A Conversation for Ask h2g2

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Post 3461

F F Churchton

Take your word for it, I can't see it from your prespective!!!

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Post 3462

Yael Smith

Ain't I glad for that!smiley - winkeye

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Post 3463

F F Churchton

Wie aye man, pet!!!

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Post 3464

Yael Smith

smiley - huhsmiley - erm

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Post 3465


'I think that on men- if it's *les* than a handful, it really is intimidating'

What does this mean? smiley - erm ?

You like men with man-boobs?

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Post 3466

Yael Smith

smiley - laugh
No, men should deffinitely be boobs free, as much as possible. smiley - yuk
I was talking about other organs...smiley - smiley

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Post 3467


Oh, I seeee.....

I have Pecs, are they ok?

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Post 3468


In relation to boob-freeness of course.

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Post 3469

Yael Smith

smiley - laugh Yes, like those.smiley - blush
You know what AI mean, though, don't you?

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Post 3470


hehe, of course...

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Post 3471

Yael Smith

I know the motto is size don't matter, but....ehm...it's easier with....smiley - blush size L.smiley - smiley

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Post 3472


Well, I will be perfectly honest and reveal that I am exactly in the middle of the average band...

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Post 3473

Yael Smith

smiley - laugh
I wouldn't ask any further.smiley - winkeye

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Post 3474


Well, every bloke wishes it was bigger at the end of the day... Im just glad its average and not small !!! smiley - laugh

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Post 3475

Yael Smith

smiley - smiley
I didn't think guys wanted it to be bigger at the end of...the DAY!smiley - winkeye

smiley - silly

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Post 3476


Ive just realised how odd that reads. Do men only want bigger penises after 10 o' clock at night?!?

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Post 3477

Yael Smith

smiley - laugh my point exactly. What about the morning-sex-lovers, or the wake-me-up-from-afternoon-nap-with-sex lovers?smiley - winkeye

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Post 3478


smiley - laugh

(ignore me, just bookmarking.)smiley - smiley

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Post 3479


What about the give-me-it-any-time-you-want-im-gagging-for-it people?

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Post 3480

Yael Smith

I'm married to one of them...smiley - loveblush
Them too.smiley - smiley

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