A Conversation for Ask h2g2

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3581

F F Churchton

*tigar noise*

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3582

Doctor Devoid......an Earth-bound misfit.

Why admiral, that's one of my favourites.....purrs happilysmiley - biggrin

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3583

F F Churchton

It was more of a soft roar than a purr!!!

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3584

Doctor Devoid......an Earth-bound misfit.

smiley - devil Even better!!!smiley - bigeyes

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3585


I just spent the last few days walking around Singapore with a pretty Danish girl. She was a very good representative for Denmark in this regard smiley - smiley

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3586

Doctor Devoid......an Earth-bound misfit.

In terms of prettyness, or as a tour guide round Singapore????smiley - biggrin

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3587

Emsley Thomas


Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3588

Doctor Devoid......an Earth-bound misfit.


Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3589

Emsley Thomas

smiley - biggrinsmiley - ok

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3590

Doctor Devoid......an Earth-bound misfit.

smiley - devil

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3591

Emsley Thomas

smiley - angel how strange to find you here...

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3592

Doctor Devoid......an Earth-bound misfit.

smiley - angel flutters eye lids........I don't know what you might mean by that!!!!smiley - smiley

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3593

Emsley Thomas

um hmmmmm...... smiley - winkeye

smiley - wah no milk.... no smiley - teasmiley - cry

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3594

Doctor Devoid......an Earth-bound misfit.

Here have some that i found in this small bowl on the floor. Goodness knows what it was doing there.smiley - biggrin

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3595

Emsley Thomas

smiley - laugh I have been eyeing up the cat bowl for the past half hour. Tempting. Very tempting. Oskar would probably sic Lenin on me if I went for it though...

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3596

Doctor Devoid......an Earth-bound misfit.

Beaten up by a ball of fluff......oh you mush.

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3597

Emsley Thomas

smiley - blush lenin's scary though smiley - smiley

Bah, no smiley - coffee or smiley - choc in the house either... neeed cafeine smiley - sillysmiley - weird

is nice having Deviod around again...

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3598

Doctor Devoid......an Earth-bound misfit.

Aw Emmi smiley - cuddle nice having you around again too.

I would offer to buy you one in Canary Wharf, but a) you wouldn't show up and who would blame you. and b) I am off home.

Let me know your thoughts on coffee replacement items.

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3599

Emsley Thomas

smiley - cuddlesmiley - smooch you are very lovely.

"coffee replacement items"?.... electric shocks?

smiley - yikes Oskar just groweled at me... is that normal? All I did was pet Lenin. Perhaps he's jealous!

Size doesn`t matter?

Post 3600

Doctor Devoid......an Earth-bound misfit.

Electric shocks are a bit extreme, I used to do Tai Chi when i wanted a cigarette, you could try that.

I would have said insanely jealous, its my bal fo fluff and you better believe it.

See yousmiley - kiss

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