A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Petty Hates

Post 6501


Doesn't that ideal world presuppose that nobody will be driving on unfamiliar roads? If you don't know about the blind corners or the school just round the bend that you can't see yet, you can't make an informed decision to drive more slowly. Speed limits aren't arbitrary - they convey information.

Petty Hates

Post 6502


>>If you don't know about the blind corners or the school just round the bend that you can't see yet, you can't make an informed decision to drive more slowly<<

No, I disagree.

If you don't know about the blind corners or the school just round the bend that you can't see yet, you should slow down as you are patently unaware of what's in front of you. This applies whether you know the road or not. Surely if there is a sign and it's covered by bushes, so you can't see, but equally, you can't see what sort of hazard there may or may not be, then you should always slow down and drive at a speed within the KNOWN conditions smiley - biggrin

Petty Hates

Post 6503


Hmm. Maybe. I think it's an unachievable vision.

Petty Hates

Post 6504

Cheerful Dragon

I wasn't referring to warning signs and speed limits being obscured. They were all clearly visible and, as Folderol said, drivers should read the road ahead and anticipate likely hazards. The signs I said were obscured were direction signs. Approaching a roundabout I had no idea which exit we wanted as half the sign - a large one! - was obscured by bushes/trees.

Petty Hates

Post 6505

Bright Blue Shorts

PHoD ... cleaning the saucepan after making porridge in it ...

Petty Hates

Post 6506


Hi BBS - that's in the same category as scrubbing the fryinbg pan when you've let the bacon burn.smiley - wah

Petty Hates

Post 6507

Pit - ( Carpe Diem - Stay in Bed )

smiley - smileyThere´s an easy trick for that. Heat the pan up again, pour a thick layer of salt in, heat on until the salt starts turning brown - voilà, you can shove the whole mess loose with a wooden spatula. Don´t try that with a teflon-coated pan, though.

Petty Hates

Post 6508


For porridge, soaking is your friend.

Petty Hates

Post 6509

Cheerful Dragon

I'm with Ibsen. We often had porridge when I was a kid, long before there were microwave ovens. The minute the porridge was dished up, the pot was filled with hot water to soak. You can add a dash of washing-up liquid to help break down the fat from the milk.

Petty Hates

Post 6510

Bright Blue Shorts

I did soak it immediately. I guess I tried to clean it too soon and should just have gone off to eat my porridge first.

Petty Hates

Post 6511

Cheerful Dragon

Ah! Big mistake. 'Soak' means just that. Go eat your porridge and otherwise occupy yourself for a good long while. Then go back and work on the gunge.

Petty Hates

Post 6512


I'm doing porridge (UK centric colloquilism) smiley - winkeye

Actually I just work here, honest Guv!

Petty Hates

Post 6513


BTW It really is quite awful, staff cuts all the time. Thus back on topic - my petty hate.

Petty Hates

Post 6514

Malabarista - now with added pony

You hate going back on topic? smiley - bigeyes

Petty Hates

Post 6515


smiley - laughsmiley - blushsmiley - applause

Petty Hates

Post 6516

Anna Siren- the heathen of the deep, according to iTunes...

When laptop screens break and you are forced to squint at an external monitor- that’s what I’m doing as I write and my god it sucks... I can feel my eyes yelling at me to go the hell to bed. Might as well actually, so night all.

Petty Hates

Post 6517

You can call me TC

Looking at something in a museum, standing to the side, so five or six people can all come and stand next to you and you all have room to have a good look - then some "§$%&/ comes and stands right in front of the exhibit, thus blocking the view for everyone else!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Petty Hates

Post 6518

Cheerful Dragon

What's even worse is when there's a group of the inconsiderate smiley - bleeps, and they all want their photograph taken in front of the exhibit.

Petty Hates

Post 6519


People taking your photograph without your permission smiley - steamsmiley - grr

smiley - sadface
smiley - wizard

Petty Hates

Post 6520


Oh, that's a good one TC. smiley - ok

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