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The h2g2 team

Post 121


By the way, I'm Breton Slivka,
Denver, Colorado USA

Oh no. Not again.

Post 122

Researcher 173727

Yet another brilliant life has been cut down at an absurdly young age. I am deeply saddened by the news, and feel robbed that there will be no more of his peerless creativity. I was always secretly hoping for a sixth addition to the HH trilogy, or the next installment of Dirk Gently.

I thank Douglas for being with me in spirit for the last 15 years. I have read little else but his books in rotation, and they never fail to amuse or inspire... even on the twentieth reading.

Such a sharp, unique imagination in a writer with a wonderful, effortless turn of phrase.

Thankyou, Douglas, for all those moments.

The h2g2 team

Post 123

Researcher 173731

The world is a poorer place....

The h2g2 team

Post 124


Just heard the terrible news. I'm shocked and deeply saddened. Goodbye Douglas. You'll be sorely missed. smiley - sadface

The h2g2 team

Post 125


My sincere condolances to Douglas' family and friends...

This is a great loss. smiley - sadface

The h2g2 team

Post 126


What else can I add to what has already been said, only that we'll all miss you, but there's a family who will miss you more. A sad day, a terrible waste. J.

The h2g2 team

Post 127

Rush That Speaks

This boulder we're stuck under, how big would you say it was: roughly..?

Where God Went Wrong...

Post 128

Obi Shawn

I just learned the news from a colleague at a party - I'm still kind of dazed.
Since I'm an artist, I express myself visually. I wanted to show how I feel in an image.. I'd be honored if you'd check it out. Feel free to swipe it if it sums up how you feel.

Connect from my space:

Joo-Jantas black with sorrow,

Obi Shawn

Where God Went Wrong...

Post 129


My deepest sympathy to Douglas' family, and friends.

The h2g2 team

Post 130

Guru Bear

All life is just a moment in time and space - but some moments are simply louder and more entertaining than others. Douglas Adams' was one of those.

As God said, "I apologise for the inconvenience."

Guru Bear

The h2g2 team

Post 131

Titus Andronicus

Douglas, who is undoubtedly the founder of this whole 'h2g2' concept, is a true inspiration to us all. And I have received much enjoyment from his work, and shall be sure to introduce it to others.

It has been a pleasure to read/watch/listen to all that he has done; and it is a great shame that he is not with us any longer. I am GENUINELY saddened by this titanic, 'brobdingnagian' loss.

Mr. Adams, you shall be missed. smiley - sadface

My best regards are directed toward his family,
Rhys Tranter/Titus Andronicus

The h2g2 team

Post 132

Hawley Smoot

Well, the world seems a bit dimmer now.
What amazingly terrible news.
Condolences to his family, and thank you to Douglas.
He gave me so much, including the topic of conversation I used the first time I talked to my true love.
Thank you thank you thank you.

The h2g2 team

Post 133


Condolences to Douglas's family for their loss. Goodbye and goodluck on your final travels.

The h2g2 team

Post 134

Max the miserable

Please accept my condolences to you all upon the occurence of this tragic event. With the creation of H2G2 (...and I mean the very beginning...), this person provided a facility for a wholly new method of viewing the hitherto 'mystical' world of the 'scientist'.
He should be remembered ( venerated, really ) for doing this.

For myself, I am still "in shock" after receipt of the news via the midnight summary upon the Radio Four.

The h2g2 team

Post 135


*big smiley - hug to all*

Pegasus ~carrying a black towel~

The h2g2 team

Post 136

Slartibartfast's Helper

Oh no. No.

I was eating when I heard. The ominous tone of death in the newsreader's voice was clear from the first word. I'm not sure what to say.

I'm still young, only 13, and I have a (hopefuly) long and fulfilling life ahead of me. I read HHGG last year, all five books in 2 weeks, and Douglas Adams was the first author who really *touched* me. His writing was such an expression of who he was - there was humour, cynicism, love, optimism, pessimism, LIFE. I don't know Douglas Adams. But his writing made me think I did. That's some achievement.

It's almost sad that Douglas died of something as earthly and mundane as a heart attack. I feel as though he should have been blasted into space and kidnapped by the Vogon mafia. It would seem more fitting, more in his spirit. I only wish he could still be here.

Still be here to cheer me up, to make me laugh when everyone else is crying, to make me think when everyone else is vegetating. But wait a minute! He is! His books are here. Here for us all. They are such a wonderful legacy.

RIZ (Rest In Zanyness), Douglas.

The h2g2 team

Post 137

Babel o' fish...back to earning a crust!

To the guy who has helped me smile through the last 20 years, thank you.
To his family - many people all over the world are sharing some of your sorrow. Doesn't help I know but....


So long...

Post 138

flammable flower

I was shocked by the news and I'd like to send my sincere condolences to his family. He was definitely a man ahead of his time.

Cheers and goodbye Douglas.

The h2g2 team

Post 139


My deepest condolences and it is truly saddening to learn this tragic news. He will be missed by us all.

You live on in our hearts Dougie!

smiley - sadface

The h2g2 team

Post 140


I'd like to offer my sincere condolences to Douglas's family and friends.

There is much that I'd like to add, most of which has already been posted by fellow researchers who have spoken so eloquently. I shall just say that I hope Douglas's work continues to live on as a memorial to a very talented individual who shall be sorely missed.

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