A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 221

Sea Change

Ganesha is fond of dropping toys in his water bowl, sinks, shower drains, and toilets. If he weren't such a tubular stretch of a Siamese, I'd think he was part raccoon. After much training with treats and water squirts, I have gotten him into thinking the water bowl is the preferred target, and then I have a separate bowl from his brother to drink from.

And yes, guests are surprised that in a only inhabited by men domicile, we ask them to close the toilet lids.

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 222

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

another awwww moment


Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 223



smiley - biggrinsmiley - ok


Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 224


My friend Mudhooks has said I could pass on this site where she has photos of her cat Benjamin and where she has also included photos of my cats and other animal friends.

photos 78-79 Sunny, Lua and Azar
photo 81 Azar showing off his little broken 'hockey stick' leg
photo 82 Azar, just looking very cute with big eyes and very big ears
photo 83 Azar watching tv
photos 84-85 Sunny in hiding
photo 86 Sunny keeping cool in the bath in August


smiley - biggrin


Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 225

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

picture 78 atleast 2 cats look a bit disturbed in their sleep

very cute cats

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 226



Well, that's my 'family' anyhow. I suppose they did look woken up as I barged in to take a photo - it's just so rare to find them all together at once since Lua (crankiest cat in the world) normally doesn't hang out with the two boys.

smiley - smiley


Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 227

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

you have a wonderfull family, az!

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 228


our bob used to live with my wifes mum,but was called tabitha,she kept him inside and kept putting off getting him neuterd,eventually after he had built up so much passion,i took him to be done,of course the vet informed us he was actually a bloke cat, and he had the other operation.
He evantually moved in with us,and as a thank you he gave us his only ever gift of a very much alive mouse,which a put in a shoe,i waited till he wasnt looking and let the mouse go.He now rarely moves off the settee,but goes mental when i feed the fish,as he loves fish food,he once polished off a full 50g tub of flakes,his other passion is minty things,he empties the bin to get at peppermint t-bags,and climbs the kitchen units to get to polo mints.he' has a dogs bowl and hes to big for a normal cat collar,next doors collie is terrified of him.

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 229


my smiley - cat eats cheese and sleeps in her pimpmobile....

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 230

logicus tracticus philosophicus

Az just added more photo's page 2 freinds n family
shows mary under shower.
had to put them their could'nt use foltiki

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 231

Spaceechik, Typomancer

Az, you've got a great little crew there!! And I must say, unless you were very rude when you woke her, Lua is MUCH crankier than Missy!! Such a look!! smiley - winkeye

They're beautiful, Az.

Footbacon, I'm hesitant to ask, but.....pimpmobile????


Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 232



smiley - biggrin You think Lua looks cranky in that photo! You should see her when she is *really* in a bad mood. smiley - laugh

Poor old thing though. That photo was taken about three years ago and these days she is quite hobbling around with arthritis in her hip and, strangely, she is getting a bit less cranky. I mean, now that she has a proper excuse to be. Some days it looks very painful. smiley - sadface


Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 233


hi logicus,

I couldn't find the 'mary under shower' photo - did you mean the kittens in the bath ones? I still can't imagine bathing cats. smiley - biggrin They do look very sweet though.

You'll have to refresh my memory - how many of those cats do you actually belong to?


Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 234

logicus tracticus philosophicus

look closely at last photo,(page5/6) Mary standing in bath whilst
i am holding shower nozzle over her.

Only got one now ,Henry found as a stray ,in builders yard
near a railway station,very nervous cat, hates other cats
to the extent would try and batter spare room door to get at
cat he new was in bedroom.

See i used to foster cats and kittens and fund raise for Cats Protection League
at one time i had 24 kittens six adults creating havoc in Flat.

Stopped fostering after ten years when we raised enough to set up sanctuary,mind you would have had to give up or get rid of henry,as
temperment meant restricted axcess for fostered cats.
He got on with Hannah who i had for a year before he came,might have been as she was same colour as him,but she died in August, One of the best cats i have ever lived with,definatly a people cat.

So laid back i could take her anywhere ,even to the point of
standing in middle of busy road whilst she just purred away sitting on arm (puur likeable to bubbling kettle)used to attend C.P.L fundraisers fairs ect often used to take her to various coffee mornings leave her there and pick her up 5 or 6 hours later.
Must get on catch you later

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 235


Well, just to BORE you all totally silly, I have created a cat photo thingy starting from when I first got Lua (cranky bitch cat from hell smiley - winkeye ) till now.

I think I have covered everything, from first having Lua to having the kittens (and Sunny was the one of her four kittens I kept) and then finding Azar.

It's terribly self-indulgent, but I had fun doing it anyhow. smiley - biggrin Just click on 'view album' if you want to.



Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 236

logicus tracticus philosophicus

snap spent most of morning adding more to mine
cant get on fotki to add ,so on msn
left couple comments,
cats seem to have universal lanquage
where ever they are allspeak same.

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 237



I know other people who have done 'fostering' of cats. I know of an old man here who takes in all lost or found animals, be they cats, dogs, birds, whatever.

