A Conversation for Ask h2g2


Post 1


More philosophical than haptic - but what is the result when you try to find the "square of life"
To cats as me, you know, it sounds quite complicated.

Any genius out there ??


Post 2


I don't know what does the square of life equate to, but I know what is the circle of life. You are born, you eat, you sleep ,you scream.
Then you grow older: you eat, you sleep, you grumble. Then it's the teenage years, and life becomes somewhat more complicated.
It now makes a difference whether you are a member of the male or the female species. If you're male, you eat (a lot), you sleep(much more than your parents would like), and you fight! If you're a girl you don't eat, you sleep, and you scream! Then when you're a mature(!) adult, you eat (depends on your sex again), you sleep (mainly with others), and you moan. When you're old, you eat (what the doctors tell you), you sleep, and you mumble. That's the circle of life - you eat, you sleep, you.... In other words, the circle of life is a big bore!


Post 3


I think the square of life for us would be meeting folks from an equally advanced planet.

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