A Conversation for The Dutch Researchers Club

Dutch Meet 2003?

Post 1


The time has come to consider the best date options etc for a meet this year - before the diary becomes too cluttered with other h2g2 events! smiley - ok

Please post your suggestions in this forum. smiley - cheers

shazz smiley - magic

Dutch Meet 2003?

Post 2

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

Great ideasmiley - ok

We will be sunbathing in La Palma from 11-10 to 25-10, so I suggest the weekend of either 27-9 or 4-10.

Dutch Meet 2003?

Post 3

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

No-one else?
smiley - sadface

Dutch Meet 2003?

Post 4

Post Team

Apparently not as yet - I'll give it a bit of publicity! smiley - winkeye

shazz smiley - thepost

Dutch Meet 2003?

Post 5

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

To keep it all together, Terry Teadreg stated:

"A Dutch Researchers meeting in the Autumn would be nice, I would like to be there. As far as I can tell now, I will be in Rome from 1-4 October and away on a short Herfstvakantie, whenever that may be this season (12-19 October?)."

Dutch Meet 2003?

Post 6

Kheldar (Don't hate the media, Become the media)

Hey, I'm up for it smiley - biggrin!!
TM and I may even get around to the omelet on the Afsluitdijk plan this time smiley - winkeye
The date doesn't matter much to me, I'm more or less free on alle the dates suggested so far smiley - smiley

Dutch Meet 2003?

Post 7


Yeah, Dutch people here! I am sorry to be stumbling in like this, but I just joined H2G2 and came across the Dutch page... thought I'd say hi and maybe come to the meeting too? I don't know how to become a member though, so if someone could please explain that to me?

Bye, Jacqueline

(Living near Amsterdam)

Dutch Meet 2003?

Post 8


Hi there Angelasgf - or Jacqueline - which do you prefer?

I have just added you and Terry to the members list so you are both now officially members. smiley - smiley

If you have time check a few links on the A614503 Dutch Researchers Home Page and you'll see that we are not overly verbal but certainly have a good time here!

At the moment the Meet is just in the planning stages, but I expect it will centre around Alphen again as quite a few of us actually live here plus we have ready access to Het Kasteel for entertainment and smiley - alesmiley - winkeye

If you need any help finding your way around h2g2 just yell - I see that you have StealthKam as your ACE, so he'll be only too happy to help you too.

shazz smiley - thepost

Dutch Meet 2003?

Post 9


Hi Shazz,

Thanks for the info and for adding me to the members list. I have never been made a member from something without actually doing anything. smiley - smiley

I'll check the links on H2G2 but it will take me some time, because people on here are very talkative! I love it here already... hopefully going to make some friends here, maybe even some more Dutch Friends! Is there any place where I can talk to you about hobbies and stuff? Or can I just do that here? I am sorry, but I am a newbie, remember, so please be easy with me! smiley - winkeye

Bye, Jacqueline

PS: Doesn't matter which name you use...whatever you like. If you use my nickname though it should be Angelasgf (with the sgf at the end). Angela is my gf... so that's why: Angelas gf... smiley - smiley
Jacqueline is my normal name, so use whichever you like!

Dutch Meet 2003?

Post 10


Hey Shazz
How you be?
Its Nonametraveller here,back in the land of h2g2,and probably here for a while to come.
Can you ever forgive me for just disappearing...i kind of do that sometimes.In a nutshell i have been in the bush to a very large extent over the last 18 months or so,rarely in front of a computer,and even on the odd occasion when i was it was getting very painful trying to download the site.....seems to be a lot easier now...perhaps because i am in a differant place on a differant line.
Anyway,i do apologise for not letting you all know that i was not going to be around for a while...time just sort of went by...as it does.
I do hope i hear from you


Dutch Meet 2003?

Post 11

Tube - the being being back for the time being

smiley - footprints

Just gimme a date and I'll see what I can do.

smiley - cheers

Dutch Meet 2003?

Post 12


Give me a month and I'll let you know what weekends I can do. smiley - smiley I might even take a day off work to get over a bit earlier. If the vet doesn't steal too much of my money, and leaves a bit for me!

Dutch Meet 2003?

Post 13

Post Team

Hi Noname smiley - smiley

I'll drop by your space asap. smiley - winkeye

Good luck with the vets then Mina - the Meet date can certainly wait for a month. smiley - ok

Tube!!! smiley - biggrinsmiley - kiss

Now - where's that Sir Bossel when we need him eh? smiley - winkeye

shazz smiley - thepost

Dutch Meet 2003?

Post 14


Yes please, I'd love to come up from Luxembourg!

It's my 42th birthday on 12th October, so that might be a cool date...I had originally proposed a Lux meet to celebrate, but I doubt if there'd be many takers, so how about a Benelux meet instead?

Other than that, Autumn weekends are looking empty at the mo

Dutch Meet 2003

Post 15

Terry Teadreg

Just a thought...

A number of Dutch(-based) Researchers play an instrument. Wouldn't it be nice (smiley - musicalnoteto get on with me ladysmiley - musicalnote...sorry, got carried away)
Wouldn't it be nice to have people bring their instruments to the Dutch Meet (apart from the drummers, that is)?

Just a thought...

smiley - cheers Terry

Dutch Meet 2003

Post 16

Post Team

smiley - biggrin

That sounds a great idea Terry - Don't forget to contact TowelMaster via the Het Kasteel website if you are interested in your band playing there btw.

I'm trying to make some sense of the dates and it looks as if, so far, most of October is out for various people - sorry Luckystar, we'll have to celebrate your 42nd early or late! - , which leaves us with the weekend of 27th September or wait and go for the 1st November - Hallowe'en and (English) bonfire night rolled into one!

So, end of September when the weather may still be kind or November when it could be cruel! Decisions, decisions...

shazz smiley - thepost


Post 17

Terry Teadreg

Hi shazz,

The band is a bit under the weather at the moment. Our solo guitarist broke his leg a few weeks ago and the singer Vilna is extremely pregnant at the moment (and that won't go away until at least the end of September).
We plan to make a new demo CD sometime this Autumn, so I guess we'll have to wait for that. Unless the Kasteel wants to book a cover band in the blind...

smiley - cheersTerry

Dutch Meet 2003

Post 18


Well, I am curious what the date is going to be. I don't have anything booked yet on those dates. Then again, I am not one of those people to have my agenda booked half a year in advance...

Hey, for all the Dutch people: My gf and I will be going to the movie: De Schippers van de Kameleon. Any of you going? We are 27 and 46, but we are just curious because all of us read the books...

Bye, Jacqueline

Dutch Meet 2003

Post 19

Marjin, After a long time of procrastination back lurking

As part of the meets usually are held outdoors, with smiley - ale and on a terrace, I think we should go for a time where the chance to get good weather is the best. So rather septembersmiley - ok than novembersmiley - brr.

Dutch Meet 2003

Post 20

Post Team

smiley - ok

Let's go for the weekend of 27th September then - it looks as if everyone is available! smiley - smiley

shazz smiley - thepost

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