A Conversation for Ask h2g2

nighthoover: watching over your ISP

Post 2221


praise be!

nighthoover: watching over your ISP

Post 2222

Orange county LJ, nighthoover hunter extraordinary


nighthoover: watching over your ISP

Post 2223


Oh yea, mrrly so smiley - zen

nighthoover: watching over your ISP

Post 2224

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

lettuce mrily spray smiley - zen

nighthoover: watching over your ISP

Post 2225

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

smiley - zen
For it passeth yet it passeth not.
For it filters yet it filters not.
For it sucketh but sucketh not.
Such is the abhorance of the vacuum.
As it were and ever Wilby.


nighthoover: watching over your ISP

Post 2226

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Oh yea, a thousand yea's, Oh yea smiley - zen n i g h t h o o v e r smiley - zen and as shall be shall be, and when it shall be it shall be, and that it be good it be smiley - zen

nighthoover: watching over your ISP

Post 2227

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Doo be doo be doo. smiley - zensmiley - cool

nighthoover: watching over your ISP

Post 2228

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Nigh! smiley - zen and mrrily thus waka jawaka plurbled most prepostusuly, and yea, as mrth and jolity was 'reite grand', and yea, a thousand thousand slimey things, neigh, but frrily and mrrily thus as so did it flurble most delictabily oh yea smiley - zen n i g h t h o o v e r smiley - zen lettuce spray smiley - zen

nighthoover: watching over your ISP

Post 2229

Baron Grim

And a half cup of ooom. smiley - zen

nighthoover: watching over your ISP

Post 2230

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Indedeeee dooodadly as such smiley - zen n
smiley - zen nervously we wait
ilustrious day of second coming
gone our fears and dust
hoovering through the night
taking suction most furvently
hoping for the prophets return
omnipherous day it be
or something like that but spelt correctly
verve with which we spray
earnest in belief

nighthoover: watching over your ISP

Post 2231


so did this nighthoove ever manage to cancel his account? 2 years on and all

nighthoover: watching over your ISP

Post 2232

Baron Grim

The holy account shalt nevr be canselled. The nocturnal dust sucker wilst return. We await behind the sofa with the dust bunnies to jump out and yeal SURPRISE on that omnipherous day.

Lettuce spray. smiley - grovel

nighthoover: watching over your ISP

Post 2233


right you are

nighthoover: watching over your ISP

Post 2234

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Well, as stated early on in the first few posts, it isn't possible to cancil your account. nighthoover would have seemed to have simply unsuscribed from their conversations, and never (as yet) returned smiley - sadfacesmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - crysmiley - sadfacesmiley - wah But we, the nighthooverites are sure that one day, one glorious day (oh glorious day), nighthoover will return in the event, strangely named the 'second suction', or 'second coming' smiley - sadface unfortunately, we do not know when this day, this glorious day (oh glorious) day will be; and the excitement on the date of the anaversary of nh's post on this thread was huge and great, and the streets awaited, for a procession of hoovers to be led through the streets by nighthoover, but sadly, the event of the second suction did not occur on that day, thus we wait smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - sadface

nighthoover: watching over your ISP

Post 2235

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

For verily, the rock and roll prophets have declared, each in their own separate revelations that: "Love Hurts", "Love Bites" and "Love Sucks".

But the greatest of these is Love that Sucks. For it is the manner of the hoover to suck. And it is the duty of the followers of the nighthoover to hold their breath and hold their tongue, to suffer the bites and hurts of Love waiting in hope for that eternal Love that sucks which will be sucked forth at the second coming, that great all nite hoovering yet to be. O glorious day and night, we await thee. Until then we bite, we hurt and we suck in the name of the great night sucker.

smiley - zen

nighthoover: watching over your ISP

Post 2236

Pinwheel Pearl, GURU, Post Book Reviewer, Muse of Japanese Maples and Owlatron's Thundercat

sucks merrily!

nighthoover: watching over your ISP

Post 2237

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Oh yea, mrrily so, lettuce suck and spray smiley - zen n h smiley - magicsmiley - cry

nighthoover: watching over your ISP

Post 2238

Pinwheel Pearl, GURU, Post Book Reviewer, Muse of Japanese Maples and Owlatron's Thundercat

Ooh, spry glitteriness for hoover to sucketh mightily!

nighthoover: watching over your ISP

Post 2239

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Oh yea, a tousdnd tings shuc Oh yae! smiley - zen spry mrrely we do to do to do ofor srue smiley - zen Lettuce suck smiley - zen

nighthoover: watching over your ISP

Post 2240

Pinwheel Pearl, GURU, Post Book Reviewer, Muse of Japanese Maples and Owlatron's Thundercat

Lettuce spry that nighthoover delivers a cool breeze.

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