A Conversation for Writing Guidelines

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Post 21


i got that backwords - i think i may need some more sleep. =)
Q: What did the pig with no legs say to the pig with legs?
A: You've got legs.

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Post 22


"The key to all motivation broke off in the lock. Damn."


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Post 23


i always thought infinity was light blue...

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Post 24

Mr Know-it-all

The problem we have with infinity is that we are thinking of it as a number. It isn't. It is the lack of a number. It is the idea that there is no number which is the last. So we can't do math with it.
On the other end is zero, which is a number, but mathematical operations are about quantities, and zero is not a quantity. By the way, what numbers squared produce numbers smaller than themselves? smiley - winkeye

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Post 25

Fission Chips

If it takes two of you to make a complete idiot, then you must be a half wit.

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Post 26


Any fraction less than 1, when squared gives a number smaller than itself. The square of 1/2 is 1/4, etc.

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Post 27


i thing your'e all wrong, infinity is a concept, not a number, and it IS light blue, ok?

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Post 28


aye caramba...infinity is simply a limit...a mathematical concept that allows those silly-looking formulas to make themselves useful and do things like pay the rent, wash the dishes, and mow the grass. Remember, a useful mathematical concept is a happy mathematical concept...

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Post 29


OK, look, i dont CARE about mathematical concepts, i'm just saying that it's blue, OK!!!!!??!?!??!?

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Post 30


yes, but it's sort of a dark navy blue, perhaps with a hint of magenta thrown in for funsies...

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Post 31


Mmmmmm light blue ?? I always thought it was a dark, deep forbidding hint of navy ! still depends on how much youve smoked I suppose

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Post 32


OK a joke . "Blind man walks into a supermarket with his guide dog. Walks down the first aisle, picks up his dog and starts waving it around his head. The supermarket manager comes up and asks him what he's doing - "Just having a look round " says the blind man.

Well it made me laugh.

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Post 33


hehe that's a good one.

As for the colour of infinity ... I always thought it was transparent with a hint of blue.

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Post 34


well ok, it's a kind of REEEEEALLY light blue that it's kind of hard to tell distances in. smiley - fish

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Post 35


Whatever color it is, I've heard tell it's infinitely annoying...

smiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fish
(fish to the infinite power)

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Post 36


and infinitely UNannoying...

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Post 37


is this conversation finite with a pinch of salt

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Post 38


and one other thing, indefinite is slightly larger and a hell of a lot harder to work out than infinite, possibly

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Post 39


not to mention improbable...

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Post 40

Stoo (researcher 35684)

And I have no idea what you mean... but then again... I might?

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