A Conversation for Volunteer to be a Community Artist

Lady_Magpye, a Community Artist? May as well try

Post 1

Lady Magpye

U8116751, Lady_Magpye.

I would like to become a community artist to use up what's left of my free time smiley - smiley

I understand that I have to pick a couple of entries at random and illustrate them, so I am off to do that (keen, am I not?)

Will post back with the illys in a few days all being well.

Lady_Magpye, a Community Artist? May as well try

Post 2

Traveller in Time Reporting Bugs -o-o- Broken the chain of Pliny -o-o- Hired

Traveller in Time smiley - tit on his head
"And < <./>Welcome</.> > to HooToo smiley - magic"

Lady_Magpye, a Community Artist? May as well try

Post 3


Yep just pick a couple of entries and then post them on another site for us at have a gander at

I don't know if the pages say but the images have to be 200 by 200 pixels.

If you need to know anything else just ask

Khamsin (artist)

Lady_Magpye, a Community Artist? May as well try

Post 4


Are you still interested in being an artist?

~Khamsin (major layabout)

Lady_Magpye, a Community Artist? May as well try

Post 5

Lady Magpye

Not at the moment I'm afraid. I'm a little unfocussed, work is getting on top of me. smiley - sadface

Lady_Magpye, a Community Artist? May as well try

Post 6


okay if you ever decide you want to, you are welcome to do the testsmiley - smiley


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