A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Petty Hates

Post 1821


The term 'a gay' I can't quite stress how much I hate it when people say this. Last night I came out to a guy I Scuba dive with (there's a funny story in itself) and after a while he says "so you are a gay then" For smiley - bleeps sake it's an adjective, not a noun. I'm gay, not a gay. I tried to explain this to him along the lines of:
Me: "So you're a straight?"
Him "Yeah, I'm straight"
Me: "That's not what I asked, I asked if you were 'a straight?'"
Him "Why are you saying it like that, with the 'a'?"
Me: "Because that's exactly what you said to me!!"
Him: "Oh sorry man, didn't mean to"
He's a nice bloke - nice enough for me to ply him with beer so I let him off, other people haven't been quite so decent
Wow - a hate that wasn't about the cinema, it's been a while since I posted one of those

Petty Hates

Post 1822

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

I think that comes from Little Britain Honest Iago. It grates on me too.

Today's hate: chapped lips.

smiley - puffk

Petty Hates

Post 1823


I've never watched Little Britain, I never seem to be in when it's on and vice-versa, I heard it on Will and Grace but my hatred for it was well developed at that point

Petty Hates

Post 1824


It's something that been around forever and I must say I hate it too. It's an adjective, not a noun. Saying that I'm a gay suggests that I'm defining myself in some way. When I speak about my sexuality I'm not defining, but describing myself. Big difference.

Very annoying!

Petty Hates

Post 1825

Black-Eyed Girl... Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity!

Although its not quite as annoying as; "so, you're one of 'them' then?!" at least not for me.
One of what? Im a human bean (well, kinda), Im a female.... one of them whats?? Just come out and say it!! Pardon the pun!! Im sure some people think they can 'catch' it just by saying it. OOOHH, tootie fruity, that bugs me too.

Another one, people who cant be bothered to look for something and keep asking you until you get so smiley - bleeped off with it that you get up and find it. eg. brother rummaging around in the kitchen; "wheres the sausages?" stupid and pointless quesion! "In the freezer" says me to which he replies, "I cant find them!!" I did suggest that if he opened the freezer and actually looked inside, he'd have a better chance of finding them, they're hardly going to jump out and say; "Here I am, eat me!"
(Iago.... behave!! lol, oh and give me back my spells!!! smiley - biggrin)

Petty Hates

Post 1826


>Iago.... behave!!< I can't think what you mean - I'm always well behaved smiley - angel Though we've been over this before, you are 'one of those' smiley - tongueout
I really, really hate the idea that it's my sexuality that defines me to people, I heard someone refer to me as 'Gay (insert RL name here)' and then when I got mad, said well you are gay aren't you? smiley - grrsmiley - grrsmiley - grr Yes I am gay, but I'm also tall, fat, Scouse, shortsighted, irritable, sarcastic, a bit shy and the list goes on and on and on. My sexuality is probably the last thing I'd chose to define myself with

Petty Hates

Post 1827

The Groob

I don't like it when a small football club gets a home draw to a big club and then elect to play the tie at another ground. I know there are financial considerations but to me a switch is not in the spirit of the cup.

Petty Hates

Post 1828


People who read papers in shops and stand in the way when you want to buy one. If you want to read it, buy it, or else sod off. Cheapskates!

Petty Hates

Post 1829


Sorry, guilty as charged. But only when I'm waiting for a bus and the queue is too long. Kills a bit of time and then halfway through the journey you regret it as you've now got nothing to read.

Even if you do bring a book on the bus, what is it with those people who don't see this as a sign that you don't want to have a deep and meaningful conversation.

"Oooooh, what are you reading?"

"It's called a book, dear. It's a thIng I carry to stop people talking to me about their corns"

Petty Hates

Post 1830

The Groob

smiley - rofl Quality!

These people who block the magazine/paper rack in shops. Is it just me or do they look offended and annoyed when you politely say 'excuse me'. ?

Petty Hates

Post 1831

The Groob

Further thoughts: you know words that start out as plain, neutral words and gradually become offensive - 'spastic' for example? Perhaps the opposite happens with 'excuse me'. It gets used so often that it gets gradually diluted (word?) and loses its power. Maybe one needs to say

"Excuse me, I'm not questioning your worth as a person and I'm sure you're a nice person but could you get out of the way?"

'Gay' used to be a nice word and you could tell people you're a gay person without any titters. Now 'they' seem to be starting to use 'happy'.

Petty Hates

Post 1832

Musashi Himura, the ronin returns, is happy to be back

im not gay but i guess at times im a bit camp and at the moment people at work delight in calling me "a gay" which is irritating

another of my pet hates is my dads use of words when it comes to gay people bless his cotton socks he's still stuck in the middle ages

makes me toes curl when he sees an obvious gay guy on telly and says oh look at that faggot

hmmm harmless tho smiley - ermsmiley - cheers

Petty Hates

Post 1833

The Groob

This is how it works with gossipmongering idiots in offices:
If you go out with a guy you're gay.
If you go out with a girl you're straight.
If you're not going out with anyone you're gay.

Petty Hates

Post 1834

The Groob

And I've honestly heard this said in an office gossip session about someone in the 'not going out with anyone so gay' category:

"he's started going out with a girl, so like Elton John, he's probably doing it to cover up".

Petty Hates

Post 1835

Musashi Himura, the ronin returns, is happy to be back

ill never shake it cos like i said i do act a bit camp

Petty Hates

Post 1836

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

I have long hair, small hands and I'm not naturally very hairy.

Despite the evidence to the contrary (such as, well, lets see now... BEING MARRIED TO A WOMAN) I still get people calling me gay based purely on how I look (this happened once when I was walking hand-in-hand with my wife!). I do smile sometimes when I remember the graffito from school which read "Duog iz kuere"... ahhh, idiocy, how would I feel superior without it.

Petty Hates

Post 1837

Musashi Himura, the ronin returns, is happy to be back

awe i remeber back in the days of scool when i was a slackeer and went onto the lower classes with the dumb asses (i know it might not seem like it but im quite intelligent despite the typos and such i am working and typing beetween calls you know) any way back to the satisfaction sitting there and having people calling me everything they could think of and the such then being told to read books that id read when i was 7 like this "...f..f...th.her..ther...there.wass..waz..was...a..m..a.ma...man.."

Petty Hates

Post 1838

Musashi Himura, the ronin returns, is happy to be back

how the hell can a whole class minus me and my mate not know how to read it dont make sense they had been to school for 9 years of they lives already yet couldnt read sense it makes not

Petty Hates

Post 1839


All this talk of homophobia and the like, reminded me of some graffiti i saw in a toilets once:

In response to a load of homophoic abuse someone had written, another guy wrote:

"Dude, your're so far back in the closet, you're in f**king Narnia."

Well it made me laugh. smiley - biggrin

So as not to off topic:

Is it me or do guys who have the most incredible girlfriends, always treat them like cr@p. As a single guy this really p!sses me off. smiley - steam

Petty Hates

Post 1840

The Groob

Yeah that's mostly true.

And when guys are known for 'bashing them about' the girl always goes back to him and if they do split up he has another one on his arm in no time.

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