An insane intro from an otherwise perfectly sane Guy

Welcome to my Home Page on H2G2. If you're new to this site, take care - this site is going to make you nuts!! The amount of info in this site is huge!. So, what are my interests? Depends on your tastes!

I come from Malta, a sunny (almost always!) island in the Mediterrenean, 60 miles south of Sicily in Italy. You can find some interesting features about this island in http:// Malta is not one of my major interests - it's pretty boring if you ask me. If you've been to Mlata, or live here, please let you know what you think of this incredible (in many ways ;-) ) island in the middle of the Mediterrenean.

What next? Ah, yes, football . Football teams are rotten here in Malta, so us poor football lovers turn to foreign sides to support and love (and hate). My fave team is Juventus. What are your favourite teams?

Then there's my great love of my life - music. Music was my first love, and it will be my last (singing at the top of my voice). I love Gospel music, but most of all I love music with guts. My old love of 15 years are Pink Floyd (without doubt the best group that ever was created), but right now I'm listening to lots of 4AD stuff - Cocteau Twins first and foremost, and then also This Mortal Coil and Dead Can Dance.

Lastly, the boring part - I work with HSBC here in Malta. My bank was called Mid-Med Bank, but 5 months ago we were taken over by this giant. Anyone out there works for HSBC? What do you think of working with them?

I work in the Information Technology Division (that's computers for you). I've worked on ICL's VME systems, UNIX, Sybase, Oracle, and now we're starting going into IBM's AS400. Anyone worked on these systems (especially ICL and IBM's)?


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