A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Petty Hates

Post 12801

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

Totally. Ecommerce has gone totally overboard with the palliness routine. A food company I use, obviously took advice on personalisation from some marketing genius a few months back and now EVERY email names me personally, in just about every sentence smiley - grr

"Hi winnoch2 today we have cookies on offer. Just order these winnoch2, along with your usual order... blah blah. picked especially for you winnoch2.... smiley - erm

Think i'll change my first name to something like 'go away' or 'i-hate-you' smiley - evilgrin

t'wasn't always thus. When i worked in e-commerce, the system sent one confirmation email. That was it.

Petty Hates

Post 12802


I'm quite old-school in the way I buy things - I tend to decide what I want, first. Then see who's selling what I want. Then see who's selling it nearest or cheapest.

When a salesman approaches *me*, rather than the other way round, he tends to get put at the end of my queue. smiley - laugh

Petty Hates

Post 12803

Wand'rin star

Bra straps!
This lovely hot weather has brought out what should be halter neck dresses. I'm not averse to brightly coloured underwear on show but dirty white elastic on your fat sunburnt shoulders is not attractive.smiley - starsmiley - star

Petty Hates

Post 12804


Ok, point taken. I won't do it again!

Petty Hates

Post 12805

Cheerful Dragon

Regarding bra straps, I'd like to add the wearing of an inappropriately coloured bra with a strappy top/dress. For example, I saw a woman wearing a black bra under a pale green strappy sundress. The bra showed through the dress and it just looked wrong.

Regarding exact change in pennies, I believe that a shop assistant isn't obliged to accept more than 25p in coppers or £5 in silver (pound coins don't count as silver, afaik). So if somebody hands you a fistful of change that has to be counted, ask them if they have anything bigger.smiley - winkeyesmiley - tongueout (It's usually the other way round.)

Petty Hates

Post 12806

You can call me TC

Restaurant chairs which are too low. You can't possibly eat in a dignified way if your chin is on a level with the plate. I am fairly short, so I am probably more affected by this than some others.

Petty Hates

Post 12807

Pink Paisley

Re coins tendered.

This is from the Royal Mint's GUIDELINES.

Coins are legal tender throughout the United Kingdom for the following amount:

£5 (Crown) - for any amount

£2 - for any amount

£1 - for any amount

50p - for any amount not exceeding £10

25p (Crown) - for any amount not exceeding £10

20p - for any amount not exceeding £10

10p - for any amount not exceeding £5

5p - for any amount not exceeding £5

2p - for any amount not exceeding 20p

1p - for any amount not exceeding 20p



Petty Hates

Post 12808

Wand'rin star

Thanks for that. I shall now be able to feel superior rather than foolish while counting the pile of coins, but I am not going to refuse a child's pocketful or a foreigner's coin purse as many of our customers (cathedral gift shop) fall into those categories, I suspect in these straightened times most of the local shopkeepers will take whatever they can get. smiley - starsmiley - star

Petty Hates

Post 12809


Thanks PP, a handy guide!

Petty Hates

Post 12810

Pink Paisley

I just popped into Staples after work. I need a chair to sit in at home whilst browsing Hootoo.

Within 5 minutes, I had been asked 3 times if I could be helped. I pointed this out and left. It IS rather irritating.


Petty Hates

Post 12811

pebblederook-The old guy wearing surfer beads- what does he think he looks like?

Funnily enough I love people asking if I can be helped. It enables me to thank them for their interest (scoring 4 points in my politeness competition) to make some amusing rejoinder ( adding 5 bonus points to my self esteem and hopefully bringing a small modicum of joy to their truncated existences) and if they happen to be of the delightfully aromatic female version of humanity, to briefly (in a very gentlemanly fashion) engage my vivid imagination for a few valuable and enjoyable seconds.

Life, someone more famous than me said, is what you make it. I make it good, if not for you, at least for me.

Petty Hates

Post 12812

Cheerful Dragon

TC, I know what you mean about low chairs (or chairs that are low for the table they're used with). I have short body length for my height (5' 3"). Sometimes chairs are so low that I could rest my smiley - titsmiley - tit on the table if I wanted to.

Regarding shop assistants who keep asking if you want/need help, I find them irritating. I would rather be left to browse undisturbed - if I need help I'll ask for it. It's the way shop assistants behave at our local Staples - they let you get on with things unless you obviously need help, but they're very helpful if you do ask for assistance. When you go through the checkout they ask if you found everything you came for. (If I'm going through the checkout the answer's usually yes. I'm not sure what would happen if I said no.smiley - erm)

Petty Hates

Post 12813

You can call me TC

(oh boy - this is my first ever posting from my new phone) We have a new supermarket here in town and I can never find what I want. I tell the cashiers this every time. Once I was buying stuff for a recope out of their own freebie magazine and three of the ingredients were out of stock. smiley - puff

Petty Hates

Post 12814


Sounds like good advertising, TC. Maybe the response surprised them, too

Petty Hates

Post 12815


Keeping being asked if I need anything, or can I find everything is *very* annoying.

I don't mind it when I'm at the checkout and they say "Did you find everything you were looking for?" That's cool, that shows a bit of concern and customer server. But it annoys me when I go into shops and they say "Are you okay there?" or "Can I help you at all?"

I think though that shops have put about a photo of me with a "Do Not Offer To Help" warning as I rarely get asked now, not since the last time an assistant said "Can I get you anything?" and I replied "A bacon sandwich would be nice." This was in a music shop.

I do like turning the tables though, when the mobile phone companies brought in their "adult" filter and forced you to make a credit card payment (I was *not* giving them my card details) or go into the shop in person to have it switched off, I went into the shop. On a Saturday. When the poor girl there approached and asked if she could help me, I happily, and loudly, said to her "Yes please, I'd like my porn back" smiley - laugh

I couldn't care about the porn, but I will not have them tell me what I can and can't do, that's *within the law*

Petty Hates

Post 12816

Cheerful Dragon

Here's my Petty Hate of the Moment: People who review products, but their reviews don't tell you anything about the item under review. I was looking at a Kindle book on Amazon just now. I like to check the 1-star and 2-star reviews because a bad review can tell you as much, if not more, about the product than a glowing 4-star or 5-star review. What did I find? Out of about a dozen reviews the majority were rants about how paying more for a Kindle copy than a hardback was a rip-off. (I read the start of the book via 'Look Inside' and decided to buy it, regardless of the two 1-star reviews that actually voiced an opinion on the book.)

Petty Hates

Post 12817


PH of the day: Astro turf used to replace grass in front gardens. It looks as absurd and as terrible as a cheap and obvious toupee on the head of a middle aged, pot bellied bloke who thinks he looks suave and sophisticated.

Petty Hates

Post 12818

Sho - employed again!

book review related PH: when you only get a load of gushing comments taken from newspapers which tell you nothing about the plot or the story or anything.

I just don't buy them.

Petty Hates

Post 12819


Rip-roaringly unputdownable! If you enjoyed Hitchen McCavity, you'll love this!

Petty Hates

Post 12820

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

Kindles, iPhones, and Facebook.

smiley - pirate

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