A couple of years ago I found a small duck almost dead from having been attacked by dogs - bit of a long story but after finding some small boys trying to throw this duck back into the river (they had actually rescued it from the dog) I ended up bringing the duck home, a wet wounded duck that I brought home whilst out riding my bike, with me holding a wet duck in one hand and riding all the way home one-handed on my bike - really 'great' move on my part since I have three cats! But at the time my flat had an entrance way that could be closed off so I kept the duck there until I could find out what to do with it.

After I had nursed the duck back to being healthy again (no small feat, I had to go out and find special duck food and all that, plus put a tub of water in the entrance way area for it to splash around in and I had to apply betadine to the worst bites and open wounds) I decided to take it to the park nearby that had a duck pond. So off I went again, on my bike, duck in hand, to take him to the park. At this point the little thing, I named him Duck, was sooooo trusting, it almost broke my heart to give him up. But I mean, what was I going to do with a duck? So I brought him to the park and put him into the pond. He took to it like a duck to water . . . ha ha. And THEN I watched in horror as huge psycho killer ducks suddenly made their way over to MY duck to drown him!!! I was hysterical. I had no idea that ducks were so territorial.

Finally I saw Duck make it over to the little duck island - apparently the killer ducks only kill in water. But I had to leave him there, feeling very badly. Anyhoodle, next day I went back to the park to see how Duck was getting on and saw that he was practically bald from the other ducks pecking on his head and once again witnessed other BIG DUCKS trying to drown him. Eventually, Duck made his way over to the feeding ramp and well, I just couldn't bear it, I leapt over the fence and re-captured Duck. So once again, I was back on my bike with a wet duck in one hand. On my way out of the park a guy said to me - 'hey where are you going with that duck?' He was there with a huge sack of catfood and feeding the various park cats. I told him my story. And he told me of this old man who always took in animals and gave me his phone number.

So after I got Duck home again I called this guy, Alberto, and he arranged for a friend to come over and pick up Duck. I was really a bit sceptical, wondering why someone would take in a duck (perhaps to eat?) and so the guy who showed up to pick up Duck said I could come with him if I wanted to, to see Alberto's place. So I did.

it was amazing. This guy had a big house with a garden on the outskirts of Seville. He kept the dogs and cats in the house, he kept rabbits and other small critters in his garage, and he kept ALL the birds in his garden. There were tons of birds there - ducks, chickens, pidgeons, even a peacock. The first thing he did, apparently, since he had a friend who was a vet who would do this free of charge, was to neuter all the animals he received. And then he set about trying to find homes for them. When I asked him what would happen to Duck he said that lots of people who put in small ponds in their backyards often want ducks, and since Duck was still quite young Alberto thought he could find a home for him no problem.

I have since sent Alberto another couple of stray animals. Including another duck (don't ask - I will no longer go NEAR the duck pond anymore) and one gorgeous little black kitten I found screaming its head off in the street one morning. One thing Alberto said to me was that - no matter what - if I ever found a lost dog I should bring it to him immediately. And I knew what he meant. I mean, I come across street cats every day. And usually they are quite self-sufficient. But when you see a lost dog - well, that dog is REALLY lost and is not able to survive.

Anyhow, totally going off topic here.


Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 238

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

smiley - ok

you both are real animalsmiley - lover

I take my head off and bow!

Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 239



If you found a little duck with dog-bites all over it and half dead would you just leave it by the river? I don't think so.

I think we are all animal lovers on this thread and I think sometimes you just have to do a bit extra, but no huge deal, just a bit more effort.

I just really don't want to find any more injured ducks smiley - biggrin as I no longer have anyplace to keep them safe from cats now that I have moved next door.


Who has the world's weirdest cat?

Post 240

logicus tracticus philosophicus

trouble is i would not class my self as animal lover
just brought up with them,as small boy aged 7/8 house hold
consisted of.

two cats brought home from naval dockyard (portsmouth) unforunatly
then as now places as such will have large ferral populations.

two dogs Dinah (doberman) lassie/lady/lucky? (sheltie)
20 or thirty budgies (outside flight)
10 or so various chickens (foodstock)learnt how to pluck also great
fun runing around with claw pulling on tendon to make claw clutch

Cats n ducks will live together even in many cases when cat is hunter
on page of pics see cat above parrot (sam) sam used to live with other cat who'm he loved to taunt by creeping up behind him on the floor and grab his tail.Also Mary and Jessica used to put paws through bars and he would hold them.Yet both cats would stand on windowsill and CHATTER you no doubt no what i mean (sheer frustration for them) i know ,sort of like i'd feel seeing a pint of cold lager on a hot day but behind glass.

Later on i also kept hooded rat (logicus)he used to run around with the cats,yet i dare say had they come acrossed one in the wild different story.

Most of the cats i have kept in later life have all been "housecats"
due to liveing in towns ,lower vet bills ,less pressure on cat,being still a territorial animal at heart however soft they seem on the outside, believe me i've seen both sides.

Seville is home to you ,i must dig out pics of seville (?) wouldnt be strange if local to you, i know i've got some some where,catch you later.

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