A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Dissapearing Socks

Post 81


Maybe it is odd to refer to h2g2, but it seems possible that socks are similar to pens. Maybe they have a planet somewhere, and socks who are tired of being twin just teleport there for psychiatric treatment. When healed, they return, and appear behind the dryer to avoid too much attention... that could explain the uneven numbers.

Dissapearing Socks

Post 82

Dan Streetmentioner

Washing machines are sophisticated pieces of technology. They are designed to destroy a set percentage of socks. Sock manufacturers pay them for this service.

They also contain advanced logic for turning shirt sleeves inside out. This facility is very clever - if you manually turn your shirt sleeves inside out before washing on the hope of outsmarting the machine, the machine will simply leave them in this state.

Dissapearing Socks

Post 83


I have to announs:
I'm going to throw away all my black socks, and buy 10 pairs of new socks. This will give the sock monster satisfaction for a while, I do it sort of like a sacrify to him/her, and it will also give me a fresh start in the ability to take good care of my belowed socks.
I also do this as an experiment, to controlled and concious reserarch the dissapearing of socks.

Dissapearing Socks

Post 84


To satisfy the Sock Monster, every month you sacrifice one of your socks, so you can save the others. The Sock Sacrifice Ceremony needs the right atmosphere (smell..), candles, etc. Maybe a nice dance and a song would be also appropriate.

Dissapearing Socks

Post 85

Drool Frood the Second

Could I suggest you think carefully about which Soap powder you use too.
Maybe a control could be no washing powder at all?
Does the sock monster go for a particular brand or is he just in it for the socks in situ.
Hey thats a thought put a different article such as knickers or pants in to check that its just socks he goes for.
The permutations are endless.

Dissapearing Socks

Post 86


Like the Flinstones....maybe you can persuade the Sock Monster to move into your dish washer, and do some useful job.

Dissapearing Socks

Post 87

Drool Frood the Second

What kind of useful job?

Dissapearing Socks

Post 88


Wash the dishes (eat the rest...), keep clean, etc. Teach him to cook - give a reason for his existence....with some restrictions he could assimilate into the society, causing no more trouble. And the sock producers will go bankrupt, because sales will drop as the useful lives of socks will become longer.

Dissapearing Socks

Post 89

Drool Frood the Second

Ah yes but then the crockery and cutlery manufacturers will benefit as the odd fork or plate will start going missing -and the whole process starts again!

Dissapearing Socks

Post 90


No.....teach your monster to eat the rest of your meal, or just rubbish (no more problem with recycling)

Dissapearing Socks

Post 91

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

They get depressed ofcourse, seeing their older kin-socks suffer from their wounds. And *then* they kill themselves. smiley - smiley

Dissapearing Socks

Post 92

Drool Frood the Second

Good idea transfer the sock monster to your rubbish bin.
Would that work though?
It strikes me that the sock monster only goes for clean things so he wouldn't be happy in a dirty rubbish bin.

Dissapearing Socks

Post 93

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

Yups, I saw that mentioned before, and I do it myself as well. However, I must admit that I never really *lost* a sock until now.
My feet just ate them.

Dust Bunnies

Post 94

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

No, rather a complete lack of things, items, whatever *including* butter smiley - smiley

Dust Bunnies

Post 95

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

And the most scary thought: whe actually HELP them collecting the dust!

Dissapearing Socks

Post 96


Brainwash...keep your environment clean = eat the rubbish! I suppose every monster is green.


Post 97

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

Yeah, they just *must* wander around, leaving their significant others, and haunting unsuspecting people by suddenly showing up as unknown phenomenae smiley - smiley

Dissapearing Socks

Post 98

Manic Depressive

I think that someone somewhere has set up a socks home. You know for the poor deprived socks that get worn for weeks on end only seeing the inside of your shoe on one side and your cheesy foot on the other. Their only chance of escape is when the sock is washed and they can retreat to this safe haven. As to why only some of the socks get lost I have no idea at all.

Dissapearing Socks

Post 99


do you know where i can donate to this home?

Dissapearing Socks

Post 100

The Mummy, administrator of the SETI@home Project (A193231) and The Reluctant Dead on the FFFF (A254314)

To me it's pretty clear why not ALL socks disappear: like humans, also socks have all different personalities. One sock may be able to withstand the punishment for years on end, while the other may get depressed very easily. The latter will then take off, seeking assylum, refuge, professional help or whatever it is socks are in need of in such state of sockness.

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