A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group

Doctor Who

Post 4081


"Did the series ending answer the question of why Amy didn't remember the Daleks? I'm not sure it did."

Yeah, it did, although not explicitly. The answer was that the cracks had been slowly erasing bits of the universe (and thus history) - ie her mum and dad, her aunt and so forth. And one of those things it had erased was the Dalek invasion(s) so Amy had never experienced them.

It was a side effect rather than a main plot point, but one which leant credibility to the main theme.

Doctor Who

Post 4082

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

I do hope River is evil too. That way, I can congratulate myself on the fact that she irritates me, and alwys has.
Come to think of it, she might make a rather better villain than heroine...

Doctor Who

Post 4083


I think all the hinting (and being in a max security gaol!) and stuff it's pretty much a given she's a baddy who came good.
No, the question is what has she done/will she do (wioll haven do) and who she will do (wioll whoen do have) to.

I have a suspicion this may well also address the regeneration limits as a 'side effect', but that's just me.

Doctor Who

Post 4084

RadoxTheGreen - Retired

IMO River is the Rani. She always did fancy the Doctor. smiley - tardis

Doctor Who

Post 4085

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

Meaning she will kill the Doctor? It's been suggested.

Doctor Who

Post 4086


possibly, but only for a very 'who' definition of 'kill' and 'the Doctor' smiley - winkeye

Clearly they ain't gonna end such a popular money spinner. So we'll still have a Doctor and he'll still need to be able to regenerate and he'll still be a time traveller, at least by the end of it.

And, of course, there is still the unknown of who was controlling the TARDIS and why they wanted it to explode etc etc.

Doctor Who

Post 4087

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

Already? But I was just getting used to Matt Smith! smiley - cry

Doctor Who

Post 4088

RadoxTheGreen - Retired

The new Doctor has finally realised that as the last of the Time Lords he now makes the rules ("Time...can...be...rewritten"smiley - biggrin). I suspect the rewriting of time will play a big part in the next series.smiley - tardis

Doctor Who

Post 4089


oh I'm not saying we'll lose Smith, but then this is Dw - he's already been erased from reality and come back smiley - biggrin

"suspect the rewriting of time will play a big part in the next series"
Agreed. And don't forget this is a continuation of the least series where that was a big theme so I reckon it'll continue with the story.

Doctor Who

Post 4090

RadoxTheGreen - Retired

Unless it's been rewritten smiley - evilgrin

Doctor Who

Post 4091




Doctor Who

Post 4092

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

And when it's all done, we've got Ecclestone back? smiley - evilgrin

Doctor Who

Post 4093

RadoxTheGreen - Retired

Or Sylvester McCoy. Carrying on where the New Adventure books left off. I'd love to see how he would interpret the role with the current writers and production crew, I always thought he was excellent when they weren't pushing him to deliver 100 words per minute. smiley - tardis

Doctor Who

Post 4094

Ferrettbadger. The Renegade Master

I do hope they dont "deal" with the regeneration limit too early or conclusively. Lets be honest as much as we know the Beeb wont really kill of the Doctor due to an arbitrary plot device, there oculd be so much fun with it.

Imagine the dramatic tension that can be had if the 13th Doctor genuinely thinks that dying will be game over. If he is genuinely (to his mind) facing mortality when he is doing stuff... I think it could be great and I hope they don't miss the chance.


Doctor Who

Post 4095


Will they do anything Valeyard related - another question...

Don't forget Red Nose Day Who this Friday!


Doctor Who

Post 4096

Taff Agent of kaos

don't any of you remeber the library episodes

Dr. song's Dr. is older looking than tennant and so cannot be matt smith

she is probably a baddy who causes the death (in peoples eyes) of the Dr., he regenerates into an older actor, she is imprisoned, the Dr picks her up and rehabilitates her, they become lovers and then one morning she leaves for this expedition to the library and her death

smiley - bat

Doctor Who

Post 4097


Not quite Taff, Professor Song says DT looks so young and then, when he objects, clarifies it saying she's never seen his eyes look so young.

Which means it could be Matt Smith, one of the things he does beautifully is give the Doctor a weary, ancient edge. I love Moffat's description of him as "a young man as remembered by an old man"

Doctor Who

Post 4098


I've always felt that Davison's portrayal was underrated in that respect (young eyes belying an old soul).

Doctor Who

Post 4099


The titles of the first two eps of season 6 have been release. Is it too spoilery to mention them here?


Doctor Who

Post 4100

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

I'll have to youtube/iPlayer the Comic Relief bit. I've actually never even done that much before, and I'm almost always busy on Friday nights so I never catch them live.

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