Terry Teadreg - Spoiler of Romantic Evenings

Greetings and especially to you :
Welcome to a Romantic Evening...

My real name is Koos*, but since lots of Brits keep pronouncing it the wrong way*, I have adopted an alias. My nickname is derived from the name of the first band I was in some 20 years ago: Terry and The Teadregs. I still play in a band, there's even a bloke from the original band still with me, my mate Gabriel. These days the band is called Sueperman's Big Sister, named after an Ian Dury song. Other band names we sported over the years are Knickers In A Twist, The Roaring Panties, The Cereal Killers and The Steamy Widows (not Windows!). I reckon none of these ring a bell, we never were (and will be) famous. We just play covers of songs we love, oldies, lots of Rolling Stones, songs by The Clash, Paul Simon, Cockney Rebel, Mickey Jupp, modern stuff like Dandy Warhols.

I am the bassplayer and smiley - musicalnotesingersmiley - musicalnote and I have this thing with cables and wires...

Musicians' Guild Member

Keeper of Tenpole Tudor Lyrics

For several months I have been slaving to decipher the higly unintelligible lyrics of the songs by Edward Tudorpole and his cronies.

Together with a British friend (cheers Mel!) we managed to crack all songs but one. All this work was to be published on a fan site that contained only four lyrics when I stumbled upon it. Now that most of them are finished, the site has vanished, so it has all been in vain, really. smiley -

If you want to claim your own Keeper title check out the Keepers page.

The myth of 42

2*(1^8)*(7+(7*2)) = 42. It used to be my age for the best part of a year smiley - erm, but 44 doesn't really feel that much older...

Spoiling Romantic Evenings

About 25 years ago I met my wife.* You would think that after such a long time I should be an expert in Detecting Moods, Guessing What's Wrong, Knowing How To Please. Well I'm not. The reason for this is that Men Never Really Grow Up.

Sorry, ladies, we just keep behaving like the little monsters we were at fourteen. There's is this great picture all over the Internet that captures this phenomenon extremely well. The caption goes "How Men Spoil A Romantic Evening". The picture shows a very attractive female reclining in a king-size bath. Bottle of champers (pink!) within reach, candles, the lot. From the upper left corner one can see a male person approaching the aforementioned bath flying at the speed of light, hands clasped around the ankles, with the clear intention to enter the same bath with a Huge Splash.

Anyone with only the slightest knowledge of the female mind can tell that this action will definitely put an end to any romantic proceedings later that day.

Anyone with a male mind can tell that this man is, for obvious reasons, just extremely eager to enter the bath. Why doesn't she understand that?

My favourite drink

British smiley - alesmiley - stout are the best in the world, at least I think most of them are. In Holland everybody just swigs lager. The occasional non-lager beers brewed in The Netherlands are always too sweet and they tend to get even sweeter with each new season. So I go for a decent smiley - ale whenever I get the chance smiley - cheers

Microbes are fun!

Many tiny organisms do not get the respect they deserve. I, as a food microbiologist, feel that they need our support! Were would we be without all these lovely products of microbial activities, like cheese and bread and beers and yoghurt and salami?


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Terry Teadreg

Researcher U218772

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