smiley - devil

To be friends or not ... ?

Post 23

My side.

Just spent a while reading through the backlog and,although i dont usually butt in on the conversations,i thought i would ask something.

I was gonna comment on alot in the thread but what Seraphina said in the last post really caught my attention and i was wondering how many people had opinions on that.

"It is possible to be interested in more than one person"

But is it possible to love more than one person.I aint talking about the love for family and stuff lik that.I talking love.Surely that should be for one person only.
Or is it?

Chris.smiley - devil

To be friends or not ... ?

Post 24

My side.

Just spent a while reading through the backlog and,although i dont usually butt in on the conversations,i thought i would ask something.

I was gonna comment on alot in the thread but what Seraphina said in the last post really caught my attention and i was wondering how many people had opinions on that.

"It is possible to be interested in more than one person"

But i smore than one person.I aint talking about the love for family and stuff lik that.I talking love.Surely that should be for one person only.
Or is it?

Chris.smiley - devil

To be friends or not ... ?

Post 25

My side.

Just spent a while reading through the backlog and,although i dont usually butt in on the conversations,i thought i would ask something.

I was gonna comment on alot in the thread but what Seraphina said in the last post really caught my attention and i was wondering how many people had opinions on that.

"It is possible to be interested in more than one person"

But is it possible to love more than one person.I aint talking about the love for family and stuff lik that.I talking love.Surely that should be for one person only.
Or is it?

Chris.smiley - devil

To be friends or not ... ?

Post 26

My side.

Sorry about all the postings,screen went mental on me.

Chris.smiley - devil

To be friends or not ... ?

Post 27


happens to us all

To be friends or not ... ?

Post 28


True Love is for one person yes..but you can be interested in seeing if thats there with more than one person.Love develops after being with someone a while..its different to 'fancying' someone or having a 'crush'.

To be friends or not ... ?

Post 29

My side.

But what is true love tho?

To be friends or not ... ?

Post 30


Something fairly rare smiley - winkeye

To be friends or not ... ?

Post 31


wouldn't have the fainest idea not being old enough to of had enough experiance of love/"love"/crush/whatever

To be friends or not ... ?

Post 32

My side.

Yes i agree Seraphina,very rare.
Which is why you should try and keep hold of it when you find it. Because it may never come again,and once the chance goes you will always be wondering.

But i spent my whole life wondering so its nothing new to me. Right i unsubscribe again now,just wanted peoples views on it.
I didnt get them...but you dont get everything you want out of life do ya?

Chris.smiley - devil

To be friends or not ... ?

Post 33


love is just an instinct humans have turned into an emotion.

To be friends or not ... ?

Post 34

Garentee - Ruler of Uterly Hopeless Romantics

That's a bit cynical isn't it? Surely there is something special about love?

BTW, we've kinda decreased our communication to ... well, alot less than before. It was a mutual decision, just for a while. smiley - erm Maybe in a while we can go back to like it was before. She said she still really wants to be friends, but doesn't want more than that. smiley - wah

To be friends or not ... ?

Post 35


Well in my experience (and yes I've also been there) you've absolutely done the right thing. The abslolute *worst* thing to do is to *not* go for it - clumsily or not - and to let things fester. At least it's out in the open and now things will eventually fade. Not doing anything about it is probaly more likely to end the friendship than what you've done.
In the end if you want someone, at some point you have to make a move. Simple as that really, they can only say yes or no but only once that's happened can you deal with the answer.

To be friends or not ... ?

Post 36


Well in my experience (and yes I've also been there) you've absolutely done the right thing. The abslolute *worst* thing to do is to *not* go for it - clumsily or not - and to let things fester. At least it's out in the open and now things will eventually fade. Not doing anything about it is probaly more likely to end the friendship than what you've done.
In the end if you want someone, at some point you have to make a move. Simple as that really, they can only say yes or no but only once that's happened can you deal with the answer.

To be friends or not ... ?

Post 37


True love does exist. Not everybody finds it but it can happen. Even scientists admit that love is more than chemical and electical impulses, there are still things that a greater and more mysterious than current science can explain. It's not something that you can explain or prove, but you do know when you have found it.

To be friends or not ... ?

Post 38


Its said that 'soulmates' almost recognise each other.

To be friends or not ... ?

Post 39


Erm....now lets see.....i also believe in True Love, and this does not happen alot, if your lucky maybe once in your lifetime.There are many types of 'Love' that you can experience.But also we get 'attatched' to people after a certain length of time this i feel is also 'Love' as in a great fondness for them???
am i making any sense???lolsmiley - smileysmiley - love

To be friends or not ... ?

Post 40

My side.


smiley - run

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