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101 Uses for Duct Tape

Post 21


Leanne, your terrible. where do you get these things. Explain about the kinky thing.

By the way the funny faces thing, I only ever did it temporarily but whoever want to is welcome to do it permanently if the take still sticks after sweeting and showers.

101 Uses for Duct Tape

Post 22

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

smiley - winkeye you know me Im an smiley - angel really

101 Uses for Duct Tape

Post 23


I'm sure smiley - smiley

101 Uses for Duct Tape

Post 24

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

smiley - winkeye

101 Uses for Duct Tape

Post 25

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

38- A cheap way of waxing your legs/bikini line smiley - bigeyes ouch!!!

101 Uses for Duct Tape

Post 26


Jesussmiley - bigeyes

101 Uses for Duct Tape

Post 27

Marvin [patron saint of cynicism]

we are at 37. #38 is a repeat, first posted as #8 "hair removal" unless there has been some change to human physiology of which I am unaware.

the next # is 38.

101 Uses for Duct Tape

Post 28

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den

Well spotted Marvin!

smiley - winkeye

101 Uses for Duct Tape

Post 29

The Jester (P. S. of Village Idiots, Muse of Comedians, Keeper of Jokes, Chef and Seraph of Bad Jokes) LUG @ A458228

For that matter #s 37 and 28 seem very similar.

How about: replacement for blu-tac

JOTD: Shampoo? No thanks, I'll use real poo.

101 Uses for Duct Tape

Post 30


38: A Very inexpensive hammock; just twist 3-4 strands together to make a Big Strand. MAke a few of those and connect them with more tape to form a huge web. Mount between two places (not recommended for use outdoors.) Make sure the hammock is very sturdy, slide a mattress/blankets underneath in case the strands break, spread a blanket on top (for comfort), and VOILA! Hammocks usually last a few weeks...

101 Uses for Duct Tape

Post 31

Marvin [patron saint of cynicism]

39- I saw this one on TV, an undercover agent duct taped a gun to his back so the bad guys would not find it.

40- blindfold (see hair removal)

41- textbook binding repair

42- notebook repair

101 Uses for Duct Tape

Post 32

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den

Hold on!!!

We have had book spine repair before!! smiley - ghost

101 Uses for Duct Tape

Post 33

The Jester (P. S. of Village Idiots, Muse of Comedians, Keeper of Jokes, Chef and Seraph of Bad Jokes) LUG @ A458228

Okay, then.

42 - Trap ghosts.

JOTD: Must be getting close to town -- we're hitting more people.


Post 34

Curator Chick [Ivy of Xanth in the Magic Forest RPG] (Muse of Interdisciplinary Inquiry and Keeper of Museums) Join the SE US Gr

This post has been removed.

101 Uses for Duct Tape

Post 35


38: To make a prize winning(and very stylish!) model boat from scratch.
39: To reattatch the rear view mirror of my Dad's car after it was assaulted by an immobile object.
40: To personalize schoolbooks.
41: To Hold together my sketchbook/
42: (haha! I got #42!) Rope.

101 Uses for Duct Tape

Post 36


Technically, we're on #49, so...
#49: To replace bungee cords on a car or trailer (bungee cords are used to tie something to an automobile). Actually works - I just did it today. Query - would large electrical tape work better, since it has more stretch than duct tape (a bungee cord is stretchy, which is why they call it "bungee".

101 Uses for Duct Tape

Post 37

hillbilly OF DOOM!!!

there is an actual book with this very title, i have it, so if you want huge swaths of quotes out of it, let me know
meanwhile more uses:

-keepin gpets where you want them
(inside, in bed, on the wall or ceiling)
-two rolls worth will make a nifty helmet
-a futuristic mummy costume
-a home version of those velcro walls you jump on and stick to

101 Uses for Duct Tape

Post 38

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Well there goes the ballgame. Thanks hillybill. Jeeeezz....
Let's all put our helmets on.

101 Uses for Duct Tape

Post 39

Zorpheus - I'm so hip I have difficulty seeing over my pelvis.

- as a quick fix sewing kit

On my second day of work I ripped my pants from the crotch to the knee, the duck tape kept me from exposing myself to my new boss. It did remove quite a bit of leg hair though.

101 Uses for Duct Tape

Post 40

The Apathatic Mistress Amphetama (aka The girl who cared so much she eventually shut down)

38) Tons of fun to watch your cat try to shake the tape off their feet... (NOT A TRUE STORY... what.. do you think I'm that cruel!?)

39) Great for holding open your eyelids while pulling an all nighter of studying (note... don't expect to have eyelashes left after you remove the tape.)

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