A Conversation for Ask h2g2
What was the worst single you bought then?
Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk Posted May 1, 2003
I bought Bob the Builder to keep Westlife off the Christmas no.1 spot, and I'm sticking with that story!
I also now regret buying a single by Warren G. featuring Sissel and, more recently, 'Electric Avenue'.
What was the worst single you bought then?
Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk Posted May 1, 2003
That might have been his version of 'Mambo No. 5', an ill-fated project if ever there was one.
What was the worst single you bought then?
Abi Posted May 1, 2003
You know something, I think you are right!
What was the worst single you bought then?
Alkland - In need of a SHIBBY! Posted May 1, 2003
*deep breath*
I have to confess to buying:
Shampoo - Trouble
Both Scatman's hits.
Whigfield - Saturday Night
and others. Will post a comprehensive list of the crap I own when I get over the shame of this post.
What was the worst single you bought then?
Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness.. Posted May 1, 2003
I found "Doop" by Doop in a bargain basement recently.. it's class! I stand by my purchase!! Do the Charleston!
My worse one must be a whole album of orchestral covers of Prince songs... it was dead cheap, but it's terrible, I've never even listened to anything but a few seconds of a few songs when I first bought it. A prime example of "it's so cheap I have to get it!" bad bad buying
What was the worst single you bought then?
Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk Posted May 1, 2003
We also got that recent Blondie song that went to Number 1, which I'm not proud of. I don't think I've even listened to it.
What was the worst single you bought then?
Natalie Posted May 1, 2003
What a thread! It's got everything!
I am gutted to hear about Scatman John.
What on earth did happen to Shed Seven? I remember lyrics being their strong point - 'Let's all go to the Early Learning Centre with the money that I lent yer.' Also, I think 'Going for Gold' was meant to be poignant but it only ever brought Henry Kelly and his tepid and deeply unfair international quiz to mind.
This question is too tricky for me to answer - though I do struggle to remember exactly why I thought it necessary to own one, let alone four, 'Stars on 45' singles.
What was the worst single you bought then?
Abi Posted May 1, 2003
I am proud of loving Busted to bits, Natalie, if that makes you feel better about 'Stars on 45'!
What was the worst single you bought then?
Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk Posted May 1, 2003
I have a whole rack back home that holds all the CDs that my brother and I bought but never listen to any more.
What was the worst single you bought then?
Natalie Posted May 1, 2003
Abi!! Well, if it's going to be a competition...
I seemed to have a bit of a thing for medleys. I don't think it can actually get much worse than 'Hooked on Classics' - a collection of orchestral snippets set to that clap-clap-clap-clap syncopated drumbeat.
Thankfully I had passed this phase by the time the far inferior Jive Bunny came along.
Still disturbed by the Scatman John news.
What was the worst single you bought then?
Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk Posted May 1, 2003
My worst album was probably the Queen album from about 1994 on tape. Like every child, I enjoyed the classic Queen stuff and thought naively that the most recent one would contain the same or similar.
What was the worst single you bought then?
GreyDesk Posted May 1, 2003
Shed 7? Well the last I heard was that they decided that it would be a really good career move to all start taking heroin, 'cos it was in you see. And then start bragging about it. The disinterest from the record buying public to this news was overwhelming.
Oh, and I don't have any crap singles. I've sold them all on eBay
What was the worst single you bought then?
Abi Posted May 1, 2003
Its like that headline in MM (or was it NME)after the lead singer went to the wrong town for a gig.
"You can't get thicker then a s**t Rick Witter!"
What was the worst single you bought then?
egon Posted May 1, 2003
I bought three Whigfield singles. But I didn't buy Saturday Night (although my sister did)
What was the worst single you bought then?
Abi Posted May 1, 2003
Surely 'Saturday Night' is the only defendable single to own by Whigfield?
What was the worst single you bought then?
egon Posted May 1, 2003
Well, I quite like her double-a-side christmas single Big Time/Last Christmas
What was the worst single you bought then?
nathan Posted May 1, 2003
i found jellybean, "who found who" at a school disco once
What was the worst single you bought then?
Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk Posted May 1, 2003
One birthday some friends and I stopped in a record shop on our way to a party of sorts at Laserquest so I could choose some singles as presents. The selection was poor and I got three that were rubbish. The only one I remember the title of is 'Stand By Me' by Oasis. The others were Cast and George Michael. *Shudder*
Key: Complain about this post
What was the worst single you bought then?
- 21: Abi (May 1, 2003)
- 22: Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk (May 1, 2003)
- 23: Abi (May 1, 2003)
- 24: Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk (May 1, 2003)
- 25: Abi (May 1, 2003)
- 26: Alkland - In need of a SHIBBY! (May 1, 2003)
- 27: Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness.. (May 1, 2003)
- 28: Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk (May 1, 2003)
- 29: Natalie (May 1, 2003)
- 30: Abi (May 1, 2003)
- 31: Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk (May 1, 2003)
- 32: Natalie (May 1, 2003)
- 33: Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk (May 1, 2003)
- 34: GreyDesk (May 1, 2003)
- 35: Abi (May 1, 2003)
- 36: egon (May 1, 2003)
- 37: Abi (May 1, 2003)
- 38: egon (May 1, 2003)
- 39: nathan (May 1, 2003)
- 40: Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk (May 1, 2003)
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