A Conversation for Old Announcements: January - September 2011

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1 August 2002: URLs in Nicknames

Post 1

The H2G2 Editors

We have updated the House Rules to state that we do not allow URLs in Nicknames.

This is not a new policy, it has been in place for sometime but it was not specifically mentioned in the House Rules. This caused confusion for many Researchers whose names were failed on this basis. Following a request from the Community, we have rectified this and it can now be found under the sections entitled 'Please don't impersonate others' and 'Only include suitable URLs in your contributions'.

The h2g2 Editors

1 August 2002: URLs in Nicknames

Post 2

Mr Inertia - Now new, improved and mostly human!

I didn't even know you could put URL's in nicknames!

1 August 2002: URLs in Nicknames

Post 3

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

I don't even know what a URL is!

1 August 2002: URLs in Nicknames

Post 4

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

how did you get here?

smiley - bigeyes

1 August 2002: URLs in Nicknames

Post 5

Gnomon - time to move on

A URL is a web address such as www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2

1 August 2002: URLs in Nicknames

Post 6

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

*Processes this for a few seconds*
*Dumb look*
*Dumber look*
*Lightens up*
Oooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh-I see!
smiley - ok

1 August 2002: URLs in Nicknames

Post 7


Actually, it's not.

A URL (Universal Resource Locator) looks like this:

mailto:[email protected]


1 August 2002: URLs in Nicknames

Post 8

Tube - the being being back for the time being

Actually, it's a *Uniform* Resouce Locator ...

1 August 2002: URLs in Nicknames

Post 9


Oh well, I got the 'U' bit right smiley - silly

1 August 2002: URLs in Nicknames

Post 10

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

become net professor

1 August 2002: URLs in Nicknames

Post 11


Of course, URLs are really only a kind of limited version of URIs (Uniform Resource Indicators) which are used for all kinds of things - JDBC (Java DataBase Connectivity) database server paths spring most immediately to mind, much as I wish they didn't - things like


And so on.

1 August 2002: URLs in Nicknames

Post 12


smiley - geek

1 August 2002: URLs in Nicknames

Post 13


Lets get back on topic. Normal researcher's translation of Post #1:

Don't put web addresses* into your nicknames because, thanks to some amazing BBCi reasoning, you're not allowed to. So there. By the way, we've actually had this policy in place for some time, but we're only telling you know because all of the controversy over the other Announcements threads has finally finished**.


*For : Yes, I know what the differences between web addresses and URLs is, but this is supposed to be a general announcement.

** This translation is not endorsed by BBCi, the Italics or 'The h2g2 Editors'.

1 August 2002: URLs in Nicknames

Post 14


'Clarification of last post ('cause I'm not an italic and therefore can't edit my posts smiley - grr):

'we're only telling you know' = 'we're only telling you now'
'For : Yes...' = 'For smiley - geeks: Yes'

1 August 2002: URLs in Nicknames

Post 15


Yes, I'm a smiley - geek. I like it that way.

1 August 2002: URLs in Nicknames

Post 16

random fat bird

Watch out! It'll be smiley - handbags at ten paces!

1 August 2002: URLs in Nicknames

Post 17


*doesn't see any handbags*

smiley - huh

1 August 2002: URLs in Nicknames

Post 18


I was going to say something pithy and insightful here but somehow I can't be bothered.

1 August 2002: URLs in Nicknames

Post 19


Like the Translation Robertsmiley - ok


1 August 2002: URLs in Nicknames

Post 20


You're welcome smiley - smiley! I was going to make it a /little/ more sarcastic, but I figured it might get moderated smiley - winkeye.

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