A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Bagpuss and kids' TV

Post 1

The Groob

I know that many times I've had the conversation at the pub and on the net about 70s kids' tv shows. We usually talk fondly about them but I can remember resenting the shows at the time. Does anyone else feel that way? I remember hating Bagpuss because it was too soppy and The Wombles were a bore. (Did like Mr Benn and the Trumpton ones at the time smiley - smiley )

Bagpuss and kids' TV

Post 2


But then there was the pure genius of 'Chorlton and the Wheelies' and 'Jamie and the Magic Torch'.

Having recent bought them both on DVD and re-watched them, I am scared to discover just how much of my mind-set comes from those shows.

And I'm getting a strange sense of Deja Vu (PLEASE don't start). I suspect I said this somewhere here before.


Bagpuss and kids' TV

Post 3


I think Dangermouse was a bit of a prat actually. Everyone always goes on about him, but he is the biggest smiley - yawn ever...

Bagpuss and kids' TV

Post 4



I loved DM as a kid.

Maybe you just had to be there.


Bagpuss and kids' TV

Post 5


I was!!! I'm not *that* young. I was bored stiff by Dangermouse!

Bagpuss and kids' TV

Post 6


I thought you were 18. Which makes you ten years too young for a DM fan.


Bagpuss and kids' TV

Post 7

Alkland - In need of a SHIBBY!

I loved 'em all. And this is the most constantly talked about topic in the pub. I can't believe you started a thread about this just as I'm about to go home. Ah Well, I'll catch up on Sodit. Have a great weekend everyone and I'll see you soon.

Off to get smiley - drunksmiley - cheers

Bagpuss and kids' TV

Post 8


You are under 30, ergo you were too young to appreciate DM at the time.

Bagpuss and kids' TV

Post 9


The Tomorrow People (early series)
Camberwick Green
Rhubarb and Custard

Bagpuss and kids' TV

Post 10


That is such nonsense! They showed Dangermouse throughout my childhood!!!! How could I be too young to appreciate it, if they showed it to me at the same age they showed it to you?

Bagpuss and kids' TV

Post 11


Sorry, getting back to the topic ...

I can't say I ever resented any of them. Some of them I didn't get or understand properly, but there is so much to remember.

I guess Rainbow really did my head in. And Button Moon. But then Play Away and the Clangers sort of make up for that kind of thing.

Bagpuss and kids' TV

Post 12


Because comedy had moved on. What was funny 20 years ago (typically) isn't funny today.

There are things I found achingly funny in DM at don't pull even a slight titter from me today.


Bagpuss and kids' TV

Post 13


It's hard to remember, but you know how funny Drop The Dead Donkey was when it was first aired and then how it seems a bit flat when you see old episodes that you missed first time round ...

I guess there's always an element of topicality in the way shows are made and interpreted. DM was not timeless.

Bagpuss and kids' TV

Post 14


Well Sat, if you were watching DM when you were born (highly unlikely you'll agree) it means I was watching and loving it at 12 and beyond.... coulda swore I was younger, but I guess I'm wrongsmiley - winkeye

Bagpuss and kids' TV

Post 15


Oh! Rainbow! And Playschool! smiley - biggrin

Bagpuss and kids' TV

Post 16


Don't you hate it when a thread moves on 10+ posts before you can get to post your contributionsmiley - wah

Bagpuss and kids' TV

Post 17


I'm confused about this Dangermouse issue. It's always been on TV for me. Like Count Duckula. I've always twinned those two for some reason. Only Count Duckula I liked.

Bagpuss and kids' TV

Post 18


What age was Playschool intended for? I remember in infant school (4-7), you were positively ridiculed if you were found to be watching such a childish programme...smiley - erm

Bagpuss and kids' TV

Post 19


I thought Count Duckula was a poor imitation (not that I was aware of such phrases thensmiley - winkeye)... perhaps it's a gender thing?

Bagpuss and kids' TV

Post 20


Fingermouse terrified me...dunno why just found it profoundly disturbing at the age of 3.

Mightymouse however...genius.

I have vague recollections of jamie and the magic torch but nothing specific - I remember playing with a torch to see if it would work for mesmiley - erm

I liked button moon but there was a show called lets pretend on before it at lunchtimes that was better...my only memory of it is of lots of badly dressed 20 yr olds prancing round with a tennis raquetsmiley - erm

Mysterious Cities of Gold

I was old enough to catch the original series of byker grovesmiley - blush which I really liked...and was why one girl in my class got nicknamed spuggy

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