A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Petty Hates
winternights Posted Mar 30, 2013
PH: Shopping, went yesterday, do folk know something I don’t, you would have thought the world was going to end
Petty Hates
Rod Posted Mar 30, 2013
Jeans makers who fit a zip with a small slider so that one in three or four uses, you have to squirm around to find the far end of the damn' thing.
Petty Hates
Anna Siren- the heathen of the deep, according to iTunes... Posted Mar 30, 2013
Word to the above.
Petty Hates
Atticus Posted Mar 30, 2013
My issue with zips is that on some jeans the teeth come apart for no reason. I then have to force the fastener thing in the wrong direction to make the teeth join together so I can take the jeans off. This in turn can make some of the teeth fall out. Its embarrassing when the teeth come apart in a public place too.
Petty Hates
Pink Paisley Posted Mar 30, 2013
Oh yes. the zips come apart on my jeans too. And the buttons seem to pull and the waistbands seem to shrink too. I do hate that!
Petty Hates
winternights Posted Mar 30, 2013
Buy some more jeans that fit you, pointless going around in some faded things that you had when you left school, don’t you know, waistlines increase with age
Petty Hates
Rod Posted Mar 31, 2013
"you could tie a bit of string through the free end"
Yes, but all the girls cried "now is not the time"
Petty Hates
Atticus Posted Mar 31, 2013
Blows a big fat raspberry at those who implied I'm a lard-ass My vice is not eating too many pies but buying cheap jeans.
Petty Hates
winternights Posted Mar 31, 2013
PH: Jeans that state they stretch and don’t, I was in the car a lot yesterday and boy was it good to get out and walk about a bit, not out of my jeans,the car
Petty Hates
quotes Posted Apr 9, 2013
PH: On that programme, Sewing Bee, the way one contestant is frequently referred to as "81 year-old Ann", while none of the others are pigeon-holed in this way.
Petty Hates
winternights Posted Apr 10, 2013
What will they think of next, “The Great British bathe off”, were contestants
have to demonstrate their ability to navigate
various showers and unusually small baths.
Petty Hates
Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it! Posted Apr 10, 2013
not the whole show though that does annoy me
but one of the designers said
"I did research it and it wasn't how i imagined it so I'm going to build it how I imagined it"
so not how it actually is then...
*frustrated *
Petty Hates
Cheerful Dragon Posted Apr 10, 2013
That's like a scientist saying, "I did research and the results didn't match my theory, so I'm discarding the facts until I find some to fit my theory". Or a policeman ignoring any evidence that doesn't prove his/her favoured suspect is guilty - and that would never happen, would it?
Petty Hates
Anna Siren- the heathen of the deep, according to iTunes... Posted Apr 11, 2013
philosophy. argh.
Petty Hates
You can call me TC Posted Apr 11, 2013
Saucepan lids. They're up there with coat hangers. Terrible to store, do not stack, slide all over the place. I keep my saucepans in a carousel cupboard under the work surface. There's no space for the lids and they are always sliding down under the carousel bit and then I have to grovel on the floor for them. None of my cupboards have enough space for one of those saucepan lid holders to go on the inside of them. Gaaaaaaaaaah
Petty Hates
Wand'rin star Posted Apr 11, 2013
I hang mine on hooks on the wall next to the stove, but after many years of loving my cottage kitchen, I wish I could sweep all this clutter away and have bare walls and surfaces, as a proper kichen clean means taking everything down and washing it (housework generally is a more than petty hate)
Petty Hates
Cheerful Dragon Posted Apr 11, 2013
That's why I love our kitchen units. Getting to the back of a floor unit is always a pain, particularly the bottom shelf. With my problem hips, it's literally a pain. So when we had our kitchen done, we picked units with deep drawers. Now everything is accessible, even the things that would be at the back of the bottom shelf. The drawers are deep enough for saucepans to be stored with their lids on, or we could stack the saucepans two-deep and have the lids at the side. The only cupboard unit is under the sink, and that doesn't have a shelf so everything is accessible.(<- that's a smug, self-satisfied smiley!
Petty Hates
You can call me TC Posted Apr 11, 2013
I originally wanted drawers throughout for that very reason, and had to make concessions in a couple of units because of the cost. I need something I can stand the saucepan lids in, but they're all different kinds, so it would have to be tailor-made. A rack on the wall I am trying to avoid.
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Petty Hates
- 12421: winternights (Mar 30, 2013)
- 12422: Rod (Mar 30, 2013)
- 12423: Anna Siren- the heathen of the deep, according to iTunes... (Mar 30, 2013)
- 12424: Atticus (Mar 30, 2013)
- 12425: Pink Paisley (Mar 30, 2013)
- 12426: winternights (Mar 30, 2013)
- 12427: Rod (Mar 31, 2013)
- 12428: Atticus (Mar 31, 2013)
- 12429: winternights (Mar 31, 2013)
- 12430: quotes (Apr 9, 2013)
- 12431: winternights (Apr 10, 2013)
- 12432: Deb (Apr 10, 2013)
- 12433: Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it! (Apr 10, 2013)
- 12434: Cheerful Dragon (Apr 10, 2013)
- 12435: Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!" (Apr 11, 2013)
- 12436: Anna Siren- the heathen of the deep, according to iTunes... (Apr 11, 2013)
- 12437: You can call me TC (Apr 11, 2013)
- 12438: Wand'rin star (Apr 11, 2013)
- 12439: Cheerful Dragon (Apr 11, 2013)
- 12440: You can call me TC (Apr 11, 2013)
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