A Conversation for 'The Young Ones' - the TV Series

what about....

Post 1


wasn't ken bishop's nice twelve a musical guest that never made the tapes or reruns? i know they appear on the "soundtrack" and on the credits of one of the shows....unfortuntly for me, i can not check why they appear on the credits because my tapes were loaned out and never returned...they are thought to be lost right now

what about....

Post 2


Yes, the episode (CASH) that refers to Jools Holland and company.
THATS Ken Bishops Nice Twelve.
Features The (former) Police Drummer Stuart Copeland, both the members of Raw Sex (Rowland Rivron and the tall feller with the spex whose name I forget). I think that this section is actually cut from the US version of the dvd

what about....

Post 3


tall feller with the spex is Simon Brint

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