A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group

Dr Who.

Post 621

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!


I've never seen Bonnie Langford (I'm told I've not missed much), but IMO, Sylvester McCoy and Sophie Alldred - unbeatable!

My favourite story, ever, has got to be Curse of Fenric... smiley - magic So multi-layered, and all round wonderful!

Dr Who.

Post 622


McCoy's first season was a disaster, for all sorts of reasons.

But his second and third seasons were among the best Who ever.

Gif smiley - geek

Dr Who.

Post 623

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

I fully agree... he had this splendid creepiness, and an air of cynicism, which was the perfect antidote to the jovial shallowness of Tom Baker...

Dr Who.

Post 624


I loved Tom Baker, of course I was very young at the time!

Dr Who.

Post 625

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

I've learned that up until Eccleston, Tom Baker was the only Doctor Who ever seen in Italy! A friend of mine had for years, a Tom Baker action figure (if he was a girl, we'd call it a doll smiley - laugh) complete with scarf, which his parents bought him for a birthday, after they made a trip to England...

Dr Who.

Post 626


I want one. I was always trying to get my grandmother to knit me the scarf!

Dr Who.

Post 627

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

I can see why people would think Tate is bad, even awful. However, I don't see how they could see her as wooden! To me, the times when she is at her worst are when she _over-acts_, which is a lot of the time. If she toned it down, I think most of us would like her more.

Dr Who.

Post 628

Mister Matty

"She's by a fire."

Dramatic lighting

"Note how prominently the ring features at the end of it."

Fair point, but having a female character wear a ring isn't really exceptional.

"Also listen to the words. Imagine if it were the Master talking."

Hmm. Fair point, especially the "this time I'll be ready" bit which seems a bit off for Tate's character to say; although she could be comparing herself to her Christmas Special persona and, to be honest, that's much more likely.

"Listen to how she pronounces "The Doctor"."

Again, nothing really special about that; it's more than likely just Tate trying to sound dramatic at the director's request than a subtle clue.

"Note how the final "We'll be gone" is not just Tate's voice."

I'm pretty sure the other, whispered, voice is Tennant referring to the "we" meaning her and the Doctor.

Dr Who.

Post 629

Bright Blue Shorts

More ponderings ... in the Prophecy scene (link below) ... notice how the Soothsayer finds it easy to say "Man from Gallifrey" but for Donna, it's "Daughter of ..." ... pauses before saying ... "London". Daugther of the Master?

Link to the prophecy clip ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_YiEpDOcAY

Dr Who.

Post 630


Sorry to reply to no-one in particular but I'm unsure where to start smiley - erm

Post 626, my mother knitted my brother a proper Tom Baker scarf and it is an amazing thing to own; he has often wrapped it round his, my sister and my necks to keep us warm on the way back from the pub on a winter's eve. It can also be used, at a pinch, as a pillow and cover in one! smiley - magic

Post 509? Barbara Good (I can't remember her character's name either!smiley - winkeye) was reading 'The Murder of Roger Ackroyd' in the flashback. I believe it was stated, near the start of the episode, that it was 1926 and Agatha had written six books. 'The Murder of Roger Ackroyd' was the seventh book she had published and it was published in 1926; it does seem incongruous. smiley - geek

Post 526? There were eighteen Agatha Christie novels mentioned in this episode (If one includes 'Why didn't They Ask... Heavens' and 'Murder At the Vicar's Rage'.) I can provide a list of the titles if required smiley - geek

As for Donna/Master... I don't think so. The Daleks, or at least *a* Dalek, come back (there were 30-second trailers of the Doctor being reflected in a Dalek eyepiece before the season had begun!) The Sontarans were redone so badly (teeth?!!) so I hope they don't come back this season and I doubt they will because they were pretty rubbish- in the same way that the Slitheen were rubbish at trying to conquer Earth. If you know the baddie in the xmas special, you can tick another off your list. Maybe Rose is evil, maybe Rose brings the Daleks back when she crosses the void. Remember, she did touch *that* Dalek. And don't forget the hand, or the Doctor's daughter, or the Doctor's daughter's handssmiley - winkeye. Not to mention Mickey & Jake, Ian & Barbara, Sarah Jane & K9, Leela & Andred, Ben & Polly, Morph & Ralph...

Van smiley - ok

Dr Who.

Post 631

Bright Blue Shorts

"Post 526? There were eighteen Agatha Christie novels mentioned in this episode (If one includes 'Why didn't They Ask... Heavens' and 'Murder At the Vicar's Rage'.) I can provide a list of the titles if required"

Go for it ...

Dr Who.

Post 632

turvy (Fetch me my trousers Geoffrey...)

This is an AA moment...

Hello. My name is turvy and I'm an alcoholic (no, no, that's wrong) I mean I'm a Dr Who fan...

Post 626 - My mum knitted me a Tom Baker Dr Who scarf. She hated knitting with a real passion so I think my pester powers must have been particularly keen!

It was multi-coloured and 14.5 feet long. It went once round my neck and trailed on the floor. It made a great pillow when I was locked out a 3am and had to sleep in the porch.

I haven't read the backlog but does anybody remember the feature length Dr Who with Paul McGann as the Doctor. I'm sure that was when the TARDIS began to look like it currently does inside.

t.smiley - blush

Dr Who.

Post 633

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!


I have to say I do, and it's not a happy memory, although Eric Roberts was good...


Dr Who.

Post 634


i dont think CT will turn out being (or having much at all to do with)the master.

also, i want to see the doctor regenerate into a woman!
it could mess things up a bit if done wrong (with sexuality issues and companion issues, and etc.) but if done right it could be fascinating!
maybe they could do an episode where the doctor accidentally changes into a woman?

i dont really know who i want to see being the doctor (i personally love DT as doctor) but i think johnny depp would make a great master. though it would never happen smiley - wah

also did anyone else notice in the agatha christie ep. the husband of the old lady said something like "we have no children, and aren't likely to have anymore" and glares at the son. clearly a reference to him being gay (along with the walking in the woods scene smiley - biggrin)

Dr Who.

Post 635

Taff Agent of kaos

as i have said before

Sean Pertwee would be perfect as the next Dr.

smiley - bat

Dr Who.

Post 636


he would make a great doctor!
although i like the doctor to be younger, because looking back, there havent really been alot of young doctors. David Tennet is Definately the youngest anyway.smiley - biggrin

Dr Who.

Post 637


Didn't Joanna Lumley play the Doctor in a Comic Relief thing once? I never saw it but I'm sure it was very funny. I'll go see if it's still knocking about on youtube some time when I've got a day to spare!

Dr Who.

Post 638

Mister Matty

" David Tennet is Definately the youngest anyway.biggrin"

An understandable mistake given Tennant's boyish looks but Peter Davison, who took-over the TARDIS at just 29, is the youngest actor to play the Doctor. Tennant was, I think, 34 or 35 when he took-over the role in 2005.

Dr Who.

Post 639


Spoiler alert:

Anyone checked out the latest trailer on the BBC Who website yet.
Not going to say anything - the choice of looking is all down to you.smiley - cheers

On another note, all of us here have enjoyed all the episodes to date, there has been something for everyone and I'm talking about an range of 70plus to 12. It makes a great weekly topic of conversation with my Mum who lives on the Isle of Wight (that and Heroes)...roll on next Saturday.smiley - biggrin

Dr Who.

Post 640

Mister Matty

>Anyone checked out the latest trailer on the BBC Who website yet.

Aye. I see they waited until Arthur C Clarke was dead to shamelessly plagarise him.

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