A Conversation for Tea
Tea Bags
Westerglen Started conversation Jun 4, 1999
What are tea bags that are being talked about? I thought it was unkind slag for the ladies who shove the tea urn around.
Which tea?
Steerpike Posted Jun 4, 1999
Wait a minute. DNA, in all his wisdom is suggesting we drink EARL GREY! No no no. Go to England, pop into a Sainsbury store (I don't work for them) and buy their mid range Red Label tea. Perfection in a bag.
Which tea?
Vauxhall Viva Posted Jul 16, 1999
Never mind which tea - always remember to shake the teabag before you put it in the cup. This removes any tea-dust, and thus removes any risk for those suffering from tea-dust-mite allergies.
Which tea?
Researcher 49492 Posted Jul 16, 1999
No, forget Sainsburys. You need Aldi tea bags. Cheaper AND tastier
Which tea?
Vauxhall Viva Posted Jul 22, 1999
And what are the dust levels like on these brands of tea?
Which tea?
Westerglen Posted Jul 23, 2011
The dust issue. Have this been examined in the light of 'Health and Safety'? Should new special procedures and forms filled in before brewing up a cup of tea?
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Tea Bags
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