A Conversation for Ask h2g2
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller Posted Oct 20, 2008
God I wish we had some of your rain Jim, bloody ridiculous when you think about it: We're in the worst drought in living memory, no make that the worst drought since white-man arrived here and you lot up there are growing webbed feet from all the rain...go figure.
'P**sed as a Newt' is used here a bit, I've heard it but my normal refrain about someone under the weather(or me) like the parrot and the newt is to say "They're talking braille" or "I was talking braille"
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home. Posted Oct 20, 2008
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Reality Manipulator Posted Oct 20, 2008
Rush Green and South Ockendon, East England,
19 Ocobterr 2008 17.50
Cloudy and dull throughout day, it started raining from 16:20 and it is still raining heavily now.. The temperature is 15° and the wind speeds are 15 mph SSW.
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Reality Manipulator Posted Oct 21, 2008
Rush Green and South Ockendon, East England,
21 Ocobterr 2008 19.22
Cloudy started but cloud slowly dispersed throughout the day and there have been plenty of sunny spells. The sky is completely clear now. The temperature was 12° and now is 10°C and the wind speeds are 9 mph W.
Whats the weather doing where you are?
logicus tracticus philosophicus Posted Oct 21, 2008
Hastings Sussex, slight chill but still pleasant,
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller Posted Oct 21, 2008
First good tropical storm here: Thunder, lightning, hail, torrential rain for a half hour and then it's gone and we get all steamy and hot.
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Ballynac Posted Oct 22, 2008
Here in London this fine Wednesday morning it's very bright and sunny with barely a cloud in the sky. There's a very light breeze. The current temp at 09.45 is about 10c.
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Reality Manipulator Posted Oct 22, 2008
Rush Green and South Ockendon, East England,
22 Ocobterr 2008 20.28
Cloudy started but cloud slowly dispersed throughout the day and there have been plenty of sunny spells. The sky is completely clear now. The temperature was 12° and now is 9°C and the wind speeds are 2 mph W.
Whats the weather doing where you are?
miz Posted Oct 22, 2008
Keith just gotta tell you the storm which hit you guys was on our news at lunch time! Cool lightening, and snow in Sydney! we're having crazy weather round the world.
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home. Posted Oct 23, 2008
hi all
its another of them, wait and see days, rain last night, at the moment dark, and very windy.
now 9-25am, on thursday the 23rd october, in bradford uk, 2008 jim
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Reality Manipulator Posted Oct 23, 2008
South Ockendon, Thurrock, South-West Essex, East England,
23 Ocobterr 2008 16:55
It started out with scatterred cloud and sunny but as the day went on, the clouds quickly built and by 13:00 it was completely clouded over and dull. The temperature is 14° and the wind speeds are 17 mph SSW.
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Good_Ridence_BBC Posted Oct 23, 2008
Here in Doncaster 17:24 on 23rd October 2008.
Very grey, raining, gails
12c outside
20c inside lovely and warm lol
Don't no much about wind speed so I can't comment. Me
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Reality Manipulator Posted Oct 24, 2008
Rush Green and South Ockendon, East England,
24 Ocobterr 2008 20.36
Cloudy start with rain with eased off by 08:00 and it brightened up the afternoon with plenty of sunshine. The clouds started to disperse and now there is a clear sky. The temperatue during the day was 13° and now it is 8°C.
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Reality Manipulator Posted Oct 25, 2008
South Ockendon, Thurrock, South-West Essex, East England,
25 Ocobter 2008 15:56
Partly cloudy skies, windy with sunny spells until noon but from noon it became cloudy and dull. The temperature is 14°C and the wind spees are 16 mph WSW.
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home. Posted Oct 26, 2008
hi all
well the clocks went back last night, so winter is on the way, its dry at the moment but very cold, the sun keeps trying to show its face, but losing lol
now 10-25am, on sunday the 26th of oct, in bradford uk, 2008 jim
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Reality Manipulator Posted Oct 26, 2008
South Ockendon, Thurrock, South-West Essex, East England,
25 Ocobter 2008 13:30
I woke up to overcast skies and rain which lasted until 10:30 but by 12:00 noon it started to rain again. I put some washing out last night and it is now wetter than it was before I put it on the line. The temperature now is 13°C and the wind speeds are 3 mph W.
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home. Posted Oct 27, 2008
hi all
its like a summers day, the sun is shining, its a bit warmer. if it last all day and night, i might be able to give the gardens a last mowing before winter.
it now 9-35am, on monday the 27th of october,in bradford uk, 2008 jim
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Reality Manipulator Posted Oct 27, 2008
Rush Green and South Ockendon, East England,
27 Ocobter 2008 19:57
Partly cloudy with plenty of sunshine top temperature was 10° and it is clear now and yemperature is 5°C.
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home. Posted Oct 28, 2008
hi all
rain last night again, gardens wet, so the mowing is yet again a no go.and looks like could be another shower on the way, before the days out.
its now 10-15am,on tuesday the 28th october,in bradford uk,2008 jim
Whats the weather doing where you are?
Elenitsa Posted Oct 28, 2008
Bristol 13.33hours - torrential hailstorm! (Bright blue sky all morning)
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Whats the weather doing where you are?
- 5261: Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller (Oct 20, 2008)
- 5262: Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home. (Oct 20, 2008)
- 5263: Reality Manipulator (Oct 20, 2008)
- 5264: Reality Manipulator (Oct 21, 2008)
- 5265: logicus tracticus philosophicus (Oct 21, 2008)
- 5266: Keith Miller yes that Keith Miller (Oct 21, 2008)
- 5267: Ballynac (Oct 22, 2008)
- 5268: Reality Manipulator (Oct 22, 2008)
- 5269: miz (Oct 22, 2008)
- 5270: Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home. (Oct 23, 2008)
- 5271: Reality Manipulator (Oct 23, 2008)
- 5272: Good_Ridence_BBC (Oct 23, 2008)
- 5273: Reality Manipulator (Oct 24, 2008)
- 5274: Reality Manipulator (Oct 25, 2008)
- 5275: Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home. (Oct 26, 2008)
- 5276: Reality Manipulator (Oct 26, 2008)
- 5277: Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home. (Oct 27, 2008)
- 5278: Reality Manipulator (Oct 27, 2008)
- 5279: Jimcracker7[magiclink.rip gone altogether. im back.in my home from home. (Oct 28, 2008)
- 5280: Elenitsa (Oct 28, 2008)
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