A Conversation for Tea

Hi, I agree, milk before or after tastes the same.

Post 101

Just zis Guy, you know? † Cyclist [A690572] :: At the 51st centile of ursine intelligence

Don't knock it until you've tried it.

Hi, I agree, milk before or after tastes the same.

Post 102


What about tea in rice pudding. When you sir it round it will become a nice butterscotch colour (like Angel Delight) insteaad of the yucky pink you get when you use jam. Might not taste so good though.

Hi, I agree, milk before or after tastes the same.

Post 103


If you marketted it as an instant dessert you could call it Trice Pudding.

Hi, I agree, milk before or after tastes the same.

Post 104


Yep. A whole business could be made of combining tea with foodstuffs to provide new dishes. There could be a restaurant (The Tea Caddy?) selling nothing but tea related food. Prawn Teatail for a starter, Spaghetti Bologtease or Steak Tar Tea and then, of course Tice Pudding.

Hi, I agree, milk before or after tastes the same.

Post 105


Tea bone steaks, Wigwam piles of little green balls in a tea sauce called Tea Peas. We could replace pea with tea in lots of recipes and have things like Tea and Ham soup.

Hi, I agree, milk before or after tastes the same.

Post 106


Think of it in reverse. People could have Peasmaids in thier bedrooms.

Hi, I agree, milk before or after tastes the same.

Post 107


Doesn't sound too hygienic.
What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup?

You can roast beef but you can't...

Hi, I agree, milk before or after tastes the same.

Post 108

Fate Amenable To Change

Vesty, do you have an alternative career as a stand in for Bob Monkhouse or something...

Hi, I agree, milk before or after tastes the same.

Post 109

Just zis Guy, you know? † Cyclist [A690572] :: At the 51st centile of ursine intelligence

And if it's successful you could open an upmarket version called Tiffiny's.

Hi, I agree, milk before or after tastes the same.

Post 110

Fate Amenable To Change

I've reverted back to loose (I should be so lucky) tea and it does indeed taste better.

Hi, I agree, milk before or after tastes the same.

Post 111


It's so long since I've had loose tea! I'm feeling nostalgic. BTW have you seen that Brook Bond have now launched a new line of green teas? Has anyone tried them yet?

Hi, I agree, milk before or after tastes the same.

Post 112

Fate Amenable To Change

I saw something about green teas the other day - are they supposed to be herby heathy or something? Like Camomile and stuff?
(Don't exactly live near the outer Hebrides so will have to use my big tea cosy instead)
Does anyone here actually drink herbal teas?


Post 113


anyone fancy a pint, I'm gasping.

Hi, I agree, milk before or after tastes the same.

Post 114


No one really drinks herbal tea.
It's all lies.

Hi, I agree, milk before or after tastes the same.

Post 115


Listen, you lot! I drink herbal tea (from bags) AND I also use soya milk (or "non dairy alternative to milk", as the E.C. have stipulated it be called on all the boxes now) in my tea and coffee. It's yummy, although my other half who isn't a vegan like myself thinks it is disgusting. I tend to use the fair trade, organic tea and coffee which is available in supermarkets. Most of the time, I use a tea pot (warmed first) for the tea, but, as I don't like to waste a tea bag on just one cup (or large mug in my case), I put the tea bag into a tea strainer, pour the boiling water into my mug which already has my soya milk in first, leaving the tea bag available for another mug/cup full. Mind you, I do like my tea really weak - unlike my men!

milk, before or after

Post 116

Mr B

It may TASTE the same, but it LOOKS completely different.

Pour a little brightly opaque milk into the ocean of clear golden tea. It explodes in the cup like an upside-down mushroom cloud, and gracefully diffuses through whorls and eddies in subtle shades of brown.

Compared to this, a deluge of tea drowning a puddle of innocent milk seems obscenely dull.

milk, before or after

Post 117

Just zis Guy, you know? † Cyclist [A690572] :: At the 51st centile of ursine intelligence

But then you have to stir it with your finger, and that *hurts*

milk, before or after

Post 118


Sorry for the Spam but:
Have you tried the new Slick Fun Run - Go on,have a go - you will find it at:


Join in the fun and help other researchers at the same time.
vegimansmiley - smiley

milk, before or after

Post 119


Stir it with someone else's finger and you won't feel a thing.

milk, before or after

Post 120


No its the exact oppposite. Back in the olden days the highest quality china was so constructed that if the boiling tea was poured in firsdt itg would shateer. That's why the milk should be put in first to cool the tea down enough so that it won't affect teh china.
I know, I was there...honest!!

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