A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3521

Crunchy Frog

If were still talking about breasts here,
what aspect of timing are we talking about? smiley - erm

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3522

Yael Smith

Well, Master B reffers to the male genitalia. In which case, to me, size DOES matter. It's true that ones with smaller...erm...members can do wonders to a woman's body, but stillsmiley - blush it helps to have size as well as technique.
As for breasts size- it's more comfortable when they're medium sized...smiley - smiley

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3523

Mu Beta

"Well, Master B reffers to the male genitalia"

Do I? Not all the time, surely...

I don't wish to blow my own trumpet (please insert better metaphor) or anything, but I have had complaints of being _too_ big.


Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3524


Elly I have to agree with you, I've lurked here for long enough. smiley - smiley

For day to day purposes smallish to medium is the best size. Large enough to be noticed/give you a cleavage, but small enough to be able to occasionally be able to wear a backless dress/top without needing a bra. smiley - winkeye

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3525

Yael Smith

That happens to...smiley - smiley

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3526


smiley - erm crossed fingers again, I've been smiley - online2long.

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3527

Yael Smith

Oh, sorry, I was referring to Master B's comment...smiley - blush

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3528

Mu Beta

I did wonder...


Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3529

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

are you shure it wasnet just an ego boosting thing??
some wimen think it is a good thing, like faking orgasms, i never sor the point in that I mean shurly alls it measn is that the man getts the idea that he is doing somthing right (couldent think of a better analagy sue me) when he isnt

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3530

Yael Smith

Are we on about the "Size don't matter" here, sweety?smiley - erm

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3531

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

no faking things in genral and yea the size dont matter to
but i was on about fake orgasems for most of it

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3532

Yael Smith

Hmmm.... and you have a problem with it? Most men don't, as long as they don't know about it...smiley - tongueout

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3533

Saint Patrick Patron Saint of Depression: Here to haunt your dreams and stalk your waking hours

lol smiley - biggrin

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3534

F F Churchton

Yeah but we don't know that, they could be keeping their mouths shut, protecting our feelings, that sort of general mish-mash!!!

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3535

Madam Kat, Goddess of things left writhing on the doorstep or half-digested under the bed.

Oh what a tangled web we weave... smiley - laugh

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3536


(lurks) smiley - smiley

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3537

Mu Beta



Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3538

Bebel Matman Owlatron's Thundercat Tshirt Dude

I don't wish to blow my own trumpet either, but I actually can. It's becoming quite a party piece.

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3539

Yael Smith

smiley - laugh
If women protect men's feeling by faking, and men protect women's feelings by shutting up- we all lose. No fun in sex if it's faked or un enjoyable, so no point in all this...

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3540

Bebel Matman Owlatron's Thundercat Tshirt Dude

I'm with you, Elly, I hate the way people all build up this image of the world of sex all fake orgasms and pretence, I need whoever I take to bed to be honest about what they like and what they want, otherwise how are they going to enjoy themselves and what's the point except notches on the bedpost? I know I'm sure as hell not going to hold back on what's hot and what's not ("That's nice, really nice, but try not to use the teeth like that?" Guys, you know what I'm talking about.)
I think I've already had this rant in another thread, so I'll stop now.
smiley - biggrin

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