A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Petty Hates

Post 5281


>scruncher or folder? <, folder must surely give better control!smiley - erm

Petty Hates

Post 5282

Pink Paisley

It was one of those ceiling mounted rearward facing CCTV cameras that brought my polished top to notice first.

I looked up at the screen and thought "ooh look at the shiny topped baldy bloke" and then realised that it was me. Doh!

However, I now have to visit this shop regularly so that I can arrange my comb over neatly. smiley - laugh


Petty Hates

Post 5283

You can call me TC

We're not falling for that one PP!

My PH of the day is people who eat crunchy cornflakes at breakfast. I put warm milk on mine, let it soak for a while, and then they can be eaten quietly without bothering anyone else in the morning.

I can't understand why that makes so many people shudder with disgust.

Petty Hates

Post 5284

Bright Blue Shorts

*shudders at the thought of WARM milk on cereal*

Petty Hates

Post 5285

Pink Paisley

I give you football formations.

When I was a kid we had 5-3-2. That's 5 forwards, 3 half backs and two full backs.

Now the formation seems to be numbered from back to front. Why? And what on earth does 4-4-1-1 mean? Eh? Alf Ramsay started the rot with 4-2-4 or 4-4-2 or whatever.


Petty Hates

Post 5286

Malabarista - now with added pony


My grandmother used to make us eat warm milk on our cereal. She claimed it was healthier.

Can't stand soggy food.

Petty Hates

Post 5287

Pink Paisley

Grandmothers do say some daft stuff don't they? And because they are (usually) elderly, they get away with it!

And then your Mum starts.........


Petty Hates

Post 5288

Bright Blue Shorts

"And what on earth does 4-4-1-1 mean?"

"Isn't it a lone striker with a man in the hole playing off him?" he replied cryptically; as if intending to provide no concrete answer to Mr P-P.

Don't forget the inimitable Christmas tree formation (4-3-2-1) or the Diamond formation (4-1-2-1-1?).

What always annoyed me about football formations is that they didn't include the goalkeeper. I suppose it is superfluous information but it seems a bit like people who txt and miss out one character to save time ...

Petty Hates

Post 5289

Pink Paisley

"Isn't it a lone striker with a man in the hole playing off him?"

When I were a lad we had brown boots and a tin of dubbin. The ball weighed 2 lbs dry, 3 and a half wet. Shorts came down to the tops of our socks and the goalkeeper NEVER wore gloves. Any outfield player who wore gloves DEFINITELY wouldn't be coming into the changing room after the game.

I support AFC Wimbledon.

Do I sound like a man who has the faintest idea what "Isn't it a lone striker with a man in the hole playing off him?" might mean?

smiley - laugh


Petty Hates

Post 5290

winnoch2 - Impostair Syndromair Extraordinaire

I join in the general shudderness of warm milk on most cereal. Though of course these things are just imprinted reactions and just depend upon what you were brought up with.

Must say though, that I can *only* take certain cereals with warm milk, for example weetabix, ready-brek, and these oat parcel things smiley - weird I rationalise that these cereals (like porrage) are meant to be eaten soggy.

Apart from those though, the colder the better.smiley - ok

Petty Hates

Post 5291


People who hit 'reply all' instead of 'reply' when they send a personal email reply.

Petty Hates

Post 5292


Warm milk on cereal sounds pretty gruesome to me but each to his or her ownsmiley - ok Equally grim imho is hot orange squash- my mum used to try and get me to drink it when I was a kid smiley - ill

I'm a folder btw smiley - smiley

Petty Hates

Post 5293


How about warm milk on *warm* cereal, though - like porridge?

Current petty hate - temperamental software. smiley - steam

Petty Hates

Post 5294


Surely to save space, thus ensuring it only takes one message to get whatever it is you want to say across, thus saving the price of a second text message?

Or.... surely 2 save spce so only need 1 msg 2 get point acros savin cost of 2nd txt? smiley - tongueout

Petty Hates

Post 5295

Bright Blue Shorts

I'd have bought into that answer when I had my old Nokia 402 that I bought in 1999 which limited me to 162 chars. But these days my phone lets me have about 600+ chars and I don't have a clue where the cutoff point is for splitting messages ...

Petty Hates

Post 5296

Bright Blue Shorts

Ahhh yes ... and on that note ... people still using txtspk ... especially highly educated, well-read, pompous idiots one plays golf with who you'd expect more from ...

Petty Hates

Post 5297


i would`nt be surprised if in 50 years kids are being taught text speak instead of todays english.

on the same topic kids who say "innit" at the end of a sentence, and then the childs parents picking using it. also people who shorten words to act cool, such as "no probs" or scuse?? when someone insults them

Petty Hates

Post 5298

Bright Blue Shorts

Well ... I guess the real language experts would say that English has always been an evolving language; no sign of thou, hast, or morrow; for example.

Fortunately I think txtspeak has had it's day due to the introduction of predictive text, and that you don't need to cram your whole message into 162 chars ...

Petty Hates

Post 5299

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

Text messages are still 160 characters long on my phone (a pretty new nokia) although I can send a longer message over two texts - I still have to pay for two messages. This doesn't seem to have changed for anyone else I know - certainly don't get messages any longer than 320 characters.

Petty hate today, breaking a nail so it has sharp bits and not being able to find an emery board to get rid of them.

Petty Hates

Post 5300


yer but with predicted text you always find that you have to create words or names,which can be rather annoying.

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