This is the Message Centre for Lady Scott

Happy Weatherman's Day!

Post 1

Lady Scott

Yes, today is the day you show your appreciation the the weatherman for all the lovely smiley - brr winter weather smiley - snowball he's brought us, and especially the accuracy with which he's predicted the weather every day during the past year.

I knew you'd want to know about this *very* special holiday! smiley - laugh

So... what are you going to give *your* Weatherman to show your appreciation for all he's done? smiley - gift

Mine can have all my snow and ice, especially what falls within the next 24 hours. smiley - smiley I know, I shouldn't be so generous, but Weatherman's Day only comes once a year.

Oh, I almost forgot! smiley - doh It's also I Hate Financial Planning Week! (Feb 3-10) Unfortunately, the first week of February is also National Pay Your Bills week, so presumably once you've started paying your bills, you're so sick of financial planning that you need a week to complain about it. smiley - erm

Happy Weatherman's Day!

Post 2

Michele - Doily Mogul: Don't leave me! If you go there'll be no braincells in the room at all!

You know Lady Scott, I'm not very happy with my weatherman currently. smiley - erm A few days ago he said that we'd get 12 - 18 inches of snow. And we got a half an inch of ice with a half inch of snow on top. Today he said that we'd get 2-4 inches of snow and we got between 8 and 11! smiley - yikes

These "near" misses are getting a little annoying! smiley - laugh

Happy Weatherman's Day!

Post 3

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

There is a school of meteorology here and still they are only right half the time. If I were I pesemist, I would say that they were wrong half the time.

Happy Weatherman's Day!

Post 4


I hope the weathermen are happy today. I am not, at least with the weather - after two days of rain (on the snow) it suddenly turned quite cold. Guess how everything looks like. smiley - tongueout All ice - streets, roofs, stairways, doors, whaever. I spent 10 minutes on opening my front door as all the humidity was condensed under it and frozen there. Weird life. smiley - laugh

Happy Weatherman's Day!

Post 5

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

I can't get to ome of my classes because the paths up the hill are all ice.

Happy Weatherman's Day!

Post 6

Jimi X


They're earning their pay today!

Happy Weatherman's Day!

Post 7


Hah! I'm not giving our weathermen anything, because as late as 10am today they were forecasting persistent heavy showers here. On the strength of this, I decided not to enjoy a walk or any other lengthy outdoor activity on my day off. Instead, I stayed indoors and did some (admittedly overdue) housework. Guess what - all afternoon it's been dry, and even quite sunny for a couple of hours.smiley - grr

Happy Weatherman's Day!

Post 8

Lady Scott

Don't you people know better than to trust the weathermen?

Learn to read the weather maps showing where the pressure systems are, and keep an eye the radar and satellite images, including the images in motion - you can tell a lot more about what it will *really* do from those than from the constantly changing predictions.

Happy Weatherman's Day!

Post 9


and then you can guess what it will actually do just as accurately as the weathermen (or is that 'weatherpersons'? smiley - tongueout)!

i guess it's fitting that they predicted we'd have 4 to 6 inches of snow yesterday... and just barely got a dusting. i felt so jypped!

Happy Weatherman's Day!

Post 10

Lady Scott

smiley - laugh

Yes, anyone can predict the weather just as well as the weathermen do, with very little observation. I just figure we can't be too sure until it actually happens anyway.

We'll have to see what we can do about getting you some serious snowfall next time around. There's still a few weeks of winter left... smiley - snowball

Happy Weatherman's Day!

Post 11


i haven't seen one in awhile, but one of these days i'd like to get one of those "country" weather stations... it has a drawing of a mule or donkey on it with a rope tail hanging off the front. the directions say if the tail is wet it's raining, if the tail is swinging it's windy, if the tail is stiff it's cold, etc. oddly enough, those *do* have a knack for getting the weather right smiley - winkeye

Happy Weatherman's Day!

Post 12

Lady Scott

You'd do just as well with a "weather rock" - same principle, except the windy part is replaced by if it's shaking, you're having an earthquake. smiley - laugh

Happy Weatherman's Day!

Post 13

Mr. Christopher, enjoying the Magicians Guild game where he is called Polonius Franc, Elder Healer and local merchant

Initially, I thougt this had something to do with that political group The Weathermen.

Happy Weatherman's Day!

Post 14


Weather is odd - the problem is basically that tiny errors quickly build up and what you've worked out can be miles away from what it actually is. That's chaos for you.

- Jordan

Happy Weatherman's Day!

Post 15

Hi, I'm Tom. I started as a typographical error

I've heard of punk rock, and grunge rock, and acid rock, but not weather rock. smiley - huh

Happy Weatherman's Day!

Post 16

Lady Scott

How about Schoolhouse Rock?

smiley - musicalnote

Happy Weatherman's Day!

Post 17

tacsatduck- beware the <sheep> lie

school house rocksmiley - cool

I had to pick up the DVD with all the videos...way smiley - cool

smiley - chick
(smiley - cuddlesmiley - bunny)

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