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The Seelie Court adventure

Post 1

Dizzy H. Muffin

[The Dragon Mountains, collectively, look like a dragon's scaly back. Seen from a nearby hill, they look dark and foreboding. Or maybe it's just the fact that the sun is setting past them]

The Seelie Court adventure

Post 2

Researcher 168814

[E-zara*k]AAAAH! Just look ät thät sätting sun! I wish I were home in my cäve, where ä warm fire´d be wäiting for me! Thou art realy sure, we wont to vänture forth to these hights?

The Seelie Court adventure

Post 3

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Ribald] The messenger from the Seelie Court said, "go this way", so this way we go. And that wizard managed to confirm that he wasn't from the Unseelie Court.

The Seelie Court is the realm of good-hearted and helpful fairies and other magical creatures.

The Unseelie Court is the realm of evil-hearted and harmful fairies etc.

Either way, messengers from them say that they're from the Seelie Court.

The Seelie Court adventure

Post 4

Researcher 168814

[E-zara*k] Well, oh Ribäld, so lät us try and find a place to cook bräckfäst. It is alwäys ä goode time for the bräckfäst! *Opens his pouch and draws out one pieve of dwarfbread.*

The Seelie Court adventure

Post 5

Sylvia, pokémon trainer(with her Oddish)(Minister of emerald green, keeper of green magic)

Ok, I'm not familiar with this particular area, but in my experience all the nasty beasts and such have a tendency to come out at night. Do we want to set up camp here, or travel by night? I personally would prefer to get going, but staying here is certainly a viable option.

Suggestions, anybody?

smiley - smileysmiley - catsmiley - smiley

The Seelie Court adventure

Post 6

Researcher 168814

I suggäst, we have ä light bräckfast and see thät we get moving. Häve you äny ideä if there is some mäp of the pläce äcälible?

The Seelie Court adventure

Post 7

Dizzy H. Muffin

Er, there seems to be some confusion about what time of day it is. It's supposed to be in the evening. smiley - bigeyes

[Ribald] I dunno. I'm a warrior, not a tactician.

The Seelie Court adventure

Post 8

Researcher 168814

Any time is a good time for breakfast. Do Dwarfs acutally care for the rising and setting sun, if they are down in their caves singing GOLD GOLD GOLD GOLD...?

[E-zara*k]smiley - erm I don´t think we need täctics. We need some kind of guidänce...

Änyone goode ät calling ä spirit? We could of course continue to the first bridge änd river älong this road. Thäre is bound to be one...

[T-kära+k] [Content removed by E]

The Seelie Court adventure

Post 9

Uncle Heavy [sic]

*hobbles* yeth marthter

The Seelie Court adventure

Post 10

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Ribald] We don't need to summon spirits. Let's just continue on the road.

The Seelie Court adventure

Post 11

Researcher 168814

[E-zara*k pulling T-kära*k behind him]*Starts humming 'Hit the road, T-kära*k, änd don´t come bäck no more no more...'*

Häy, Mustäfäwick! I guess you are good ät putting things together! Häve ä look ät this remnänts of my mäp!
[Hands Map to Mustafa(wick)...]

The Seelie Court adventure

Post 12

Uncle Heavy [sic]

yeth marthter

*puts map together*

The Seelie Court adventure

Post 13

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Ribald] [grabbing the map and pointing] Okay, so if we go here, we should have clear sailing, and from there we take a left here, a right there, and then go straight for seventy-seven paces ...

[The next person who posts will notice that Ribald is holding the map upside-down and they will say so ... I hope]

The Seelie Court adventure

Post 14


*runs after the others with her pet dragon, Dina*

[Elena] Here you are! I thought I'd never find you again! Where are we going?

*takes a look at the map without noticing it's upside down and pretends understanding something of it*

*Dina spots the map, grabs it into its mouth and eats it*

The Seelie Court adventure

Post 15

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Ribald] HEY! We needed that map! ... I think!

The Seelie Court adventure

Post 16

Uncle Heavy [sic]

Don't worry mrthter. I have an unerring thenth of directhion.

The Seelie Court adventure

Post 17

Researcher 168814

[E-zarak] I think I will just try to get to thä bridge before thäre is nothing more to see. Häve you got ä torch for me? Mustapha(wick)?

The Seelie Court adventure

Post 18

Dizzy H. Muffin

I suggest Mustafawick have more intelligence and personality than the lack thereof he seems to be displaying. There are many adventures that wouldn't have been possible without the, er, efforts of the henchmen involved. Not that the heroes ever let that out. smiley - winkeye

The Seelie Court adventure

Post 19

Researcher 168814

I think that henchman isn´t playing daft. He is just playing on his inteligence. And we haven´t yet realy started of to get to see his IQ..

[E-zara*k]Anyone seen my dragon?

The Seelie Court adventure

Post 20

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Ribald] Huh? No, I haven't.

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