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Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 301


Cassie is going smiley - crackersmiley - cat as I type. This morning to get our attention she meeuwed like a cockerel..meuw, meuw, meeuuuuuuuuwwwwwwwww!

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 302



Sunny had a similar trick when we lived next door. He would leap to the top of the wardrobe (from the night table) and after wandering around up there for awhile he would start howling and moaning to be 'rescued', even though he could get down by himself.

After awhile he started howling to also be *helped up* smiley - erm and this turned into quite a fun game - for him!

Since we moved last year he can no longer do this as this flat has built-in closets.


Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 303

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Masky likes to sit on top of the kitchen cupboards in the morning, we've now learned that instead of making a fuss trying to get hher off the roof just open my daughters bedroom window and let her climb in.
When she was a kitten I was watching her stalk something, she was doing the whole bit, crouchhing down wiggling her bum, walking round and round it for about 5 minutes then she pounced............on a sweet wrapper, brave liitle catsmiley - laugh

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 304


Bingers is snoring loudly.

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 305

The Groob

I don't know if anyone else's cat does this, but when I stroke him he starts to walk off as though he thinks I've become a portable stroke machine and will follow him around. When I don't he gives me a look of utter disgust.

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 306

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

My mum's cat butts your hand if you stop stroking him

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 307


Cassie does that too, in fact she will try and sink her claws in if you move away before she is ready to stop having a stroke!

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 308

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

I knew long haired cat who sounded like moped and begged to be stroked by stoking his paw on you.

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 309


Sunny (who is really a 'dog') always butts his huge head against everyone who comes here, demanding to be stroked. Then he will pause and sort of arch his back and lean into the person just in case they didn't get the hint.


Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 310

logicus tracticus philosophicus

Henry is a head butter, a wedge ,or in some cases "router" when he rotates head and canine teeth,into left armpit knowing full well next time i stretch acrossed to key board i will have to go over head.

Another strange but usual quirke as he has aged lowe jaw tend to drop
so every time i first stroke head first thing i hear is "clutz" as his jaw shuts most disconcerting. smiley - bigeyes mostly caused by the echo factor of his big headsmiley - empty i might add

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 311

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Mum's cat Pompey has what I call 'Exorcist Moments' if you get him in a certain spot behind his ear he try's to turn his head 360 degrees

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 312

logicus tracticus philosophicus

try's to turn his head 360 degrees::
Haveing seen one cat do that only due to size of spare skin i was scruffing him at time to put in cat basket, untill he turned his head and bit me had the fashion been in for peirced fingers a extremly use full cat.smiley - rofl So when your teenage daughter decides to have a pierceing suggest that it be done at home along these methods

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 313

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

smiley - laugh

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 314

logicus tracticus philosophicus

It was not funny as cat turned left,latched on to thumb through nail only the bone stopped the teeth crossing over in the middle.
The cat in question is the grey and white shown page 5 (hedge.jpg )
on catsnkittens link.

She was one of six who was around two years old who allthough liveing inside all her life lack of contact she was almost pure feral, took nine months before newowner could touch her.

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 315


Bingers just clicked. smiley - weird

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 316

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Nasty cat

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 317


Whilst waiting for something better to come on tv last night, I watched a bit of Crufts (for those outside the UK it is ~the~ smiley - dog show).

Cassie was transfixed by the sight of smiley - dogsmiley - dogsmiley - dogsmiley - dog. I am almost tempted to record tonight's instalment of the show just to amuse her at a later date!

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 318

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Masky had a mad fit of attacking the rug last night, she flips onto her side with one paw on top and one paw underneath then kicks with her back legs and bites lumps out of it, it's one of those latch hook home made rugs

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 319

Big Red

Mars is trying to destroy the window blinds. There are two sets that are his favorites, and they're starting to stick out every which way. He also takes hold of the carpet on his scratching post with his teeth and pulls as hard as he can to try to get it to come off. So far, the staples are winning.

One of his *favorite* games is to hide along the second-floor hallway that runs along the stairs from first floor to second, so he can bat at our heads as we come up the steps. Fortunately, he's gentle.

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 320


My cat (Boris) brings in koi carp on a regular basis, not dead mind, they're usually totally unharmed. They seem totally unphased by the experience when I drop them in the pond at the top of our garden.

We have quite an impressive collection
smiley - bluefishsmiley - schooloffishsmiley - orangefish
Just don't tell the neighbours!

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