Stealing Souls ...'s been quite some time and i'm still not sure what i want to put here, which is amazing to me because i have just oodles of webspace out there. Now it's come down to putting something on just one little page and i can't do it...i live in michigan and have just recently graduated with an associates degree in photography...hence my little title to my page...umm guess that's it
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You can finally talk to me again! | May 11, 2003 |
Hi Jess!!! | Jul 3, 2002 |
Welcome to h2g2! | Sep 18, 2000 |
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what about.... | Dec 20, 2002 | Jul 19, 2005 |
the crow | Apr 8, 2003 | Sep 10, 2004 |
The name of a certain style of piercing | Jul 18, 2002 | Nov 3, 2003 |
You can finally talk to me again! | May 11, 2003 | No Replies |
well i've been found | No Posting | Apr 10, 2003 |
Researcher U150684
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